Hi KHfreak21 here to give you a new story Team Sharingan. I know the description wasn't much but it did get you to click it anyways here are some thing to know about the story. 1: This is a NaruXKyuuXAnko story and there is no yuri or yaoi its pure straight relationships. 2: Kyuu will be good and a girl. 3: Naruto will knock some sense into Sasuke early on and everything else will be a surprise. oh and I'm somewhat new to Naruto iv only seen up to episode #209 but I will be writing along with watching what I can but I have read a lot of Naruto Fan fiction so if you come across a fact that is revealed early you know how I know it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto I only own this story

Key "normal talking"/'thoughts or mental link'/Jutsu/ {scene change}/ [Time Skip]/ (sc) = Spelling Check/ [Flash Back]

Team Sharingan Chapter 1

The full moon is high in the night sky above Konoha the village hidden in the leaves. Which is celebrating the 12th anniversary of the defeat of the Kyuubi No Kitsune or Nine Tailed Fox. By the hands of their beloved 4th Hokage who sacrificed his life to defeat the Fox by sealing it inside a new born baby boy. Whose chakra coils will develop with the fox to keep it contained. but not everybody is celebrating in fact the same baby boy is now hiding in his apartment hoping that he won't be attacked today but alas that is not the case. Naruto is hiding under his bed wrapped up in his blanket eyes shut tight wishing his birthday to be over already not to be beaten mercilessly. But his hopes were shattered as he heard the hateful shouts and yells of the "Brave" and or Drunk villagers. They got louder as they got closer to his apartment to him.

"Kill the Demon"

"Avenge the 4th"

"Death to the Fox"

The villagers now at his door start banging against it trying to brake in they succeed. And start trashing the place destroying everything along with searching for the "Demon". Some shinobi join in even the Anbu assigned to protect him and Naruto asks.

"Why why do you attack me I never did anything to you" 'except a few harmless pranks' he added in his head

"Why WHY! You know why demon you Killed our family and friends and our beloved 4th Hokage you shall die tonight" a villager said shouts of agreement chorused and they begin beating and stabbing the young boy till he was unconscious. An ANBU decided to finish "it" off with a jutsu but before he could he was swallowed by darkness. A kunai was in the back of his head he was dead. everyone turned in fear and saw a Anbu with a neko mask (cat mask) and a pissed off Sarutobi Hiruzin 3rd Hokage of Konoha.

"Neko please take these people to Ibiki and Anko tell them about Naruto and no mercy" Sarutobi said

"Hai Hokage–sama" Neko responded and started to knock out the mob. The shinobi tried to escape but the Hokage's Ki kept them in place as he went to Naruto and picked him up

"Neko I'll be at the hospital with Naruto" Sarutobi said

"Hai Hokage–sama" she responded after she was done knocking out the mob. Sarutobi Shunshined to the hospital and entered. The nurse at the front desk saw Naruto in the Hokage's arms and called for a doctor to come to the front desk. Seconds later they got Naruto on a stretcher prepped for the ER then rushed to save the young boy's life.

{Naruto's Mindscape}

Naruto found himself in what looked like a sewer

"Great after they beat me they throw me in a sewer" Naruto said he starts walking to find an exit. While looking for it he notices the pipes are flowing with blue and red stuff he eventually hears what sounds like crying and comes to a large room with two large metal cage like doors with a piece of paper with the kanji for seal on it keeping the doors together. Naruto walks up to the cage like doors an inside he sees a young girl around his age with long red hair in a black kimono with a large red fox on the back but what caught his attention the most were the red fox ears on the top of her head along with nine large fox tails wrapped around her with knees pulled to her chest her arms around them with her head down Naruto stepped thro the metal bars and asked.

"Hello why are you crying" she lifts her head up to see Naruto with her light golden black silted eyes she then tackles him to the ground and buries her head in his chest saying "I'm sorry" over and over again while crying uncontrollably.

"What are you sorry for" Naruto asked

"For everything Naruto for all the beatings the hateful glares the loneliness for everything that has happened to you because of me can't you tell who I am" she said

"Yeah now that I think about you're the Kyuubi but from what I can remember from the academy you were killed by the 4th" Naruto said

"No I was sealed inside you Naruto that's why they hate you because they think you are me. And because I know you are going ask why I attacked the village I'm going to tell you what I can remember. Originally I was sealed inside Kushina Uzumaki your mother" Naruto eyes widen "she was my best friends and I was sitting comfortably in your mothers seal giving her encouraging and comforting words while she was giving birth to you with your father by her side and no I'm not telling you who your father is because it's for the safety of not only you but the village it's too dangerous for you to know. Anyways a man who I recognize as Madara Uchiha a man who has lived long past his time broke in after your birth held you hostage and extracted me from your mother while the seal was weakened by your mother giving birth to you. Then he put a genjutsu on me and that's how I know who he was because he is as far as I know is the only one who has the power to do that because it comes from the sharingan the eye of the Uchiha. But the last thing I remember is the 4th sealing me inside you then I woke up here a couple of hours ago I looked thru your memories then I started to cry then you found me" she finished

"I forgive you. You were forced to attack the village so I forgive you" Naruto said with a caring smile

"Thank you thank you thank you" Kyuubi says

"You're welcome um do you happen to have a name I doubt Kyuubi is your name" Naruto asked

"Yes it's an old name suggested by my great great grandfather from when he was a kit long before the elemental nations it's Victoria" Victoria said with a small smile

"Victoria I like it Tori–chan" Naruto said Victoria blushed and said

"Thanks Naruto–kun um Naruto–kun while I was looking thru your memories I noticed that you've been sabotaged from the very beginning at the academy by your teachers except Iruka. Otherwise everything you've been taught is wrong" Victoria said

"WHAT! Aw man now what am I going to do ill get killed on mission without proper training. Wait you were sealed inside Mom you can help me." Naruto said

"actually unlike your seal your mothers seal didn't allow us to communicate unless she came into her seal and we mainly talked about life in general the only reason I know you were sabotaged is because in your memories you were taught differently than the rest of the class except by Iruka you just didn't pay attention to what the others were learning or your surroundings which you need to do better in if you want be great shinobi Naruto–kun" Victoria said

"Ok but any ideas Tori–chan" Naruto asked

"I suggest you talk to that old monkey of a Hokage" Victoria said

"Hey! Jiji is great why did you insult him" Naruto said

"I didn't that's what your parents sometimes called him" Victoria said

"Oh ok but how do I get out of here" Naruto

"Let me Naruto–kun" Victoria said then Naruto find himself facing a white ceiling he sits up and finds

"Naruto-kun you're up how are you feeling" Sarutobi asks

"Fine Jiji but um can you put up a privacy jutsu like you do in your office when talking about privet maters" Naruto asks

"Ok" Sarutobi says then dose some hand seals then the room glows a light blue "alright Naruto what do you want to tell me" Sarutobi asks

"First off I know about the Kyuubi being sealed inside of me and that my mom held her before me and I don't know who my dad is she wouldn't tell me" Naruto said

"I see you met th- wait she?" Sarutobi says with a confused expression on his face

"Yeah she Kyuubi is a girl her name is Victoria" Naruto said

"I see well do you know who your mom is" Sarutobi said

"Yes her name was Kushina Uzumaki" Naruto said

"Alright what was the second thing you wanted to tell me Naruto said" Sarutobi asked

"Victoria says I've been apparently been sabotaged by the teachers at the academy except Iruka-sensei we were hoping you could help" Naruto asks

"I can't help you much Naruto but what I can do is give you some of your inheritance I can't give you your mother's message because it might contain your father's name that's about it but I suggest you talk to Iruka about helping you. You can come to the tower to pick up your inheritance once you're released from the hospital" Sarutobi said then canceled the privacy jutsu

"Ok Jiji" Naruto says with a smile Sarutobi smiles back and leaves

[Time Skip a few hours later]

Naruto is walking to Hokage's tower while talking with Victoria via the mental link she set up talking about his mother and what she knew about her clan but what they didn't notice is that they were at the top until the secretary said hello to Naruto she was one the one who think Naruto is a hero and said he could go in

"Oh hello I didn't notice thanks Minoki-san I was thinking really hard about something" Naruto lied and opened the doors and said

"Hey Jiji I'm here"

"ah Naruto-kun your here good I've got your mothers half of your inheritance right here" Sarutobi said as he gestured to a long wooden box and three scrolls Naruto walked up to the desk and saw a seal on the box

"Hey Jiji what is this seal on the box" Naruto asked

"That Naruto is a blood seal it's a seal that can only be open the person put the seal on or are related to the maker or if you know how you can set it to accept someone who isn't related at all. All you have to do is apply your blood and add chakra to open it" Sarutobi said after Naruto listened to Sarutobi he bit his thumb and smeared his blood on the seal then pumped chakra into it the seal glowed red then disappeared Naruto opened the box to see a katana with a black sheath with light blue lines starting at the Uzumaki spiral on the top spiraling around the sheath. The guard is silver, black and light blue and looks like a raging whirlpool. The hilt was black with black wrappings (Blade is 3ft/guard 1in/hilt 10in)

"Wow" Naruto said

"Naruto that is your mother's katana if she gave you that I believe one of these scrolls has her kenjutsu style. Naruto there is something I want to give you" Sarutobi said as he pulled a scroll out of his desk and gave it to Naruto

"That Naruto is the Kage bushin jutsu unlike the regular bushin these are real solid clones you should be able to use this one because i believe you have to much chakra for the regular and the rules say you have to perform A bushin to pass it does not say what type of bushin" Sarutobi said with a smile

"Thanks Jiji I have to get to work so I can pass see you later Jiji" Naruto said then he ran out the doors to find Iruka. After a while Naruto gave up and went to Ichiraku's for lunch when he got there Iruka was sitting right there at the bar

"Hey Iruka-sensei" Naruto said as he walked up to the bar

"Oh Naruto are you here for lunch" Iruka said

"Yeah but I was looking for you beforehand" Naruto said as he ordered miso ramem

"Really why" Iruka asked

"I want you to tutor me so I can pass next time starting with the Kage Bushin jutsu Jiji gave me" Iruka choked on his ramen when he heard the jutsu "he said that the rules say I have to perform A bushin to pass it doesn't say what type of bushin" Naruto said

"Well then Naruto we will have to get to work once were done here" Iruka said with a smile

"Awesome thanks Iruka-sensei" Naruto says. Once they finish eating they head to the academy training grounds start practicing the Kage Bushin jutsu while training Naruto told Iruka about Victoria the truth about the attack and his mom and what she left him eventually Naruto found out about the Kage Bushin's little ability of experience stack up and used that to learn faster. Victoria suggested practicing henge and Kawarimi to a point to where he could do them without hand seals both Naruto and Iruka liked that idea to so now they had 10 clones practice them each. After a couple of months Naruto learned the basics of his mothers kenjutsu style thanks to the help of Neko who revealed his mother taught her kenjustu. And from his one of his mother's scrolls he learned water style: water wall jutsu and water style: water bullet Jutsu. Also tree walking from Iruka once they realized how bad his chakra control sucked plus they sent clones under henges to the library to learn history and strategy eventually the academy started again this time he actually paid attention because he learned knowledge is power when he was at Ichiraku's.

[Flash Back]

Naruto was eating his 3rd bowl of ramen when someone came in

"Teuchi-san one bowl of miso ramen noodles and broth only" the guy said as he sat down he had brown hair and hazel eyes behind a pair of rectangle glasses he wore black cargo pants and a white sleeveless shirt with a blue zip up hoodie jacket

"coming right up Leo-san by the way how is the book coming" Teuchi said

"it's coming along but I've recently gotten stuck I need more knowledge on the human body before I can go on so I'm currently reading as much as I can like the saying goes knowledge is power and for us writers knowledge is everything" Leo said

"um how can knowledge be power?"Naruto asked Leo

"that's easy the more knowledge you have the more possibilities you have to grow in power or whatever because without knowledge millions of thing would not exist like jutsu without knowledge we would not know how to perform or create Jutsu" Leo explained

"Wow" Naruto said in awe then went back to eating his ramen

[End of Flash Back]

During the academy he met and became friends with some of his class mates Kiba Inuzuka and his ninkin partner Akamaru, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga but some he can't stand like the ego king Sasuke Uchiha and one of his fan girls known as Sakura Haruno the banshee although Ino Yamanaka another one of his fan girls was not to bad anyways eventually Naruto got both henge and Substitution down to no hand seals are need and has both water style: water wall jutsu and water style: water bullet Jutsu down now he is trying to do them with no hand seals and in Neko's spare time helped him in learning more of his mothers kenjutsu style also during one of his library raids one of his clones found a book written by the 4th on basic Fuuinjutsu and found out he was really good at it he is already read a half of the book and is right now at the academy for the graduation exam

"alright the first part of the exam is a written test Mizuki will pass out the tests you will have one hour to finish" Iruka said Mizuki gave everyone a exam but he placed a genjutsu on Naruto's

'Naruto-kun there is a genjutsu on it' Victoria said thru her and Naruto's mental link

'thanks Tori-chan' Naruto said then he dispelled and answered all the questions correctly in 15 minutes then handed in his test 45 minutes later everyone was done then we waited for the grading to be done then they went outside for the stealth and weapons tests he passed both with flying colors even better than lord ego then came the jutsu test he passed again with flying colors but Mizuki had a backup plan in case he did pass. Naruto knew Mizuki tried to sabotage him today he decided to tell Jiji about it but Mizuki caught him before he could get a chance

"Naruto wait up" Mizuki yelled

"hey Mizuki-sensei what's up" Naruto said

"I just got word that you would be put on a team with Sasuke and Sakura but I know how to keep that from happening by doing a special test you up to it" Mizuki said

'now that is total lie he's planning something I'll play along for now' "really Mizuki-sensei no way am I going to be on a team with them" Naruto said

"good all you have to do is "steal" the forbidden scroll from the Hokage tower and learn one jutsu from it and meet me here tonight and then you can chose who you want on your team" Mizuki said as he gave Naruto a map to the randavu point

"alright Mizuki sensei you can count on me to pass this test" Naruto said

"great see you tonight" Mizuki said as he ran off

"Jiji has got to hear this" Naruto said he then ran off to the tower Naruto arrived in a few minutes and knocked on the door he heard a come in

"hey Jiji we've got a problem" Naruto said in serious tone

"and what would that be Naruto" Sarutobi said as noticed Naruto's tone Naruto explained about what happened between him and Mizuki they decided to play along and then pin him

"Naruto this is your first B rank mission" Sarutobi said

"Hai Hokage-Jiji" Naruto said

[Time skip later that night]

Naruto was currently sitting against the wall of the shack when Iruka jumped into the clearing

"Naruto why have you stolen the Forbidden Scroll" Iruka said

"oh hey Iruka-Sensei Mizuki-sensei said if I stole the scroll and learned a jutsu I can pick who I want on my team" Naruto said

"Mizuki he put you up to this" Iruka said then Iruka heard something he turned his head then body an pushed Naruto out the way of the kunai Iruka got pin to the side of the shack and a kunai in his right thigh

"I'm impressed you found this place" a voice said Iruka looks up into the trees and sees Mizuki with two fuma shiriken strapped to his back

"Now I see…how it is" Iruka said

"Naruto give me that scroll" Mizuki said

"Naruto never give him that scroll it's a dangerous object that contains forbidden Ninjutsu. It was sealed Mizuki you in order to get it himself" Iruka said as he pulled out the kunai in his thigh

"Naruto, Iruka is only afraid of you holding that scroll" Mizuki said

"what are you saying Mizuki. Don't let him fool you Naruto" Iruka said

"I will tell you the truth" Mizuki said

"Idiot don't do that" Iruka said

"After an incident 13 years ago a rule was created that is Naruto a rule everybody knows but you" Mizuki said

"Stop it Mizuki" Iruka said

"The rule forbids anyone from revealing that you are actually the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi who killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village" Mizuki says but he hears Naruto start to chuckle then full out laughter along with Iruka

"Oi what's so funny" Mizuki asked

"what's so funny is that I know about the Kyuubi in fact she is my girlfriend plus this is all an act" Naruto pulled a scroll from his jacket an held it up for Mizuki to see "this is a mission scroll from Hokage-Jiji saying to play along and fool you into reveling your plans for the scroll but you talking about the law is better. Told Jiji about you trying to trick me into this and about you trying to sabotage me in the exam plus Anbu is surrounding us we speak sorry Mizuki-teme you lose" Naruto said with his infamous foxy smile while Mizuki paled seconds later Anbu landed in the clearing and took Mizuki away to be interrogated then executed

{Hokage' office}

"good work you two now this mission shall be classified so no one can know about this Iruka you can tell your students that something happened tonight that involved the security of the village but that's it and Naruto you can't tell this to any one understand" Sarutobi said

"Hai" they both responded

"good now go get some rest you will need it" Sarutobi said they both left to get the rest they needed

{Naruto's mindscape}

Right now we find Naruto and Victoria cuddling on the couch that was in the house Naruto made inside his mindscape it is one story it has a master bedroom, a study a kitchen, a dojo, a living room, and a beautiful Japanese garden in the back yard which leads to a waterfall behind the house along with the natural hot spring next to it and all of it is surrounded by a huge sakura blossom forest

"Naruto-kun what are you going to do if you really are on a team with Sasuke and Sakura" Victoria asked

"I'm just going to have to deal with it I guess" Naruto said

"well I just hope they don't bring down the team" Victoria said

"me too Tori-chan me too" Naruto said then kissed her witch turned into a make out session then they went to the bed room and slept in each other's arms

Alright for those who also read my story Phantom's Possible's Cousin I'm sorry but I'm completely stuck I have already tried to rewrite the chapter you have been waiting for. multiple times so I decide to take my mind off it for a while and then started to work on this so I'm sorry but I have no clue when the next chapter will come and for those who are going to fallow this story my updates will be erratic because 1: this is a bit more detailed 2: this is somewhat fallowing the anime time line so I'm a lot more restricted to what I can write and that's it so I hope you enjoy this and I hope you will fallow this story bye. KHfreak21