I think it's obvious I didn't stick to my one chapter a week schedule, but education comes first apparently :-(

But here it is... Just after the disclaimer! :-P

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Doctor Who or any of the characters.

Chapter 5: Not Too Sure

"Do want me to order a takeaway?" Rose asked, turning her nose up at the range of party-type food on the table.

John tried to be polite, as always, "Well," he dragged out, "If you're offering."

Rose grinned and took her phone out of her jeans pocket, "Pizza? I've got y favourite in my contacts," she grinned.

John giggled as he peered over her shoulder to see if she was telling the truth, and she was. He noticed the name 'Peter' above, "Who's that then?" He asked, cheekily.

"No-one. He's an arsehole," she stated, bluntly, shoving her phone back in her pocket, and tucking her legs up and wrapping her arms around them.

"Then why do you have his number saved?"

"So I know it's him when he texts and I can ignore it."

John became suddenly serious, "Why do you want to ignore him?"

"Because he hurt me."

John's eyebrows lowered as his forehead creased and his mouth twisted into a concern, and surprisingly hateful frown – the idea of anyone hurting anyone was bad, but the idea that some had hurt Rose was another matter.

He didn't really want to ask the next question, but felt that he almost had to, "What did he do?"

"He just... made me do stuff I didn't want to do," she tried to sound casual.

John didn't want to ask anymore; he didn't need to. His conclusion was that he already hated Peter before he'd even met him, not that he would want to. Unless... he were to teach him a lesson... But that would be unprofessional, and he was a professional teacher. But if that man... correction, boy, had hurt Rose then it would be his duty to make sure he never did it again. His thoughts were all over the place, and they would have spiralled off into more outrageous ideas – or however you want to define them – if it wasn't for Rose breaking the silence.

"John? Can you answer me something?"

"I can try..." He spoke, refocusing his attention on Rose.

"Are all men self-centred or just after one thing? Honestly?"

John thought for a second. He wasn't after that 'one thing'. He wanted someone to share his life with... Or would like to. He'd had always been told the classic 'I want, doesn't get."

"Pretty much," he joked, "But some of us are alright. You've just got to find the difference between the not-so-nice and, yeah, he's-actually-okay type of man."

He turned his head just as she leant forward to kiss his cheek, to thank him for being honest. He completely misread this and caught her briefly on lips.

Rose's eyes widened, "I'm-"

He cut in, "Forward?"

"Sorry," she corrected, giggling, "I went for your cheek."

John went a bright red, laughing lightly to cover up his embarrassment. Rose didn't notice that she had misread her, and thought her aim was just a little off, and that she was in the wrong.

"That's ok," John smirked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"You're my teacher," a look of horror crossed her face.

"Yep, but it was my fault," a sudden realisation hit him, "I'm going to lose my job!"

"I won't tell anyone."

"I can't ask you to lie," his smirk faded into a worried smile.

"I just won't tell the truth. Besides, nobody is going to ask, are they?"

"But you're my student," he tugged on his ear briefly, "And your mum... fancies, me."

"Just a little."

"And that's weird," he carried on rambling, "But not as weird as what just happened. Even though I didn't mind. And you didn't really mind. But it's not right. But it was nice, and I'm not complaining. But it's technically wrong. But nice. Wrong but nice. Right but wrong. Wrong but right-"

Rose quickly pecked him on the lips, "Shut up," she giggled.

John's eyebrows shot through the roof, his eyes almost exploding out his eye sockets with surprise, shock and confusion, "What?"

Rose bit her lip, "I wasn't thinking..."

"I didn't mind."

"As you said, you're my teacher. Well, a sub, for my English class. But while you're my sub it's not right."

"Noooo," he agreed, keeping his lips rounded.

"Pizza!" Rose almost shrieked.

Jackie wandered into the living room, giving her daughter the strangest of looks, "Rose, what have I told you? You're embarrassing me again!"

Rose rolled her eyes subtly, "We're going out to get pizza."

It was originally going to a takeaway, but Rose decided she couldn't stand to be in the same room as her 'embarrassing' mother for more than a few minutes, especially while her own mum is ogling the man she accidentally kissed.

"Get your coat," she turned to John, tapping him on the leg to get him to stand up.

John kept a permanently surprised face as he did as was asked – to be honest, he didn't want to be in the same room as the mother of the girl he accidentally kissed, either.

"Rose! Manners. You don't tell him what to do. Sorry, John," Jackie edged towards him reaching for his arm.

John swerved comically out of her reach before dashing for the door, "Rose?"

"John, your coat!" Jackie called after him, holding up his trench coat possessively.

"I don't have one!" And he was out the door, and so was Rose. They almost power walked away from the flat before Jackie could try to catch up.

I didn't want to offend men in this chapter, and I don't think I did. I mean, if you're the actually-okay type of man then you should be proud and totally unoffended :-)

Hope you all liked this chapter anyway... And if any of you are fans of Being Human then I have started a story in the good old days of the pink house with the original trio!