"This needs to stop."

Cas ignored Dean's words, allowing the hunter to bandage his open wound. His powers were weakening again; it was foolish to jump in front of a bullet like that. Cas knew there were other ways of getting Dean out of harms way, but in that moment all he could think of was shielding Dean from the enemy. As he sat on the side bed in Bobby's living room, he didn't regret it.

"What needs to stop?" He finally answered.

"You sacrificing yourself for me. It's getting old." Annoyance didn't do much to mask his worry, but Cas gave him props for trying.

"Your life is more important to me than my own; therefore, I will always put your safety first."

"Damnit, Cas!" Dean pulled Cas' shirt down over his back where he had been shot and turned the angel around slightly to look into his eyes. "You need to stop being so damn selfless! Your life is important, too!"

Cas chuckled softly to himself and wrapped his arms around Dean, leaning in so his lips grazed the hunter's ear ever so gently.

"Dean, despite my many mistakes, you still seem to see me as this righteous, pure being. The truth is very different, I'm afraid."

"What the hell are you on about?" Dean pulled back slightly, Cas' soft smile causing him to catch him breath. Cas stroked a finger down his face, tracing around his eye, down his cheeks, and finally over his chapped lips.

"I'm not selfless, Dean. Never think that. The truth is, I would rather you suffer the pain of losing me than me suffer the pain of losing you. My sacrifice is many things, but it is not selfless. It would-" Cas sucked in a deep breath and buried his head in Dean's chest, feeling the warmth of Dean's arms wrapped around his slim frame.

"What?" Dean whispered. Cas relaxed in his arms, focusing on the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"It would destroy me to lose you," he continued, gruff voice barely over a whisper. "I sacrifice myself because I am selfish, because you are mine and I cannot bear the thought of ever being without you, and for that I am a truly selfish being. Never forget it."

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