After looking through old files I found this small chapter, so thought i'd post it! hope you enjoy it!

As soon as they were through the door, Brittany dumped all the bags on the floor and ran upstairs, Santana carefully stepped over the bags and into the living room. Both of their parents made their way to the kitchen talking as they went.

Santana carefully placed the car seat with their daughter in on the floor in front of the sofa then slowly lowered herself into the seat.

By the time Brittany was standing in front of her holding the spotted tea pot, Santana had taken Matilda out and was holding her.

"Are you ready?" Brittany asked


Brittany rubbed the teapot and blue smoke started to come from the spout and with a long exaggerated yawn Mot appeared

"Hi Mot" Brittany said getting his attention

"Hello there!"

"Look" Brittany said pointing to Santana on the sofa

"Oh my" he said floating in closer "and who is this?"

"Matilda" Santana answered

"Matilda…. I've never heard the name before, but it is beautiful … and so is she"

"It's from one of my favourite books" Brittany said

"Oh, Some kind of princess in a tower…?" he asked

"No, she's a genius…" Brittany said smiling

"Well that's perfect! And with two wonderful parents like you I think she will thrive!" he wiggled his finger in front of the baby to try to get her attention "Fantastic…"


"You're doing it wrong"

"I'm doing it wrong? We wouldn't be doing this if you got it right the first time"

"Hey! That's not fair! It's tricky okay? And I don't see you getting it right"

"Okay, okay, we shouldn't argue with her laying there, she's getting upset" Santana said as they both looked down at their daughter "Look her bottom lip is starting to stick out just like her mother's…" Santana smiled looking at Brittany

"Father" Brittany said quietly looking out of the corner of her eye at Santana, who was rolling her eyes

"Well that's a whole other argument now isn't it? and we still having got our little ones bum covered yet have we?"

The discussion about what Brittany was going to be called had started pretty much as soon as they had got home a few days ago. Brittany thought she should be called Matilda's father or dad, whereas Santana didn't see why she couldn't just be her mother as well, and really if Brittany was called her father people would be pretty surprised when a hot blonde showed up. The argument still went on.

"Okay so …" Santana looked and examined the nappy

"This bit has to go.." Brittany cut in

"Hey! Don't. We both saw how badly yours turned out, it's my turn…. Don't pout at me, it's bad enough with this little one…" Santana said pointing to Matilda who was laying surprisingly patiently on her changing mat while her parents tried to get the hang of the new cloth nappies that Brittany's mum had bought them.

"Right" Santana said as if she knew what she was doing. She got one of Matilda's legs then the other and very careful lifted them to get the cloth under their baby. Matilda wiggled her legs about as soon as Santana let them go. "Now we fold… no that doesn't look right"

"Where would her legs go?" Brittany asked

"….. this bit goes….hmmmm?" Santana stepped back quizzically, this shit was hard

"Is everything okay girls?" came a shout from Brittany's mum downstairs

They both quickly replied in unison "Yes" The last thing they wanted was to admit defeat again and ask for another lesson. They had already had three and they were still having a hard time with it.

"Is this meant to be this difficult?" Santana asked Brittany, who just shrugged and gave a confused look.


They both turned around to see their mum's standing in Brittany's doorway with mugs of tea smiling like Cheshire cats.

"We're fine…" Santana said confidently

"You've been up here for forty minutes" Santana's mum said as they walked in. "and we don't want little Sophia getting too cold now do we?" her mum said in a baby voice as she stood over her granddaughter.

"Matilda, mum, her name's Matilda"

"Of course mija, her first name is Matilda…." Mrs Lopez handed her mug of tea to Brittany and took control of the nappy situation.

In the blink on an eye and a whirl of hand movements she had fixed the nappy and lifted Matilda off the mat "and that is how it's done…"