Hey guys! This is a new story I thought of while watching I AM NUMBER FOUR last night. I hope you guys like it!
Oh and in this universe, Ash is the School Jock and he used to date PB and Marceline is the new student. Make sure you review please!

'Another new school. Psh. Hopefully this one will be the last.' The pale rocker girl thought, she was once again in a new school and she hated it. She went inside and got her schedule from the lady at the registrar. "You're first class is in room 214, that's on the second floor." she stated, "Thanks." Marceline walked down the hall and though, 'Maybe I'll something different here, maybe not attract too many attention. Just lay in the shadows for once.' She thought about it and agreed with herself. She went up he stairs and looked for the room with the number 214, she found it and knocked. A woman with white hair opened it, "You must be Ms. Aba-"

"McQueen." Marceline interrupted, "I don't use my fathers surname."

"Oh, my apologies." The teacher said, "Come inside, Ms. McQueen."

She stepped inside and the whole class stared at her, Marceline straightened her black leather jacket and the teacher introduced her, "Class, this is Marceline McQueen. She will be in this homeroom from now on. Please be nice."

"Hi Marceline." The class said, thought it was completely monotoned, Marceline smiled. "'Sup" she replied,

"Marceline, please take your seat." Marceline looked around the room, the only available seat left was at the very back, next to this kid with a white bear hat. She shrugged and took her seat.

The teacher went back to teaching and the kid with the hat looked at her and said, "Hi."

Marceline looked at him for a second and said, "Hey."

"My name's Finn. Finn Humano. I'm 15 years old." He grinned, "And that," He pointed to the sleeping boy in front of him. "is my brother, Jake."


"You sure you're a sophomore?" He asked, "You look like you should be a Junior. What are you, 18?"

"Yeah I am and well, I started pretty late. What about your brother, he looks 18 too."

"Ahh... Well, Jake was held back." Marceline laughed at this, and asked, "Why?"

"He used to cut a lot when he was in freshman year, hocking stolen bikes and snatching purses. He then was put in couseling. He's good now. He didn't know it was wrong." Marceline laughed again, "Cool. Must be nice to have a brother who cares."

"It is," Finn grinned, "Can I see your schedule?"

"Uhh sure, She pulled out her schedule and showed it to Finn. He studied it for a while and said, "We have 1st, 3rd to 6th period together, and Lunch. You're 7th and 8th are pretty close to where you're 3rd period is so it won't be hard to find."

"Cool, now I don't have to spend my time walking around looking for the right room." She laughed,

"Haha, You're really cool Marceline."

"You too Finn."

After that class, they walked together. Finn properly introduced Jake and Marceline. They walked Marceline to her next class and she thanked them with a fist bump, "Thanks dudes." "No problem Marceline." Finn said, "Yeah dude, see ya later." Jake said and they

fist bumped and left. Marceline walked in, not a lot people yet, she took a seat at the back next to the window and started to day dream. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed the other people coming in and the teacher saying "Goodmorning."

"I see we have a new student here with us." The teacher said, Marceline looked up, 'huh?' she thought, "Will you please introduce yourself?"

"Oh." Marceline stood up, "I'm Marceline McQueen. Nice to meet you all." 'Not really,' she thought. Then somebody walked in, She was beautiful.
She look like she was 17, She had pink hair and light fair pink skin, she was wearing a pink hoodie over a plain white blouse, and she was wering a pink skirt and pink boots. She was holding some papers and she handed them to the teacher, "Ahh, thank you Ms. Masters." He noticed Marceline was still standing, "Uh, Yes. Ms. McQueen, you may take your seat." Marceline took her seat and tore her gaze from 'Ms. Masters'.

"New student Mr. Harris?" she asked, and stared at Marceline

"Well yes actually."

"I see." She looked back to the teacher, "Any way I have to go now." She bowed a bit, "I will see you later Mr. Harris,"

"Alright Ms. Ma-."

"Please, sir. Just Bubblegum." She smiled,

"Alright, alright. Now go on, You'll be late for your next class." She left and closed the door. The teacher taught while Marceline thought about 'her'. She was so lost in her thought that class went by really fast, soon enough she was outside and met up with Finn and Jake.
"How was Social Studies Marce?" Asked Finn while they were walking to their next class.

"It was boring."

"Haha, that's true, especially with Mr. Harris." Jake pointed out,

"Got that right man, He was like; Blah blah blah." Marceline said while making her hand talk, Jake laughed

"Man, what's the next class?" Jake asked Finn,

"Uhh, we have Biology."

"Ugh, sounds boring." Marceline said, "You guys wanna cut?"

"It's your first day!" exclaimed Finn,


"Let's cut." Jake agreed,

"Jake, you know you can't." Finn said sternly, Jake whimpered, "Aww, c'mon man. It's just Biology."

"It's a major! besides we have lunch next anyway."

As they argued over whether they were going to cut or not they were already at the door of thier next class, Marceline sighed, "So much for cutting." Finn grinned triumphantly and went inside followed by Jake and her. Marceline was right, it was boring. So she slept through
it. She woke up when Finn was shaking her, "Marce! Marce! Marcy!"

She groaned, "Uhh... what... what?"

"C'mon, it's lunch time." Jake said, just on que his stomach growled and so did Marceline's

"Oh, good. I'm hungry." She got up and picked up her bag and they left the room.

"Peebles and LSP said they'll meet us at the cafeteria." Finn said,

"Who's 'Peebled and LSP'?"

"Oh, they're juniors and our friends." Jake said, "Peebles is really cool. and LSP is the one who knows all the gossip."

"Huh, interesting. Oh by the way, you guys know who Ms. Bubblegum Masters is?"

"That's Peebles!" Excalimed Finn, "Yeah, she's like a straight A student. The first Junior to be a Student Council President, She's also part of the events commity. She's also a intern at this science school, plus she's super rich. Oh yeah, she also used to be a cheer leader but
she quit due to personal issues."

"Whoa. So she's basically the one everyone is after?"

"Yeah." Jake said, "Like the perfect chick in movies. And Finn likes her." He mused,

Finn, who was now red faced yelled, "N-NO I DON'T!"

"Awww, puppy love." Teased Marceline,

"Shut up!"

"Calm down weenie," She laughed, "We're just kidding."

Finn huffed, then opened the door which led to the cafeteria. They went over to buy their food, "I don't like-like her." he sighed,

"Yeah man, whatevs." laughed Jake,

They picked up their trays and picked out their food and sat on a table at the edge of the room. "SO where are they?" asked Jake as he munched on his sandwich,

"They said they're still paying for their food. They'll be here in a sec." He put his phone away and started eating his nuggets. Marceline was feeling a bit nervous to meet 'Peebles' and she didn't know why. She ate her fries quietly then she heard somebody call, "OH MY GLOB! Hey Finn!" She turned around to see'Her' with a shorter girl in purple everything walking towards them, trays in hand.

"Hey LSP!" Finn waved, "Hey Poibles!"

"Greetings Finn!"

They sat down and Finn introduces Marceline, LSP's phone rang and she started talking with this 'Melissa' and ignored everybody else.

"You're that new student in Mr. Harris' class. McQueen was it?" asked Bubblegum,

"Uhh, yep. That's me." Marceline said,

"So you're a sophomore?"

"Uhh, yea. I-I started late." She shrugged,

"Oh, I see. Anyway, welcome to Ooo." She smiled,

'Glob she looked beautiful.' Marceline thought, "Yeah, thanks." She said out loud.

They were enjoying their meal, Finn eating while telling a story on how He and Jake saved a kitten stuck in a tree and how they were 'Heroes', while Jake would only intervene when Finn forgot something. Peebles was laughing and commenting politlely while Marceline would sometimes joke and tease. LSP was still on her phone while eating some chips. Suddenly someone came up behind them, "Bonni, who are these chumps?"

"Ugh..." Bubblegum groaned which made Marceline wonder,

"ASH!" Yelled Finn, "What are YOU doing here?!"

"I came to take my girlfriend back, chump."

"Look Ash," she said his name with distaste, "I broke up with you for a reason." Bubblegum said,

"Yeah, I still don't get that. C'mon baby." He tried to touch Bubblegum's shoulder but she moved away, closer to Marceline, which made her blush a little.

"No Ash...! S-Stay away from me you jerk!"

"C'mon Baby don't be like that!"

Finn got madder. He got up, puffed out his chest and went between them.

"Stay away from PB!" He growled, Ash picked him up by his shirt and punched him, sending him to the floor. Marceline got up and yelled,

"HEY! Pick on someone your own size!" She walked over to him and started a staring constest,

"What you gonna do girly?"

"I don't wanna hurt a pathetic jerk like you who picks on guys smaller than him." She was about to turn away from him and help finn but he grabbed her arm and made her face him.

"OH! WHAT!" Ash got redder,

"You heard me! Leave my friends alone!" She jerked her arm away, Bubblegum was starting to worry.

"You're a newbie! You don't have any friends!" He exclaimed,

"Says the chump desperate to get his Ex back."

That's when he did it, He punched Marceline square in the jaw. Jake was helping Finn but they both looked up in time to see it happen. Jake gasped and so did Finn. LSP eyes were wide while PB just covered her mouth in shock, everyone in the cafeteria was watching them. She stepped back and flexed her jaw a bit. "Bad move, 'chump'. She charged Ash. Ash tried to punch her in the face but she ducked and punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He hunched over in pain, but Marceline grabbed his collar down and kneed him right in the face. He fell down screamin in pain, Marceline was about to kick when PB stopped her. \

"T-That's enough Marceline!"

"This guy's a jerk! How could you have dated him!" She screamed, she knew she had no right. She was a new comer but she still felt oblidged to say those things and do what she did and was about to do.

Then a teacher came, motioned to Finn, Marceline and Ash and took them to the office. Marceline looked back, PB had a worried look on her face. But Marceline didn't know weather it was for Her, Finn or her Ex.

GLOB this was fun! XD I hope you guys want more cause I'll be writing more of this along with my other story!
Please review!