Disclaimer for the Entire Story: I do not own The Mentalist, receive no compensation for my fanfics, and no copyright infringements are intended. All rights belong to Bruno Heller and associates for creating this wonderful show.

***Please know this was written around Jan/Feb of 2010 so a lot has changed in the series since then and in the Lisbon/Jane relationship. While I reserve the right to edit the story and make any subtle changes I see fit, I will NOT rewrite it to reflect ANY events that have taken place since my story was originally written. This is simply an edit and tweak. Thank you for understanding.***

Lodebar roughly translated means "land of nothing." It's the definition I like the best. ~Calla


No one had seen or heard from Jane in three days. It wasn't like him to fall completely off the radar though he had been known to vanish for brief periods of time. However, he wasn't hiding in the attic or lurking in any of his usual haunts. Lisbon knew. She'd checked them over and over again.

Jane hadn't answered her calls or responded to her voice mail. He hadn't popped up at an inopportune moment like he usually did. He hadn't sent an email saying he wasn't coming in. Yes, he'd done that before. Actually, he'd had a friend of a friend do it for him, the charming jerk. That was the rub.

Jane knew she liked to know where he was and what he was up too. She liked having reasons to expect the mountain of complaints inevitably crossing her desk. She liked not finding herself in the dark. She didn't like surprises. Not where her consultant was concerned. At her wits end, she'd finally finally intimidated his latest change of address out of the temp hanging out in HR this week. Address in hand, she was currently tracking him down.

Parking her SUV in a guest parking space, Lisbon whistled appreciatively under her breath. It was a nice complex. A whole lot nicer than the place she lived which was saying a lot. The condos were spacious and well appointed. Jane had serious cash stashed somewhere to move here. Lisbon should know. She'd dated a lawyer living on the fifth floor for a while until he'd moved back east a few years back. Nice enough guy, just no more into the long term than she'd been at the time.

No more than she still was for that matter. It was fun while it lasted. From their infrequent communications, Paul hadn't stopped playing the field while she'd married her job somewhere along the way. Probably about the time a certain consultant joined her team. She'd always been dedicated; but, adding Jane to the mix added new meaning to diligence.

Hopping from her vehicle, Lisbon pressed the lock button and closed the door before heading across the parking lot to the front entrance. She wasn't just waltzing through that lobby to the elevators. She'd have to pass security first. She already knew that. As she approached the entrance, she was surprised to see a familiar face still manning the desk.

"Hey, Crocker, long time no see." Lisbon leaned against the counter prepared to flip her badge if necessary.

"Look what the cat dragged in. How you doing, Teresa? I never expected to see you again. It's been what, three or four years?" The man gave her the once over appreciatively.

"Something like that. I'm doing good." Lisbon smirked at the thought the man was still recklessly nervy to openly size her up like that.

"Ever hear from Paul?" Crocker moved papers around his desk.

"I get an email every once in a while. He's doing well. Still chasing every skirt in town, but he's having a blast doing it." Lisbon rolled her eyes at the thought he'd still be patting the nurses' bottoms at the old folks' home when he was 90.

"I always said you were too good for that scoundrel." Crocker scowled disapprovingly. "The good news is you were way too smart to fall for his sweet talking ways."

"Yeah, I guess I was; but, it was fun while it lasted. Crocker, I need you to call Patrick Jane and let him know I'm coming up. I'm sure you already know his number." Lisbon fiddled absently with a lock of hair as she gathered her thoughts.

"You're not involved with that one?" The man had always been a little too nosey for Lisbon's comfort; incredibly nice and likable, but too darned nosey.

"Not hardly." Lisbon's tone clearly conveyed she wasn't that dumb.

"Good. He's pleasant enough; but, trouble with a capital T." Crocker observed.

"Don't think I don't know it. He's my consultant so you could say I'm here on business." Lisbon thought she saw pity in the other man's eyes.

"I'll give him a call and tell him you're coming. Jane's in 325 in case you needed to know. He stole the place. Old lady Shipton croaked three months ago and her greedy kids wanted to dump the place as fast as they could. He probably didn't pay half what the joint was worth." Crocker rattled off absently as he looked up Jane's number.

"Crocker, did you tell all of Paul's business the way you're telling Jane's?" Lisbon resisted the urge to laugh as she hoped he had.

"Hey, we're old friends and the man works for you. Figured you'd like to know what's going on. Besides, who do you think told him to contact the broker before the place even hit the market? That Jane tips really well." Well enough he'd given his wife the best anniversary celebration they'd ever had and still tucked some away for a rainy day.

"Really? Must be a recent change of habit." Lisbon tucked that tidbit away for future reference.

"Your man had his eye on old lady Shipton's place for a year or more. Everyone knew the old bat would kick the bucket fairly soon. She was older than dirt and mean as a demon. Soon after I met him, I knew Jane would eventually snag it for a song. I've never seen anyone play people the way he played those spoiled, greedy brats. Had them eating out of his hand from the start and the papers signed ten minutes later. It was the smoothest move I've ever seen and working here I've seen a lot." Crocker chuckled at the memory.

"I bet you have, Croker. Good seeing you again. Give me a five minute head start before you call Jane." Lisbon reluctantly turned in the direction of the elevators.

"Scared he'll duck out on you?" That sounded like something Jane would do.

"He might try." Lisbon admitted.

"He might at that. Don't be a stranger." Crocker pitied the attractive brunette having to bring that one to heel. He'd always thought there was something slippery about the man. He was too handsome and charming for his own good.

"I doubt I could be with Jane living here. Catch you later." Lisbon had a feeling she'd be seeing Crocker more often than she wanted…especially if Jane continued the disappearing act.

"Yep." Crocker watched the elevator doors close behind her as he reached for the phone.

Fancy that, seeing the good looking lady cop after all these years. She was still as trim and pretty as ever. He figured he'd never see her again after she'd dumped that womanizing lawyer she'd toyed with for a while. Not that the lawyer had done any womanizing while he'd been dating Teresa Lisbon. Nope, she was it as far as Crocker knew and he'd have known otherwise. As strange as it seemed, she was the only woman ever having that effect on the man.

It was also kind of funny the slick corporate lawyer had returned back east within six weeks of the lady cop breaking up with him. It had always been obvious to Crocker the lawyer liked the lady cop more than the lady cop liked him. The Chief of Security had found it kind of amusing Paul Hayden was finally getting a taste of his own medicine. He had a reputation for being a love them and leave them cad. He'd definitely gotten his comeuppance with that one. Crocker just hoped the lady cop was smart enough not to tangle with Patrick Jane. He had a feeling she wouldn't walk away unscathed from that one if she did.

Exiting the elevator, Lisbon walked down the hall stopping outside of number 325. Hesitating, she steeled her nerves before reaching up to rap forcefully against the door. She knew Jane was in there since she'd seen his car in the parking lot. That being said, he'd better not try the old 'nobody's home' trick. It would only make things that much worse.

Nope, the door was opening so it seemed Jane was willing to play.

"Lisbon." By the frosty tone, Jane was none to happy to see her.

"Jane." Lisbon ignored his displeasure.

"Lisbon." Jane wasn't giving an inch.

"I see Crocker called you." Lisbon tried to peer over his shoulder curiously with little success.

"Yeah, I guess he did." Jane blocked her view with his body.

"So?" Lisbon was getting exasperated.

"What are you doing here?" Jane asked as though she had no reason to bother him.

"What do you think?" As his boss, Lisbon had every reason.

"I really don't know." Jane wasn't that stupid. He wasn't stupid at all.

"No one's seen or heard from you in three days." Lisbon stood staring at Jane.

The man was going to be a stubborn jackass today of all days. She could already tell and, truthfully, she shouldn't have expected anything different. Well, she had her stubborn jackass kicking boots on today. If he continued in the vein he was starting, she'd just have to kick him really hard before it was over.

"I'm a grown man, Lisbon. No one has to see or hear from me for three days." For a moment Lisbon thought he was going to close the door in her face.

"Jane, if you close that door I'm standing here poundomg on your door until you let me in. Do I make myself clear?" The look on Lisbon's face said. 'Try it.' She was in a very persistent mood.

"Perfectly." Jane stared down his nose at his boss.

"Are you going make me stand out here all night pounding on your door? I don't think your neighbors will appreciate the noise. Knowing you, I seriously doubt you're all that popular now. You'll be even less so when I finish." Lisbon promised.

After a long day of dealing with Hightower and the powers concerning the questionable actions of a certain annoying consultant, she really wasn't in the mood for Jane's bull. Lisbon simply needed to know the man was okay before she turned around and drove much farther back across town than she wanted to go after driving much farther than she'd wanted to drive to get here. That was all.

Once she got home, she had big plans for tonight. Big plans she'd anticipated all week. Big plans she couldn't wait to get started on. Big plans consisting of a date with her cd player and her favorite take out while sprawled on her comfy couch in her mercifully Jane free apartment.

This was just an inconvenient stop along the way; but, a necessary one. Lisbon was ensuring a member of her team was fine. That was all. It was her responsibility as Senior Agent. It was certainly nothing more than she'd do if Cho, Rigsby, or Van Pelt had fallen off the face of the earth for three days. Not that any of them would ever be so inconsiderate. Nope, this was a stunt only Jane would pull and she knew it.

Lisbon allowed her mind to wander while Jane made up his mind. Once she got home, she was drawing a hot bath, stripping naked as a jaybird, and indulging in a long, exotically scented bubble bath. There was nothing like a long fragrant soak in a darkened candle lit room with soft music playing in the background to wash the felons from her brain. Somewhere along the way she'd savor a bite or two of her favorite chocolate and a glass of that absurdly expensive Cabernet she'd picked up on sale a couple of weeks ago. Beyond that, she was going to wash more than Jane out of her hair. Her vices were few and far between. She intended indulging every last one to the fullest tonight. She might even paint her toenails that decadently glossy shade of red.

"I would never do that, Lisbon. Of course you're welcome to come in." Sighing in resignation, he opened the door and motioned her in with a flourish.

Jane's reluctance was a palatable thing. Walking through the opened door, Lisbon found herself standing in the foyer while he shut and locked the door behind her. She couldn't help the soft whistle of admiration escaping her lips. She'd known the condo was bigger and nicer than her apartment, but not this much bigger or nicer. For whatever reason, it was a lot nicer than Paul's place had been. Maybe it was the décor that was so uniquely Jane. The condo was quite large and had at least two large bedrooms, but probably three. Lisbon resisted the urge to smack Jane out of jealousy. While her apartment was nice, she'd always wanted a place exactly like this.