Here's a new fic! I wrote this one with my friend and beta GrayGlassTrick! She's awesome and I felt we would have the most fun writing this out together. This fic makes me super happy! Makes me forget that school starts really fricking soon.

Disclaimer: We don't own suits and I will not go on to say that we wished we did because, really, who doesn't? This is only for fun not profit. We wished though that it was for both but when the hell will that happen anyway so just for fun :D

Warning: Language.

AO3: MissDani360

Tumblr: missdanibr

They said that the moon was not a great enough force to have any effect on the human body, but, Michael Ross has always been different. He was sure he wasn't the only one because crimes were reported to be at their peaks every time the moon fully exposed herself to the people on earth, though, studies never confirmed that the lunar goddess held power over their bodies. Even so, she held that power over Mike.

Technically, full moons only lasted a second then headed into the Waning Gibbous phase but it wasn't just the full moon that made Mike get a bit crazy. It was the days that the moon took to go from the Waxing Gibbous through the full moon to the Waning phase. Three days. Three incredibly stressful days. Mike had always tried to keep track of when those days were suppose to happen but after becoming Harvey's associate it was hard to keep track of anything. And after working for Harvey for so long he had even forgotten when this month's full moon was going to happen.

Until he started to wonder why he was feeling so warm sitting at his cubicle in the climate controlled building of Pearson Hardman.

It was close to six o' clock in the evening when Mike was harshly reminded of what the date was. He shoved the highlighter, that was between his fingers, between his lips as he quickly brought up the customized calendar on the firm's computer. His blue eyes widened as big, bold, red letters filled the three days' squares. Tonight was the end of the Waxing Gibbous phase of the moon's cycle. Where the moon left the 95% phase. Tomorrow night was the full moon. The worst night of the month. Mike now only saw the third day in his sights as he fought to look away from the screen and get back to work. The third day was the best. Mike always felt like he was on a euphoric high when the moon let off her hold on him as she went back into the 95% phase. But that could be because of the build up that happens when he tries to not have sex with every living being and his abnormally accelerated libido wasn't very agreeable with him. After that full moon, man, his body just lets go as if the grip of the moon's hand was releasing him and he could finally breathe again.

He needed to focus on what was going on now rather than just hope for the future.

Mike had to finish the Casey contracts for Harvey, settle an argument between Louis' client and his diva opera singer before her debut tomorrow, and proofread Harold's already finished work that Kyle pawned off on him after a partner pawned off a better case onto Kyle. It was just a nice hierarchal cycle that everyone in this building succumbed to. Mike would have been more pissed about how Kyle was acting if it wasn't for the fact that his body was starting to betray him. His palms were sweaty, he was sure he was starting to look a bit flushed, and the racing of his heart was making his breath quicken.

Mike shook his head trying to clear his thoughts which were slowly turning into the same one track entity. If he could just focus long enough, he could be out of here quickly and efficiently. He would be able to ride this out at home and under the influence of alcohol then just fall into a never ending slumber.

The associate leaned backward into the back of his very uncomfortable chair and rubbed his eyes. He was very exhausted when the clock had hit four but he was wired and he hadn't even touched a red bull all day.

"Are you okay, Mike?" Harold's voice filled Mike's cubicle with genuine concern. Mike blinked a couple of times and looked up at his colleague.

"Ye-" Mike had to clear his throat from the slime that seemed to be occupying his throat. Maybe water would help... "Yeah, Harold, I'm good." Mike held out a thick packet and took joy in seeing Harold's face suddenly light up with anticipation. Harold had been stressing out about this all week and it took all of his being to ask Mike to make sure he wasn't missing anything. Mike felt a bit conceited knowing that Harold was waiting for his acceptance and wisdom. Harvey probably ran on Mike's need to do right by him; onlyby him.

"You did awesome, dude. Catching that little hiccup will definitely help you win that case. Just fix what ever I highlighted and it'll be perfect." Mike said with a smile. Harold looked hesitant.

"But I'm not winning the case. Kyle-" Harold started but Mike stopped him with a roll of his eyes.

"Here's some advice: Go straight to Mr. Robling and tell him that Kyle couldn't do it and thought you were the best for the job. You worked hard for this and Kyle is a dick. Take the credit." Mike smiled as Harold took the packet happily and stepped out of his cubicle. He almost tripped over himself, though, as he quickly spun around with a worried look.

"What if Kyle tries something when he finds out?"

"Finds out what?" Kyle's voice hit Mike's ears and suddenly Mike wasn't feeling happy for Harold anymore. Mike didn't know if it was his tolerance for assholes approaching the line of zero that was causing him to feel an almost uncontrollable urge to punch Kyle in the face or if Mike was just really stressed out after realizing what he was going to have to go through in the next couple of days. In the end, Mike blamed everything that he was feeling on the white, round ball in the night sky. Mike stood up facing Kyle as he buttoned his jacket and blocked Harold from Kyle's view.

"Can you wait here for a minute?" Mike asked. Kyle gave him a confused glare as Mike turned back towards Harold. The redhead held the packet tightly against his chest and looked at Mike with a pleading look. Mike took his friend's shoulder and turned him towards the hall. They took a few steps forward before Mike finally said something.

"Get to the dude's office. Kyle can't do anything if you've already told him that you got the job done, okay? Leave Kyle to me." Mike patted Harold's shoulder after the man nodded. Mike pushed the other associate into the hallway and turned towards Kyle who had crossed his arms and looked about ready to sue someone.

"Were those the Clemen files? My files?" Kyle said in a very accusing tone. Mike approached the dark haired man with his hands in his pockets.


"Really? What were they?" Kyle challenged with a raised eyebrow. That irritated the hell out of Mike.

"Not yours." Mike retorted. It was the truth. The dick passed over ownership when he decided to throw the book called an employee contract onto poor Harold's desk. Kyle poorly hid his exasperation with a smile as he took a small step forward into Mike's space.

"If you're lying, Ross, I'll-" Okay, that was it. Mike really needed to get out of here before something, really anything, bad happened.

Mike stepped closer as he loomed over Kyle; his height being really advantageous at this point. Mike was angrily close and he almost felt bad for the man as he realized that Kyle should be really fearing him at this point.

"You'll what, Kyle?" Mike said lowly, eyes cold and jaw set. Mike silently dared the man to say another word as blue eyes glared daggers into Mike's own. Kyle opened his mouth to probably try to fight Mike's intimidation until Louis spoke up.

"I feel as though there is work that's supposed to be getting done but it's not." Mike and Kyle didn't move until a moment later when Kyle tugged at his suit jacket angrily before leaving them both in the dust. Mike continued to glare at the back of the man's head until he disappeared around a corner.

"So, is Robert and Leela sleeping together yet?" Louis asked, annoyance apparent in his voice. Mike faced the junior partner and tried to relax his face but, damn it all, everyone was keeping him from leaving this place and it was already seven. The moon was most definitely out.

The... moon, he repeated. And suddenly, it was like the orb was right in front of him - he could picture it so clearly from memory that it didn't matter if he couldn't see it. Shit, shit, no, don't think about it, dumbass, don't fall into its spe-.

"Uh, Mike?" Louis' voice interrupted, yanking the younger man back into reality and out of his thoughts. In his mind, Mike thanked the junior partner over and over and mentally let out the breath he was holding all along. "Louis?" Mike said in the exact same tone.

"Are you listening?" The man asked. He stared up at Mike, his gaze skeptical as it ran over the younger man's features, expression, and the flush and slight sweat on his face.


Louis groaned. "I repeat," he began, that annoyance still in his voice. "Robert and Leela..."

"Robert and... Oh! Oh, that is - "

"Anyway," Louis interrupted, leaving Mike's anger to rise up as the younger man's face settled on a 'what-the-hell' expression. Silently, Mike sighed, narrowing his eyes as he tried to ignore the bright orb that continued to hang around in his mind. "About settling the argument between those two. I need you to go to a hotel. They're holding a black tie party that is advertising Leela's upcoming opera. There, I'm sureyou could settle it. Y'know, a little bit of this and that and..."

Mike registered Louis' words in his mind, though to him, they were barely making any sense. Moments before, as Louis twisted and turned slightly to avoid contact with the lower ranked workers, he inhaled deeply, wondering why the junior partner in front of him smelled a bit like Harvey. Harvey...

"Alright? Alright. Good," Louis' voice said again, interrupting Mike's thoughts - again. Quickly, Louis patted Mike's arm, turning as he called, "Make sure to put it on your calendar. Also, if you weren't paying attention, don't come to me for answers."

Confused, flustered, and nearly hitting his limit, Mike blinked hard. So, on top of all the other work he needed to do, he had to go to a hotel and settle the argument. And on top of that,Mike knew it would be crowded as hell - meaning, hunting the two down and pulling them off to the side, away from all the scrambling people that were just dying to talk to them.

This seriously sucks ran through Mike's mind. He turned, Louis' words rewinding through his mind - after all, he needed to know what the junior partner wanted him to do. As his thoughts wound on, his eyes landed on the Casey contracts - almost completed, but not quite. He glared down at them, wishing they didn't look so daunting to him. Mike skimmed through it hurriedly, writing this and that, fixing here and there, until finally he was done. Better go give this to Harvey...

The younger associate walked as hurriedly as he worked on the contracts. In no time, he was pushing the glass door to Harvey's office and entering quickly, completely oblivious to the empty cubicle he had passed. His eyes fixed on the contracts/floor, he came to a stop in front of his boss' desk. "It's done," he announced, almost as if he didn't know Harvey would figure that out by the papers in his hands.

"Oh? Good. Just set them there..." Harvey instructed vaguely, waving his hand on a spot on the desk. Mike did so, avoiding eye contact as his boss leaned back in his oh-so-comfortable chair. "Wait a minute," Harvey's voice insisted as Mike turned on his heel to get the hell out of there - especially since his scent was filling Mike's nose; since the windows were giving off a clear view of the moon; since all the little times Mike glanced at Harvey, the regions south of his bellybutton felt heavy and surprisingly... wet? "I'm sure I have more to give you..."

Give me? Fuck, fuck, shit, damn, Harvey, what are you gonna give me? If it's what I'm hoping - wanting, oh Lord, just give it to me qu-

"Here," the man's voice interrupted, his tone high-and-mighty. As usual, Mike reached out a hand to grab the papers and files, trying his best not to cringe as their fingers brushed against each other's. Before Mike knew it, Harvey was speaking - but of course, the words didn't register as his fingers started to burn. Mike was too worried about his nether regions, the scent, Harvey himself, the floating orb - and oh, the tension, the frustration, the ne-

"What's wrong? It's like you have ADHD because I am so sure you barely heard a word I just said." The older man said, his tone something Mike couldn't make out.

The younger man's mind raced, trying to think of that analogy Harvey always used to justify his skittishness. What was it again... He just said..."I'm just a puppy, remember?"

"Then shouldn't you be on your hands and knees?" Harvey scoffed, letting out a slight snort as he laughed - but, Mike on the other hand... Hands and knees? Hands and knees. Hands. And. Knees! Oh, God, tha-The images in Mike's mind cut through his thoughts and he tried his best not to groan and moan as he pictured Harvey's hands running down his body, the warmth of his mouth grazing a different kind of head; Mike's own hands reaching down in excited pleasure to circle the older man's head, lowering it somewhat so his mouth finally-

"Are you high?" Harvey's voice spat out, making Mike look up frantically, only... Harvey was right in front of him. Quickly, a hand shot up, cupping Mike's jaw tightly in its hold. Growling, the young associate tried to jerk away - when his eyes set on the moon outside. Though it wasn't full, to the naked eye, it sure looked like it. Again, Mike tried not to groan, but he was sure he let a little one out of his mouth, and the thought only made his face flush a bit more; his regions yearning for Harvey's touch... And now that he thought about it, his boss looked more and more...deliciousto him. Sure, Mike always thought Harvey was good-looking and handsome, but...

"I'm fine." The younger brunette spat back, finally jerking away from Harvey's grip. He took a few steps back, noting how the older man looked towards the windows - clearly noticing how Mike was somewhat transfixed on... what? The buildings? Harvey thought silently. The flashing lights? The... moon?

"A-Anyway," Mike continued, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked down at the papers Harvey gave him minutes ago. "Louis wants me to go settle an argument between Robert and... Leela... so..." Mike hesitated, wondering why the hell it sounded like he was asking permission. And it only pissed him off more. "I won't be here for long tomorrow."



"Well," Harvey began, sitting on the front edge of his desk. He slipped his hands into his pockets, shrugging a shoulder so his already comfortable suit was even more comfortable. "I think I'll go with you."

"Wha - ?" Mike breathed, shaking his head as he pretended to flip through the papers. "Why?"

"I want to see if you'll actually be able to pull it off. After all, I have to help my puppy out once in awhile."

Review please! We really want to know how we are doing! Oh! Can you tell between our writing styles? Because we have different writing styles.

AO3: MissDani360

Tumblr: missdanibr