Chapter 1
Rachels P.O.V
I walked down the school hallway to go to my locker, I saw finn.
"Hey Handsome, ready for a whole day of glee?" I asked him. He turned around and kissed my lips.
"Yes i am a whole day of dancing and singing with the most beautiful girl in the world and the rest of glee club." He said grabbing my hand and smiling.
"You know finn if you think that way about quinn maybe you should just ask her out instead of me." I said jokingly giving him a glare and i let go of his hand and pretending to storm of. I suddenly felt arms wrapp around my waist i knew who it was.
"Oh so you decided to come back to me then." I turned around and kissed him.
" Rachiee i was talking about you and you know it your just mean to me and tease me but thats why i love you." He said. That made me chuckle, I decided to head to glee club so i quickly ran through the crowd of people. I knew he was following me i could hear him shouting my name. I ran into glee club to see everyone there i hid behind the piano.
"Guys did rachel come here?" He asked the glee club they all knew what to say.
"Sorry Frankenteen your little broadway star lover midget did not come here i thought she was with you because i saw you to smooching down the hall, i decided to leave you alone other wise you might start dancing." Santana said smirking at him. Everybody burst into fits of laughter i tried to hold it in but i laughed really loud. Suddenly i felt some arms wrapp around my waist so i screamed as loud as i could and ran to the other side of the room. All I heard was more laughter.
"Are you trying to frighten the living daylights out of me cause if you are it worked!" I said trying to to laugh.
"Well you shouldnt run away from me." Finn said folding his arms like a little baby in a strop.
"I was trying to get to glee club, stop stropping you little baby, who i love very much." I said smiling at him because he was giving me a death glare.
"God if looks could kill." I turned around to see who had just walked into the choir room and noticed Finn giving me a death glare.I smiled and sat in my usual seat. Finn came and sat beside me. I thought to myself well i get to spend the rest of my school day doing the thing i love most,singing. Thats when i noticed two people walk in, people i didnt recognize...

(This Is My First Fanfic So please Review and tell me how i did )