It was a regular day at the Mystery Shack. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Wendy was slacking off, Soos was working hard and Grunkle Stan was ripping off the local customers.

Dipper sat hunched in the corner looking through '3'.

'3' was a book he had found a couple weeks earlier when he and his twin sister had arrived in Gravity Falls. The book was a journal of some sorts, filled with all the oddities that lurked in the forests of Gravity Falls.


Dipper slapped a hand over his sister's mouth. He inched closer to her until their foreheads practically touched as he slowly moved his hand away. "Mabel, be quiet."

Mabel stared at his eyes for a few seconds before licking his nose. The boy backed away in digust.

"Gross Mabel. Did you just lick me?"

Mabel bursted out laughing at her brother's question. "Dude. Seriously, seriously. What are you doing?"

Dipper wiped his face and shrugged, "Just looking through the book..."

"You mean the book Grunkle Stan doesn't know about?"

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Whatever Mabel. Does it really matter if he knows about it or not?"

Mabel bit her lip, "Hey Dipper, wanna go stand on Soos as he rolls down the hill?"

Dipper shook his head, "No thanks...I'll catch up on my reading. Have fun with Soos."

Mabel grinned, "You mean catch up on staring at Wendy!"

Dipper punched his sister in the arm. "Quiet Mabel."

Mabel laughed, "Okay, okay. I'll be rolling see ya dude!"

Dipper watched his sister skip away. She was currently talking to Grunkle Stan, probably trying to coax him to let her and Soos go out and play. Eventually Grunkle Stan would give in, he always did. Prior to everyone's belief, Stan was actually a big ol' softie.

Under all that...Stan, of course.

Dipper gave a small grin as Mabel and Soos left the Mystery Shack. He glanced around, Grunkle Stan had gone back into the house and Wendy was playing in her phone.

If only Dipper had the confidence to go over and talk to her.

The boy sighed and shook his head. Maybe later he'd go talk to her, after he made a checklist of everything he needed to do to prevent things from going haywire. He smiled to himself and looked back at his book.

Let's see what '3' had to teach him today.

Author's Note: Hey! This is my new fanfic and my first to be Gravity Falls themed! So yeah, this is just the prologue. We get more into the suspense in the later chapters. I hope you guys enjoy. So please read and review.