Chapter 59

A/N: Thank you all for reading and reviewing, this was my first k/s fanfic and I never expected the response I got, so I thank you all repeatedly. This is the final chapter but there will be sequels. I finished this sooner than I thought I would. Enjoy!

One year after the Narada incident and the enterprise was in orbit around the former home place of Vulcan, there were fifteen ships in total at the anniversary. It had been three months since Komack had stupidly decided to kidnap Jim and they were no closer to finding out how he had managed it, although they know that he had help from the Romulan's but they don't know how he managed to infect the ship with the sedative or the computer virus as all data from that day had been irretrievably lost and there was no sign of hacking.

Spock's plan to send a message to the Romulan Empire by destroying the the invading armada had worked and the Romulan's had retreated from declaring all out war with the federation and Scotty's upgrades to the ship were being rolled out across the entire fleet of star-fleet ships and being incorporated into the brand new ships.

The ship was currently hosting the Vulcan Elders Spock had saved from Vulcan and Ambassador Syrek who was pleased to be on board the enterprise again. Jim and Syrek had spent quite a bit of time together in the last few days ever since they had picked up the Vulcan delegation from the colony. Jim was helping Syrek to heal his bond to his mate which still ached after all this time.

The crew of the enterprise were much closer than that of any other ship because of what they had gone through with the Narada incident and working together for the last year and so when they had found out that Scotty had proposed to Uhura and she had accepted the crew threw them a huge engagement party.

The off duty personnel and the alpha bridge crew were currently ensconced in the observation deck listening to admiral pike as he talks about the loss of Vulcan and loss of the ships and cadets who died trying to protect the planet from destruction. He also talks about the improvements on the colony and the expected population in the next few years. Jim was stood next to Spock with T'Pol in his arms and Jessica stood on the other side, since Jim had being kidnapped Spock had not let Jim out of his sight and had become extremely possessive (much like his father was being to his mother). Syrek was currently trying to lessen Spock's possessiveness so that Jim is able to go on different shifts and to be the captain, it was slowly working but Spock was still not letting Jim block their bond.

Syrek stood with T'Pau, Sarek and Amanda who were on the opposite side of the room to Jim and Spock, he watched as the small family remembered the losses that they had suffered. Spock's eyes every so often flicked to his mother the grief and regret he still carried at not being able to prevent her death even after she had been brought back into the world of the living was clearly etched onto his face.

Syrek looked around the room at the crew of the enterprise and watched with a hidden smile as they started to form the same relationships that existed in his own universe, Scotty and Uhura were together as was Sulu and Chekhov, then there was McCoy and Chapel, even yeoman Rand had met and started a relationship with lieutenant Giotto (the only red shirt to beam down to an alien planet and survive, although there was that one time he did die but fortunately McCoy was able to bring him back to life). This crew was just as close as his own was even though they had spent a great deal less time together but that was not surprising.

Admiral Pike was interrupted from his speech when an old acquaintance suddenly appeared on the bridge, the sullen face was hard for Syrek to forget as he had twice almost caused the death of his beloved Jim, once in his own time and once only a few months ago. It was Tre'lane. Tre'lane looked around the room which had fallen into a deathly silence until he spotted Syrek, once Tre'lane had spotted him he made his way over to Syrek. Syrek held his head high as Tre'lane approached, he felt hiss mother who is not his mother step closer to him in a reassuring manner.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I've been told that I have to apologise and make it up to every Spock and Kirk in the multi-verse, so here, I'm sorry for the problems I've caused. It was only a bit of fun but no one understood my sense of humour."

Tre'lane clicks his fingers and a figure appears in front of them. Syrek's heart leaps into his throat and he almost stops breathing.


"It's not a trick, no one is going to take him away from you again so you're welcome, oh yeah and I've been told to tell you that you have both the same amount of life left to live so that neither of you ever has to wonder about leaving the other behind. Boring!"

And then Tre'lane disappears, not that Syrek had noticed as he had not taken his eyes off of James.

"Jim, T'hy'la you are home."

The End.

Thank you for reading, please review.