©Mint-Chocolate-Leaves – 10th Aug 2012

Written for the 'Secret Relationship' challenge. Remus and Tonks are one of my favourite couples in the whole series, and I just love writing about them! Reviews, as per usual are appriciated, and if you want to read a Remus centric fic, why don't you check out my fic 'Stuck in reverse'

Hope you enjoy the fic, and enjoy!

Forever And Always

For a professor, you're not as smart as you seem.


Please, understand that I'm really not


When you tell me your poor


I'm an Auror

I don't need money


Please, listen to me when I say

I don't c-a-r-e

When you say you're dangerous


I'm an Auror

I deal with dangerous things



And don't make me shout at you

When I try to get it into that

Thick head

Of yours, that I'm not terrified by

Our age gap


I'm an Auror

I've dealt with worse


So turn out

Those warning lights

Telling you we shouldn't be together

Like you do a lamp

At night


.Let me have a turn at being the


For a moment


You need to realise

That we are in a relationship


You need to realise

That I love you


Remus & Dora

Lupin & Tonks

Moony & Me


I really couldn't care less

About all of your flaws

Because I have flaws too




And I think that we should tell everyone

That we love each other


Secret glances at each other

From across the room

Isn't enough anymore

When we're at Order meetings


Holding hands

Underneath the table

Isn't enough anymore

When we're at Order meetings


We can tell every one


And if we do

I Promise

To never call you that again


We can tell Sirius

And Harry

And my mother

When Harry gets back from his fifth year?


We can tell them all then

So we don't have to keep the secret

From people

While others know


We can tell everybody


Or maybe not...


Either way

I'm still going to love you


Forever & Always
