A New Life

This starts out when Korra is in Republic City with her parents. Mako and Bolin are already on the street. Mako is 9, Korra is 8, and Bolin is 7. Enjoy!

Senna and Tonraq were constantly taking Korra for noodles. They were her favorite. And Republic City had the best noodles she had ever tasted.

"Daddy, mommy! Can we go out for ice cream? Please!" Korra begged her parents.

"Alright. We can go for ice cream. But when we get home you go straight to bed!" Senna told her daughter; then picked her up into her arms to tickle her.

All three of them were headed to the ice cream shop just down the street. After they got their ice cream, someone grabbed little Korra by the neck.

"Mommy! Daddy! Help me!" Korra yelped.

"Let her go!" Tonraq screamed. Senna looked at Korra, who was scared to death. Then, the man holding Korra, shot Tonraq.

"I suggest, if you don't want to end up like him, you leave." the man threatened Senna.

"Not without my daughter!" Senna yelled, managing to choke down her tears.

"I think I'll keep her." the man said with a smirk.

"No. Let her go and you can have me. Just don't hurt my daughter. Please." Senna begged the man. She would do anything to make sure Korra was safe. Not just because she's the Avatar, because she was also her daughter.

"I don't think so." Then the man shot Senna. Not once, but three times. Once in the shoulder, once in the stomach, and one right in her heart.

The man turned to Korra. "Now, you darling, are coming with me."

Then suddening a boy jumped for a near by bush. "You let her go! Let her go now!" The boy seemed furious. Then he firebended at the man. He released Korra, and she ran over to the boy hiding behind him.

The man with killed Senna and Tonraq was apparently a non-bender. He fled into the darkness, leaving Korra with the boy.

"Please, please don't hurt me." Korra managed to say through her tears.

The boy bent down beside her. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly. He offered her his hand, and she took it.

"I am so very sorry. But it will be okay. Come with me." The boy said to Korra, leading her under a bridge.

"My name is Mako." He tried to smile, but failed. Korra was still crying. She had just witnessed a man kill her parents right in front of her, a boy, who came from no where and saved her, then followed him somewhere she had never been before.

Korra remained silent. She was still in shock over everything that had just happened. She was going through her thoughts when Mako spoke.

"It's okay to be scared. I know what it's like. You just need a friend." He said. Then it was Korra's breaking point. She fell into Mako's arms, crying her life out. She had gotten his shirt all wet. But he didn't mind.

"Shh. It will be okay. It's going to be okay." He said softly as he patted her back. "What's your name?"

She sniffled before her spoke. "Korra. My name is Korra." She tried to smile. Mako hugged her, and she continued to cry.

"I know I barely met you, but your welcome to stay here with my brother and me." He pointed at the boy sleeping under the bridge. "He's Bolin. Very friendly. And tells horrible jokes." Mako snickered. Korra laughed a little too.

"Thank you. I would like that." She smiled, and hugged Mako again. She didn't know it, but she had just met some of the most important people in her life.