Disclaimer: I had gained the rights to everything I ever wanted. Fruits Basket, Harry Potter, OHSHC, etc. I had earned millions of dollars, and parades were being held in my name.
Then I woke up.
I wonder what's ready to be picked? Yuki thought, looking down at his garden. The lettuce, the carrots, and some leeks looked ready. As he bent over to pull up some carrots, his eyes fell on a patch of strawberries he had planted not too long ago.
"Really! I can't wait, I love strawberries!"
Yuki smiled. Maybe there was some strawberries that he could pick.
"Yes, I thought you might. That's why I planted them."
Careful not to accidentally step on, or break any of the plants, Yuki searched for any strawberries that could be picked. Not that this was an easy task, most of the strawberry plants had barely begun to bloom, let alone bear fruit. Finally, he found one. A very small, but definitely ripe strawberry. This one he would give to Honda-san.
As if she knew he was thinking about her, she ran into the secret base. "Yuki-kun? Are you here?"
"Ah, yes, I'm right here." He said, turning to face her.
"Are you okay Honda-san? You look out of breath."
She shook her head violently. "No, I'm fine" she panted.
"Was there something you needed?" He asked kindly. "There must be some reason for you to run all the way here."
"It's lunchtime!" she said brightly. "I couldn't find you anywhere, so I assumed you were here. Did you pick anything?"
Yuki nodded: "Some lettuce, some leeks, some carrots," he paused. "and the first strawberry."
Tohru's eyes shone. "That's wonderful!"
Yuki held out his hand- the one with the strawberry in it. "It's for you."
Tohru's eyes widened. "N-no I couldn't! Something-as-important-as-the-first-strawberry-of-the-season-you-should-"
Yuki smiled softly. "Honda-san, I want you to have it." He said, pressing it into her hand.
She blinked, blushing slightly. "Oh. Okay." She took a bite. "it's delicious!" She smiled.
Yuki loved it when she smiled. It always made him feel better, even when he was feeling down. Yuki smiled back. "Lets go have lunch."
A/N: Thanks for reading my story! Just a couple things I wanted to mention. . . 1. Reviews are much appreciated. If you liked my story, please tell me! If you didn't like my story, tell me why! I am one of those authors that likes constructive criticism. 2. Flames are not appreciated. Pointless hating doesn't help anybody, so lets not do it! 3. I don't really know anything about gardening. The plants that I picked for this story are completely random (except for the strawberries) and I don't know when the seasons are for anything. Therefore, please don't tell me *blank* wouldn't be ripe at that time of year, because I already know.