This is very much classed as AU... It is the definition of AU! I just loved The Doctor's character and thought he would make a brilliantly quirky teacher. I also thought the character of Rose works perfectly with this concept. Obviously, The Doctor is called John Smith in this story, because he can't be Dr Doctor :P Rose is half way through the last year of sixth form so is 18.
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Doctor Who' or any of the characters I am borrowing to write this story, this is purely for my own fun. I do not own any of the movies mentioned, so no copyright intended at all.
Chapter 1: To Know You:
"I'm not going to be here for the next few months after tomorrow," the short, petite woman announced exaggeratedly sad, "because, as some of you may know, I am going to have a baby."
Several 'aww's from the girls swept through the room, but undoubtedly had to be followed by, "I thought ya ate all the pies!" A spotted youth snorted. His hair was obviously dyed black and cut in the most ridiculous fashion that it was actually impossible to see through his left eye.
"Usually, Jared, I would send you out. But this is my last day, so," she smiled, enthusiastically - and annoyingly happily, "We can watch any film you wish, but you'll all have to agree."
Obviously, that meant several immature youths, who also wished to be centre of attention at all times, would opt for the most ridiculous and rude films possible.
"American Pie, innit!" Jared was first to call out, flicking his wrist, of which sported a black and spiked wrist band.
"Naa mate, Team America! Dat puppet sex is well funny!" Another kid called, who looked very similar to Jared but was far skinnier and very lanky.
The argument for which film was to be played went on for the best part of fifteen minutes. The extreme opposites of films became apparent when a bleached-blonde haired girl, caked in overdone makeup, opted for Mean Girls.
Finally, most of the class settled on 'Get Smart'. After several grumbles and whines, the film was played and everybody ended up enjoying it.
Rose was sat next to her best friend, Shareen, and she was wearing a white blouse and a skirt of a reasonable length. Her hair was naturally brown but had slightly lighter artificial highlights, and she sat through the entire film threading it through her fingers.
Once the film had finished their very pregnant English teacher made one last announcement, "Your teacher while I am gone will be Mr Smith. He's a good teacher and probably knows more than me," she joked. "And he will not take any nonsense." She emphasised before the bell rang for the end of school. And within ten seconds the entire class had emptied the room.
"Mr Smith, bit cliché," Shareen commented once they'd left the classroom and were half way down the corridor.
Rose just smiled and changed the subject, "You coming over tonight?"
"Naa, my mum said I have to finish that art stuff – I'm still two weeks behind," She frowned and then went off on one about how unfair her mum was being, just because she'd broken up with yet another boyfriend. Rose couldn't get a word in edgeways, so resigned to just agreeing.
"I'm still walking home with you though," Shareen finally finished.
"Good," Rose joked. They were half way home already anyway, and they were having the typical conversations they had every walk home after school.
Shareen was texting someone as she asked, "So, your mum got another boyfriend yet?"
"Naa, I said she should just be happy by herself for a bit. But she has got her eye on the new guy that's moved in on our floor."
"Ooo, really? Is he fit?" Shareen giggled.
"I haven't seen him. He keeps to himself a lot. Mum said 'hi' while I was at school, and hasn't seen him much after that."
They climbed the several flights of stairs, as usual, once they'd reached their building, "Well, tell 'er good luck from me," Shareen grinned as she unlocked the door to her flat.
"Will do, see you tomorra!" Rose called back, once she'd already begun a few more flights of stairs.
She dug around in her bag to find her keys as she walked up to her door. After several minutes of chucking everything out her bag, only to remember she'd put them in her jeans pocket, she eventually found them.
She heard a door slam a few doors away and glanced up. She saw a tall man, who didn't have a particularly large build, but none-the-less looked quite attractive. His chestnut hair looked almost gravity-defying as it stood scruffily on end. His had a few laugh lines, but he didn't look a day over thirty. He was wearing a dark blue dressing gown and Simpsons slippers as he knelt down to pick up the paper, lazily.
"Rough night?" Rose asked, as she grinned.
The man jumped slightly before he stood up and grinned tiredly, "Just a little bit." He wandered over to Rose with the newspaper in one hand.
"You look like you need a coffee, not a Sudoku," Rose smiled as she picked her bag up.
"I don't have any coffee at mine, I only moved in a few days ago."
"Surely that's priority though." She smiled.
"You'd think," he said running his long fingers round his stubble-y chin, "But my 'friends' had other ideas to celebrate me finally getting a house of my own."
"So that was your music last night?"
"Sorry," he admitted with unintentional puppy eyes, allowing Rose to notice his eyes were a deep chocolately brown. A cheeky smirk slowly spread across his face.
"S'alright... But next time you find yourself havin' a party, don't let me miss out," She grinned.
He grinned, "Oo, certainly not," but then realisation crossed his face, "...I don't even know your name."
"That's a lovely name," he said in a passing-comment kind of way, "I'm John," he held out his hand, and Rose eagerly shook it.
"Well it's great to meet you, but I have a load of English homework to catch up on," she jokingly frowned, and went to turn the door handle.
"I could help?" He offered.
She looked at him cautiously, "I don't know..."
"I'm an English teacher," he showed her a clip-on ID badge stating that he was in fact, and most definitely, a teacher.
"Would you mind? I just never know what Shakespeare's actually saying," she admitted, sheepishly.
He chuckled lightly, "Of course I'll help."
Chapter 2 -