As of today, June 8th 2014, this account is now CLOSED.
This means, no more updates and no more new stories. I have kept my stories online however, for those who wish to read them. If you wish to contact me, please do it by PM. I will answer your questions, but I do not guarantee that I will keep doing this forever.
I am opening another account. Starting new with a new pen name, and it is very unlikely you will recognize me (although if you do, mad respect.)
My new stories will have no link whatsoever with this account. My stories will be new and fresh and my style will completely change. Think of it like a reset button for my contribution to this fandom.
Thank you so much to all of my readers and followers. I've had an amazing time writing for this account and I've talked with some amazing people! :) You guys are sooooo great!
With that, goodbye everybody. I wish you the best.