Full Title: If This Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right
Summary: Everything just has to happen to Harry Potter doesn't it? Becoming some kind of extinct Japanese creature isn't enough, no. Now Now the scent of people he doesn't even know is turning him and he keeps getting strange cravings for raw meat. No, human flesh... What a wonderful year this will be. Dumbledore and Weasley bashing. Canon through 'til 6th year. Reviews are appreciated.
Pairings: Draco/OMC((name to be disclosed))/Harry, LuciusxNarcissaxSnape,
Rating and Warnings: ~the tune of the Fun Song from Spongebob~
M means mature, this fic ain't for kiddies
Mpreg will be contained
If you don't like slash, you have been warned
And flamers can kiss my *bleeeep*
~does the laughing part~
A/N: Chello my wonderful readers ^^
Soooo, this idea has been in my head for about two years now. I've always wanted to try my hand at a Harry Potter creature fic, I just always though it would come out far too similar to the amazing creature fics out there *cough*RiseoftheDrakens*cough* and *cough*ThereBeDragonsHarry*cough*. I would NEVER want to do that. Those fics are amazingly awesome in their own right and I would NEVER mooch off of their ideas. If at any time the things in this story become familiar, please tell me. I would either rewrite the whole thing or just delete it if it came to that.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, it means a lot!
P.S. This is cannon through to the 5th year.
Chapter 1: Discovering Fear
Harry crawled up the stairs from the kitchen to his room. His entire body ached with the beating he'd just received from his uncle. It wasn't his fault that Aunt Petunia decided to take over the cooking when he was almost done and burned the whole meal. He was told to make it again, made to watch as everyone ate without a crumb for himself, then beaten black and blue for screwing up the first time.
By Merlin, he hated those people. He wanted to curse them to high hell, but he couldn't, not yet. No, he wasn't even sixteen yet; the Trace was still on him. He could feel something coming though. Something was going to happen soon.
Hold on. Just hold on until then, he told himself as he heard the eight locks on his room door snap shut. Hedwig sent him a concerned hoot and he smiled sadly at her, splitting his lip again.
"I'll be fine, Hedwig. Don't you worry," his voice was scratchy from his earlier screams of pain and he licked his lips to stop the bleeding. He tried to drag his bruised body onto his bed, only to let out a strangled yelp. Tears that he tried to hold back were now flowing freely down his face. It hurt. It hurt so much. He curled into a ball on his floor after a blow of pain. What if he was dying?
"Hedwig!" he yelled, his voice hysterical in panic. She flew from her perch on his bed and nipped his hand in concern. "Send the emergency letter to Remus," He had a backup plan if he ever felt as though he was in worse danger with his relatives than normal. This was in the form of a letter that would tell whomever he sent it to what was going on.
"Hurry!" Harry exclaimed in distress. The pain hurt too much, he could feel his mind setting up higher barriers to save him from the pain. He used his last bit of strength to magically open his room widow to allow Hedwig an escape route. The last thing he saw was Hedwig's white body swooping about the room with a letter in her beak, and then it all went black.
A white tiger prowled the streets, using the shadows to blend into the dark. She once again cursed her color, wishing that she had been born like her brothers, black as the night. Her fur made it much too easy for the mortal eye to spot her, not to mention the white fire that wrapped around her tail. No matter, she honestly didn't care if she was spotted tonight, she could always just eat the mortal.
Weaving through the shadows, she came upon her destination. She was about to change into her human form when she felt a jolt of pain. She growled and crouched to the ground. Her Bonded Charge was hurt. More than hurt, he was near Death. She could not let him die! Screw the mortals, she was taking her Charge and bringing him to safety.
She opened her mind to search the house for her Charge but found nothing. She blinked her scarlet eyes in confusion. She had felt it, the pain and suffering of her Charge. She felt him as if he was a breath away from her; then it was gone. She knew in her heart that he was not dead, just disappeared.
She growled loudly in anger. This was the umpteenth time that she'd felt her Charge and he'd disappeared. She wanted to storm the mortal home and take him to her Clan. She couldn't do this if he kept hiding from her. Giving one last search, which came to nothing, she fled once again to the shadows and back to her Clan.
Had she turned around before leaving, she would have seen the snowy owl flying hurriedly out of the topmost window of the house she had been searching.
-wrong? right?-
"Silvia-chan, where is your Charge?" a deep voice called from behind the tiger. She had just arrived back from her search to tell her Clan the news. The man was broad shouldered and tall (about 6 feet), with fiery red hair. His skin was a tan color and his coal colored eyes burned with a sort of wisdom. His jaw was set and firm though the lines around his mouth and eyes showed that he laughed a lot. He looked like any other forty year old man, other than the fact that there were cat ears of the same color as his hair at the top of his head. A red tail swooshed behind him in anticipation, though his face was void of emotion.
The tiger shivered as though cold and shed her fur, becoming a tall woman (she was taller than the first man) who looked to be about twenty with coco colored skin. She moved her braid of long white hair to her shoulder as her scarlet eyes flickered in anger. She turned to the man and gave him a low bow before speaking.
"He disappeared once more, Tama-senpai," she said, her voice low in anger. "Curse those mortals that keep his natural form hidden from me," she spat in a sudden wave of anger. She could feel her Charge's pain so acutely sometimes that it made her sick. "He is my Halfling. I should be the only allot to punish him if he needs punishing. No one should be able to -"
Tama placed a comforting hand oh her shoulder to silence her, his coal eyes softening in her fury.
"Silvia," he dropped the formalities for a moment, sensing her distress. "When he is ready, you will be called to him," Silvia nodded her head sadly. It was normal for a Mentor to feel a pulse of their Charge's being before they were Changed. Usually it was a heartbeat or a thought, not this torturing pain. Gritting her teeth, she blinked the moisture out of her eyes.
"He is so hurt, Tama-senpai," her hands turned to fists in her effort to keep from crying for her Charge. "He is pained to his very soul,"
"Hush," Tama pulled Silvia into a hug, her head resting on his shoulder. "You will have your Charge.. and your revenge," he held her at arm's length to see the fire burn in her eyes at the word revenge. "I sense it soon," he added. She blinked once more, this time to hide the glee in her eyes at the thought of vengeance for her Charge. No one had the right to break him like that.
She nodded to Tama. "I will wait," she said, and turned to leave him. She gave the floor a wicked smile. She'd avenge her Charge after his Change. Now it was time to prepare.