So…yeah I know I haven't updated in a super long time, but I had my internet down for like a month or something and then stuff happened but now that I'm on break I'm gonna try to update some more:)

Anyways enjoy!

"Come over to my house on Saturday at noon, and I'll fill you in on the details and you can start working, too."Bloom said.

"Okay," I smiled.

So….I guess I have a job now. This day turned out….okay? It was crazy but then again... when has my life ever been anything less than crazy? But I do have a good feeling about this... I just hope I'm not wrong...

More or less the rest of the day went by pretty good. My teachers were pretty nice…except for my math teacher Ms. Griselda. She was pretty scary, but whatcha gonna do?

Anyways it turns out I had basically all my classes with Layla except for my elective. Track. I honestly hadn't been expecting them to put me in, but there it was on my schedule: Track period 6. It's been years since I last tried running.

Back when I had to basically run in order to get to school on time because I usually had to be the one to take Rose and myself to school. So basically, long story short the coach saw me rushing to get to school one morning and she had been impressed enough to offer me to try out. I did it…and I really loved it. But then the whole thing with mom and dad came crashing down and I haven't looked back since.

But now here I am on the track about to try and prove myself with the rest of the girls to see if I'm cut out for this. Apparently the coach had seen my records from years ago and had insisted I try out. If I do make it I can get out of regular PE for the whole year. Which I'm not gonna lie… would be AWESOME!

As I went to take my place I felt memories from 2 years ago flooding back. Everything. From the moment the coach had excused me for being tardy again….to that first time I tried out…to the moment I came home to see dad actually home for once and seeing his face light up with pride when I eagerly told him everything, to-

And I was off. The first thing I felt was the rush of the wind in my face. The blur I had almost forgotten about as I rushed forward. And the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest as I practically started racing against the wind…or was it with the wind? I forget…

Before I knew it I was done…the first one done by the look of it. I was out of breath and it felt…good. The coach was beaming as she was writing something down. As more girls were finishing they were looking at me in disbelief. And then suddenly the coach started clapping.

Everyone looked at her.

"That," she said," has got to be the fastest track record I've seen all year!"


"How long have you been running," she asked me grinning.

"Ummm…I don't actually…" I said slightly uncomfortably.

She got a confused look on her face," No?"

I shook my head," No. I haven't for a few years actually…"

"But your records…" she said looking back at her papers.

"Are from middle school," I explained.

She nodded, "Mmm…well then I still hope that doesn't stop you because you're in."


She nodded," Right, girls?"

Some girls agreed enthusiastically…while others looked at me unsure.

"So how about it?" she asked me.

I bit my lip unsure but….then again it couldn't hurt to have an extra curricular for college… Every little bit helps, right?

So I said," Okay."

And I was in.


The rest of the period I was in Ms. Joyce's office getting everything I needed. The track schedules, the uniform, and getting all the paperwork mom would need to sign. When the bell rang I started heading towards the bus stop when someone pulled over and rolled down the window next to me.

Then Bloom was in the drivers seat and smiled,"Hey, Flora, need a ride?"

I smiled shyly," No it's okay…I'm taking the bus-"

"The bus?! Don't be crazy! Hop in," she said and they opened the back door.

And I looked back at the bus stop one more time before shrugging and hopping in.

"So, Flora, I heard you made the track team," Stella said

"You did?" I asked her.

"Yeah I have 6th period PE, and Ms. Joyce was talking about how fast you were and how you are a really great addition and stuff," she said.

"Really?" I asked embarrassed.

"Uh huh," she said," And can I just tell you how lucky you to get out of PE for the whole year!"

I giggled.

"Stella, you have nothing to complain about! It's only dodgeball," Tecna laughed.

"You guys just don't understand me," Stella pouted.

"What happened to your whole get-hit-with-the-ball-first-and-then-sit-out-for-the-rest-of-the-class plan?" Tecna asked.

"Weeell…it worked at first but then sitting out for the whole class means I get a bad 'participation' grade," she said dramatically," I mean come on!"

"Aww poor Stella," Layla teased.

"I know!"she said seriously. And everybody burst out laughing.

"So, Flora," Layla said," While I know she has a problem with everyone…why does Jennifer hate you?"

I bit my lip," Well let's just say that we used to be friends like a really long time ago, and then stuff happened I guess and then we…weren't."

"Let me guess…she turned into the queen of snobs, huh?" Musa said.

"It wasn't exactly her fault you know," I said feeling bad.

Musa just looked at me like I was crazy," Flora, did you not see what she did today?"

"I know, but I'm just going to look past it. I know-knew- her, and I know something happened to her to make her that way," I said carefully.

"You think," Bloom said.

"I know."

"What do you think happened?" Layla asked.

"Well…I don't know yet I guess, but I hope I will," I said.

"Maybe you're right…" Layla said doubtfully.

"Anyways, girlies, the boys invited us to this cool new cafe," Stella said excitedly," Why don't you come with us, Flora?"

"Oh my god yeah!" Layla said.

"So what do you say, Flo?" Stella said.

"Umm…I don't know…"

"Come on it'll be fun," Layla nudged me.

"It's just that it's my first day of school here and-"

"And you have to enjoy it-"Musa said.

She was kind of right… should I? I'd already taken many risks today…what's a few more?

So I laughed and said," Okay."

Stella squealed," Yay! I finally get to start my new project!"

I looked at her confused," What project?"

"Project Get Flora a Boyfriend, duh," she said.

I laughed," Yeah I don't know about that…"

Musa laughed," Just wait for it."


"Oh my gosh," Stella squealed," You're going to look gorgeous after I'm done with you!"

"You mean you're not even done yet?" I asked her eyes wide.

"Just getting started, dawlin'" she said breezily adjusting her belt.

I'd called my mom to tell her where I would be, but if I'd known this would've happened I probably would've listened to Musa before. Now it was too late. Stella had insisted I wear one of her own outfits she picked out for me.

It was a tan t shirt, a pair of ripped short shorts, gladiator sandals. She also gave me some bangles and a feather necklace to (as she put it) make my whole outfit pop. She also insisted I use one of her bags because apparently my backpack was a fashion don't…or something like that… So I was using a casual green shoulder bag, too.

Now she was fussing over my hair," Stella, you know you really don't have to do this…"

"Oh relax, Flora," she said," Just trust me."

"But aren't we just going to a café?" I asked her.

"Yeah…but a little birdie told me that our boy Helia was being really nice to you this morning," she said with a weird twinkle in her eye.

My eyes widened and I looked at Layla," Layla! He was just helping me to find my class."

"Surreee…and he was a real gentle man about it, too," Layla smirked," Huh, Flora."

"Right," I said firmly. Hold up….

My eyes widened, and my sheeks started heating up," Wait! No! Not right! Ugh….it's not like that!"

They all laughed.

"Don't worry, Flora," Bloom laughed," she's just teasing you."

"Don't I feel special," I mumbled sarcastically.

But then I laughed with them, too.

"Are you done yet?" I asked Stella.

She looked at me for a moment and then nodded," Yeah you're done take a look."

And I did. The outfit was actually pretty nice. The shorts were ripped and sort of short, but they looked good with the shirt. And while they looked kind of plain, the sandals and jewelry somehow pulled the whole outfit together. The more I thought about it the more I thought that they actually could've been my clothes. But then again by the looks of Stella's closet even this outfit was probably no where on my budget. Then I brought my hand to touch my hair. Stella had done my hair in a high ponytail, and had done a loose braid.

"You look so cute, Flora," Bloom said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"So do you like it?" Stella said hopefully.

I laughed," I love it!"

Stella squealed," I knew you would."

After Stella spent way longer than the rest of us to get ready, but eventually we left for the café.

When we got there the boys were standing around a van, and looking around for us. When they finally spotted us they made their way to their girlfriends…well except Helia.

But he surprised me by walking over to me and said," Hey, so you came?"

"Yeah, the girls invited me," I said with a smile.

"That's cool, but what took you guys so long?" He said.

"Do you even have to ask anymore," Musa answered.

"Hey," Stella said," You can't blame me! It takes time to look this amazing." She said with a flip of her hair.

We all laughed.

"We should go inside," Bloom said.

And we did, and that's when this blonde girl came up to me and hugged me," Oh. My. God! It's you!"

I just stood there, and looked at her. She had her hair in a high pony tail, and she looked…familiar…And that's when I remembered. It was Natalia! She had been in track with me when we were in middle school.

"Oh…hey!" I said halfheartedly. I didn't want to be mean or anything but I hadn't talked to her in years.

"I heard you made the track team this year," she said.


"I knew you would the minute your aunt came to sign you up," she said.

It took me a second," She did what?"

She nodded," Yeah she went to Ms. Joyce's office and told her all about you, and now we're going to be running together."

"You're on the team, too" I asked her surprised.

"Yeah," she said," You didn't see me?"

I shook my head apologetically.

She shrugged," Well yeah I am, and god… do I have to shape up this year."


"Do you even have to ask," she said with a laugh," If I thought you were fast then today was just….whoa!"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Didn't you hear what Ms. Joyce said about you?" she exclaimed," You don't run! You freaking fly!"

I bit my lip, "Yeah…I don't know about flying…"

And then she said this, "But even if you did quit all those years ago because of what happened with your parents and all, just know that this year is going to be awesome," she said with a smile.

Umm…okay… Awkward," Uh…yeah… Thanks."

"Well…anyways," Natalia said," I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah…tomorrow," I said.

And then she left. I just wanted to disappear right then and there, but eventually I turned around to face everyone.

I was about to go ahead and explain everything before Stella spoke up," That girl is such a blonde."

Bloom laughed," Stella, you're blonde."

"Yeah but I don't go around disgracing it," she said indignantly.

Everyone gave her a 'Suuurrree…' look.

"But….then again I loved her whole stylishly sporty look," she said finally.

An hour later I was sipping my smoothie barely listening as Stella pointed out a bunch of guys out for me. I thought back to what Natalia had said about how she knew I'd given up track because of my parents. While she was right about that…had I really made it that obvious?

"So…flying huh?" Helia said as he sat down next to me.

"Yeah…no. She was exaggerating. She always did now that I think about it," I said as an afterthought.

"So you do know her," he asked me.

"Yeah, in middle school," I said," Before I quit."

"Why did you quit?" he asked.

"Well like she said, there was this whole thing with my parents and…I don't know," I said," I just wasn't into it anymore."

"What happened to your parents," he asked looking at me.

"My dad died in a car crash," I said simply. No point in going back story on him…right?

He was quiet for a minute or two before say," My mom died, too."

I looked at him," She did?"

"Yeah," he said.

"So," he said after a moment," Just how fast were you?"

"I don't really remember," I said embarrassed.

He smirked," Oh come on. You do, too."

I shook my head," No I don't."

"Yes you do," he said nudging me," You can tell me."

"Why do you want to know," I asked starting to blush.

"Just curious," he said," You have to be pretty fast to impress Ms. Joyce."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," he nodded," she doesn't take just anybody."

I was didn't say anything for a minute before I said quietly," My best was five-five."

"A mile?" he said finally.

"Yeah…why what's yours?" I asked.

"Umm…let's just say it more that five-five."

I found myself smiling a bit," What? Jealous?"

"Me? Nah…besides I'm a football player not a runner."

I giggled," Suuurrree…"

Then Stella came up to me," Come on, guys, we need to go."

We got up and I got into Bloom's car, and Helia got into his.

"So," Stella said," What was going on between you guys, Flora?"

"Who?" I said pretending not to know.

She gave me a look," You should have seen yourselves. You two were definitely flirting."

"Yeah totally, Stella, except that we were talking about running," I said giving her a look.

"Oh, sweetie," she said sympathetically," It's not about what you talk about…it's how you talk about it to each other."

Tecna just looked at her," Stella, I don't even understand what you just said."

"Don't worry, Tec, it just means we're going to have a new couple in our group just wait."

I just looked at her," Yeah…you do that, Stella."

When we got to her house I got my stuff, and then they dropped me off at my house.

"So, remember to come over tomorrow to start your first day of work," Bloom said as she wrote down her address and phone.

"Okay," I said," What time?"

"Around two in the afternoon," she said.

"Okay," I said," Bye you guys!"

"Bye!" they said and I went inside the house.

So there you go! Sorry for the long wait, I hope you liked it!