
Racine Crawford/24

Stryker/Alexander Crawford/ 37/Racine's half brother

Naturally Stephanie Plum and Joseph Morelli and some of the other assorted kooky friends and family

Ranger in Danger

Chapter One

The Adventure Begins

Something, some sixth sense woke me alerting me that something wasn't right. I didn't have to worry about intruders getting inside the compound. The only one ever to break through the tight security had been my brother Alex.

Alex only tolerated me calling him by his given name because he loved me. It isn't a name he felt any sort of attachment for or duty to pass on. Having been abandoned by our father at an early age Alex had no familial bond with anyone but me.

Two years ago he had somehow gotten through all our security measures. He approached me on the running path I use every day for exercise. Being locked away all my life without much interaction with the general public instead of being afraid as any normal person would be I felt intrigued by his ingenuity. I knew how difficult getting in undetected had been as I designed the system and oversaw its installation. I'd been fifteen at the time. I'd been bored and asked my parents if I could design a new system. They said of course. Since it is their goal to have me learn and store knowledge designing challenging programs fit right into their program for me.

I'm a tall woman with an athletic build. Alex put me to shame. His six foot seven, wide shouldered body shouted out health and vigor as well as looking like a trained assassin. Later, I found out that is part of his job, not a part he likes or often has to fulfill but if directed or the occasion offered no other choice he took down his quarry then moved on without a glance over his shoulder or regret in his eyes.

Over the last two years I also learned he can be a loving and caring person, not that he likes to admit that. Once you've won his respect and trust he'd lay his life down for you without hesitation, no questions asked.

Having found me after over two decades searching it took us a few months to feel comfortable enough to exchange any real personal information. I suspect Alex, or rather Striker as he prefers, knows everything about me and my parents right down to the color of our underwear.

Right from the start it became clear he disapproved of the way I had been brought up. I tried to defend my lifestyle by explaining someone with my gifts would be hounded by unscrupulous people in the outside world. He'd snorted then muttered something he wouldn't repeat when I asked him what he said.

I don't know why or how but for some reason God saw fit to bless me with an intelligent level the scientific and academic communities have not been able to accurately gage. Apparently I am some freak of nature, one who must live in near solitude just to be safe. Reading is not a joy it is a necessity, one that I complete rapidly while storing the knowledge inside mental files inside my head. Who knows when that knowledge will be needed.

The only people allowed through the front gates were my personal physician and assorted tradesmen. Even the companies hiring me to work my magic for them aren't allowed entrance into the inner sanctum. Stryker became the exception after many mini tantrums from me. I suspect it was more my refusal to do any work that gained me permission to see Stryker.

Now he was here in the middle of the night having snuck into my room. The hairs on my arms rose right along with the ones on the back of my neck. I am not accustomed to feeling fear so I'm not certain this is what I am experiencing. Whatever it is I don't like it.

"Racine, you need to get up and get dressed. Do it as fast as you can. I'll grab as much of your clothes as I can get into the suitcase then we have to go," he said as he quickly set to work opening drawers then grabbing an armful of garments from my closet. He stood for a moment looking at the sparse collection. He'd cleaned my closet leaving half the suitcase unfilled.

"Stryker, what is going on? Stop for a minute. Talk to me. Your scaring me," I said with an unusual loud volume to my voice. I never yell or scream, other than my tantrum to get Stryker into my life legitimately.

"Sweetheart, if I had time to explain I surely would but we don't have that luxury. My best guess is we have an hour, two tops, before this compound is invaded and overrun by hostiles. Trust me, please. You know I love you and wouldn't let anything happen to you, true?"

"Yes," I simply said knowing it to be true.

"Then please believe I am doing this to keep you safe. I don't have time to explain now but as soon as we are far enough away to be somewhat safe I'll tell you everything I know," he said taking my hands in his transferring some unknown message to me by his strength of will alone.

"Alright but what about Jane and Howard? They must be warned as well," I said noticing his grimace when I referred to my parents by their given names. This was something they encouraged not something I preferred. For whatever reason, they set themselves apart from me by being as disconnected as possible while still overseeing my upbringing. I didn't feel toward them as I do toward Striker. I care for them but I can't say I love them and I am pretty sure they donn't love me. They never told me so at any rate. In twenty four years they would have told me they loved me wouldn't they?

"Your…Jane and Howard aren't in the compound. I'll explain that later too." For a moment something like sadness flitted across his face and filled his blue eyes. I've noticed before our strong resemblance. Our eyes are the same dark cloud blue. We also share the same blond hair. I suppose it was from our Nordic heritage.

I understand why my brother hates our father but why did that hatred extend to my mother? She hadn't been around when Howard left his first wife heavy with child over thirty years ago.

"Trust me," he implored me once again.

"Alright, but I want the full details as soon as possible," I demanded. Sometimes out of nowhere this surge of power and surety takes over me. I become someone else, something else, someone able to take the world on showing no mercy. That other person disturbs. I don't really know how extensive her powers are but I think they're awesomely scary.

"Deal," he said. He added a couple pair of shoes. Since I don't have jewelry or anything remotely personal after packing my clothes the room looked like it hadn't been occupied other than the bed still remained unmade. Why have clothing or useless feminine trappings if no one will see them but me and my parents?

Stryker shot me a glance that looked suspiciously like pity. I wanted to call him on that look but since he claimed time was of the essence I put that on the back burner for later reference. Since total recall was one of my many talents he'd never be off the hook until we hashed this out or one of us died. I shivered with foreboding, another never before felt emotion. I never realized just how shutoff my emotions had been until my brother came into my life. I felt more alive when he was around than I did at any other time I can remember.

Swiftly he guided me through the house. I knew it inside out. I could walk through it at night blindfolded without any mishap. From Striker's confident steps it seemed like he'd been inside more times than I knew about.

Outside the night was dark and moonless. A slight breeze stirred the tendrils of hair that escaped the long braid at my back. It also carried the distinct odor of gasoline. Heavy fumes wafted up my nose nearly gagging me.

"Son of a bit…gun," he cursed angrily catching himself just before saying what he really wanted to say. For some reason he thought he couldn't use such language in my presence. True no one around me says such words. I surely don't. He thinks I am too innocent for such harsh words. Perhaps I have been denied being a part of the real world but this life is all I've ever known.

Now he was dragging me rather than gently pulling me behind him. Being a foot taller than me with much longer legs I had to take two very wide strides for every one of his. The gates were open. Not a single soul crossed our path demanding to know what my brother was doing. That along with the fact that the attack dogs weren't growling while tearing at the intruder's leg gave me a bad feeling. Now more than ever I had to believe Striker when he said all was not right in my world.

Some big black vehicle filled the opening where the gates should have been. The front end was smashed in the tiniest bit, actually only the bumper had a couple dents. I suppose the rather large push guard on the front kept the radiator from being destroyed along with the whole front end of the truck.

"No time to knock. No one was home anyway other than you," he said giving me a quick look no doubt wondering if I realized my parent's left me totally alone and undefended either by choice or by force. Neither set well with me right now. My world had a crack in it that kept spreading. How long before it completely tore apart?

Stuffing me into the front seat then stowing my suitcase in the rear he hopped into the driver's seat. Foot to the floor we shot off as if jet propelled. In fact I'm pretty sure this car had some nonmarket engine under the hood. In all likelihood it was one of my designs. I felt something that must be pride fill my chest with warmth. I've read about emotions, it's just that I've not had a chance to experience very many of them. My time has always been filled with study, learn, create then repeat the process.

The world outside is unknown to me for the most part. I have internet but am limited to programs designated by those in control of my life. I could override the safety measures if I'd ever been left alone with my computer. Whatever room I occupied had at least one other person, a person I am not allowed to interact with as a safety precaution according to Jane and Howard. Now I am not so sure. Now, letting my brother into my life I started to have doubts. What to do with them wasn't something that came easily for me.

Who wants to suspect the people who are supposed to love them above all else is manipulating the facts for some unknown reason. Given enough time I'd have gotten to the bottom of this mystery. Truth is I felt disinclined about changing, being thrown out into a world I didn't know, a world I'd not been a part of in any real way.

I've never been kissed, had a boyfriend, in fact, I've never had a friend of any sort. Stryker is my first and only contact with the outside world and due to the deal with my parents our encounters were limited as far as information exchanges went.

It struck me now just how much I didn't know about my brother. I knew a little about his job. His boss, someone called Ranger, had a base office in a place called Trenton located in the state of New Jersey. Of all the places he could live he picked New Jersey? Of course Stryker did say Ranger had family living there. He didn't see them often but knowing they were close was something I suppose.

It didn't take long to reach the island airport. We bypassed the building where passengers were required to check in. Since this is a private island owned by a few select people security is located around the island rather than within the island other than each compound's own security measures. How many compounds dotted the island I didn't know or who owned them. I knew the men inside ours carried some heavy firepower. It hadn't ever been needed as our security was almost impenetrable. No system is without flaws it just takes time to find them. I made sure ours were very hard to find or override. Striker is the only one who ever had.

We skidded to a stop in front of a small jet painted all black. In large letters was a logo RangeMan. Obviously Ranger didn't have creativity in his gene pool. Then again, it sort of said it all didn't it?

A mountain of a man slid down the rails of the steps rather than take them one at a time. He jogged toward us. I was certain I heard the tarmac cracking. Did he make his own clothes and shoes? I haven't come across any online stores selling Sasquatch clothing or boots.

"Listen and don't argue with me. I have to leave you now. I can protect you better if we aren't together. For now they are following me. It won't be long before they'll pick up your scent no matter how good it's covered. They think I have the info. I don't but I can't disabuse them of that fact without putting you in danger." Taking a breath he quickly continued just as I was about to hurl a barrage of questions peppered with demands at him.

"Einstein, if I could do this any other way believe me I would. You'll be okay with Jolly. He'll stay with you until he can deposit you at RangeMan headquarters. After that you'll be safe while I sort this out," he said then pulled me into his arms. I felt safe, warm, protected. I never wanted him to let me go. I'd never had anything close to this with anyone, not even my parents.

"It won't be for long, I promise. I made a disc with everything you need to know on it. It explains everything. I wish I could be there with you in person when you view it but as things are I can't. God damn it, I hate Howard Crawford as I've never hated before. If I could strangle the bastard I would for what he's done. I'm sorry sweetheart if I'm scaring you. That's not my intention. It's just he…they…Shit! Just keep safe and look for me. I'll see you soon." With that he slipped off into the darkness before I could say a word. I felt cold and alone. That is until I felt the mountain of man behind me.

Gently he wrapped a massive hand around my upper arm so he could guide me onto the plane. The engines were already firing up. As soon as we stepped inside another man pulled the door closed. Jolly set me down in a seat then instructed me to buckle up. Never having been on a plane I had to study the belt to see how it connected. No sooner was I buckled in than we began our ascent.

Reaching our desired altitude the plane leveled off. Jolly came toward me carrying a small table followed by another giant man carrying a computer, dvds and an assortment of files.

"Miss Howard, Stryker said to let you have these once we were airborne. If you need anything just give us a shout out. We'll be right back there," he said as he pointed behind me. I glanced over my shoulders to see the plane did not have rows of seats but rather looked like someone's living room or entertainment room.

Feelings of doom washed over me. Not having even viewed the disc or read a single word in the files I felt my world about to come crashing down around me even more so than it already had. I trusted Stryker with my life but dreaded what he had to say. Words can't kill but I think their meaning might be able to maim enough to make one wish they were dead. Having no experience with death or hurt feelings I wasn't certain if I wanted to be informed by my brother, who I only met two years ago, that my life had been a sham, something built on lies and deceit.

Shaking off the dread I booted up the computer then slipped in the disc. My brother's face and voice filled me with reassurance until what he was saying filtered into my brain having to sift through an unaccustomed mushiness inside me. I'd even gone so far as to place my finger on the screen so I could trace his familiar face. I felt a tear roll down my face. Not once, not as a child or as an adult have I cried. Tears were not something to be encouraged or tolerated.

"Racine, if you're watching this, things have gone south. I've been unsuccessful in rescuing you before all hell broke loose. Being the smart man I am I put contingency plans in place. Instead of being with me you'll be with Ranger. He'll guard you with his life. He won't like it but he will because he owes me, big-time," he said with a familiar wide grin creating slight creases beside his mouth.

Becoming somber once more he said, "Racine, it's hard for me to say this but Jane and Howard weren't your parents, not in any real sense of the word. Howard did contribute his sperm but Jane had no part in your conception, not even carrying you to term. A surrogate had that honor. Believe me Racine, anyone given the chance to be your mother was indeed honored. I've never met anyone as sweet or trusting as you. How many other women would let some near mercenary into their life without asking a million questions? You never asked those questions and I appreciate that. Someday I'll tell it all to you but for now you have enough on your plate. Besides, you know more about than anyone other than Ranger and those under his command."

"Dam… I mean darn it, I've gotten off track. See, I am learning to curb my cussing in your honor. Not for anyone else would I give up cussing. I must love you a lot huh?"

"Shit…I mean shoot there I go again. Jeez! This is harder than I thought it would be. Cra…shi…oh hell, fuck it. I'll reform later. For now I have to be me. The me who cusses while tearing the heart right out of the chest of someone he's come to love more than his own worthless hide," he said as he hung his head a moment to regroup.

"Okay, here goes. I've been looking into Jane and Howard. Call me nosy or overprotective. Call me whatever the hell you want but I felt something rotten in Denmark as I got to know you. I blame myself. I should have dug deeper when I was looking for Howard. When I found him I should have known from past experience what a bastard he is…was," the last word a whisper.

"Racine, brace yourself for what I have to tell you. If you need someone to sit with you any one of the guys will do it. They won't like it but they'll do it or else explain to me why my sister had to hear her parents are dead without someone to comfort her. Well shit! I don't have time to scrap this and start over. God sweetheart, I'm sorry. I wish I could be with you when you found out but that's impossible right now. Take comfort in the fact they didn't suffer, too much anyway. Being tortured is a bitch. God dammit, I knew I should have written a script before doing this. I'm not used to having to be all sensitive and thoughtful. Being among men carrying assault rifles or missle launchers doesn't require us to be all touchy feely."

"The files I've given you will tell you more. There are some things I just can't bring myself to say out loud. Reading them seems less…hurtful," he said in a very gentle voice, one he'd deny having. He could be sensitive when the need arose.

All the while I continued to listen to what he had to say I processed information. Quick scans of the files filled me in on the rest of my story. What a story it is too. For now it will be another of those things to think about later. For now I have to prepare myself for the outside world. I am headed to Trenton, New Jersey. My new residence will be RangeMan until Striker deems it safe for me to find my own niche in the world.

Trepidation as well as excitement have me pressing my nose to the window beside me. All I can see are clouds passing by. By now the sun is high in the sky. A new day has dawned.

I should feel something like sadness or loss but all I feel is a passing regret that two people I knew died such a horrible death that served no purpose. They didn't have the information The Company was after, I did.