A/N: Here's the sequel to Kung Fu Nightfall! In this story, I names the Sacred Hall of Warriors the Hall of Heroes in the first one, so, I'm sorry for that. But y'all knew what I was talking about! Anyway, enjoy the sequel to Kung Fu Nightfall! I don't own KFP.

Kung Fu Nightfall 2

Chapter 1 - Breakfast and a little news

It's been three months since the defeat of the Kaftar in the Valley of Peace. Po and Tigress have become a couple and they're living their lives peacefully. Shifu has become calmer with his students and the other members have been living more peacefully since the defeat of the Kaftar. Finally, Tai Lung, Shifu's foster son, has moved back in. Tigress isn't fully comfortable with him yet because of what he's done in the past. But she's trying to get over it. We begin to head towards the training hall, where all of our beloved warriors are training. Shifu's observing them, we then enter the training hall.

Inside the Training Hall, every warrior is doing their daily training, the training hall was repaired soon after the Winter Festival. Tigress is on the Swinging Clubs, Viper in the Fiery Field of Death, Crane on the Jade Tortoise of Wisdom, Mantis in the Spinning Wooden Warriors, Monkey was doing his exercises on the Seven Talon Rings, and Po was training with the adversary. As for Tai Lung, he was training alongside them, only he kept switching between each training section. Shifu watched his students, he was proud of them for training so hard. Then Po got into a sparring match with Tai Lung on the Jade Tortoise. Po managed to keep his balance despite his weight, he then kicked Tai Lung off of the Tortoise. He went after him and they began sparring with each other.

"You've got the moves, Dragon Warrior!" Tai Lung commented with a smile.

"Thanks!" Po replied with a smile, "It's totally awesome to train with you and the Furious Five!"

Tai Lung and Po continued to spar, Tigress saw them sparring and was a little annoyed by Tai Lung, but she's still trying to get over it. Then she met up with Crane and they began sparring. Then Po knocked Tai Lung away and he went into the Spinning Warriors. Unlike Tigress that one time, he managed to escape them and continue to fight Po. They were pretty much even, only Po was just having fun though. Then the panda made a move and he managed to get over to the Seven Swinging Clubs.

"You ready, Po?" Tigress asked

Po looked over to see Tigress smiling evilly, she was in her fighting position on a spinning log, she even kept avoiding the Clubs. Po smiled deviously and then they began to spar on the spinning logs in midst of the Swinging Clubs. As they sparred, Tigress was impressed that Po can balance on the spinning logs this time. She smiled at him that told Po that she was proud of him. Viper began fighting Monkey, and he was defeated instantly.

"Awwwwww! No fair!" Monkey griped.

"You've got to work on your flexibility," Viper said with a smirk.

Monkey just groaned again as Po and Tigress continued to spar, then, by accident (or there are no accidents) Po got lost into Tigress' amber eyes. They were just so beautiful. He smiled dreamfully at the sight and then Tigress shouted, "Po!"

"Wha-?" Po said, dazed and confused.

Then Tigress pushed Po out of the way of an oncoming Club, she managed to break it, but Po fell into the Spinning Wooden Warriors and they began whacking him all over the place. Then one hit his butt and then his groin and he yelped in pain.

"Oh! Ooh! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Not…again…ooohhhh…" Po groaned in pain.

Then Tai Lung pulled him out of the Spinning Wooden Warriors and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," said Po as he brushed himself off.

Everyone came to see if Po was all right, including Tigress and Shifu.

"What happened?" Tigress asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Why did you stop?"

"Uh…your eyes…" Po slipped out.

Then he clapped his hand over his mouth, knowing he just said that out loud.

"My eyes?" Tigress asked, confused.

"I don't see anything wrong with them," said Mantis, "Except they're beautiful."

Viper hissed at Mantis who said, "What?"

"I think we all need some breakfast," said Shifu, "Po can be a little out of focus without breakfast."

When he said that, Po's stomach rumbled, and then he said, "Pancakes and eggs, coming up!" Everyone loved to start the morning with that kind of meal, they all pitched in to help with breakfast when it's time for a meal like that. While they walked, Shifu pulled Po to him.

"I know you're excited about the occasion. I know you can't wait to propose to my daughter," Shifu whispered to Po.

Po blushed at the thought of it, he hadn't even gotten a ring yet!

"I'm going to head down to the Valley to get the ring," Po whispered back as he smiled a small smile.

Shifu smiled, nodded, and said, "It makes me happy to see my daughter happy." Po smiled, Shifu really changed since he let them be a couple again.

When they got outside the Training Hall, the others were ahead of them, when they were out of Po's and Shifu's sight, the two figures began to talk.

"Master, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to focus for the past few days," Po said, feeling guilty, knowing his Master doesn't like the lack of training and because he's nervous of proposing to his beloved Tigress.

"It's all right, Po. I know you're excited," Shifu assured him.

"I'm just so nervous," Po said, twiddling his thumbs.

"I know," said Shifu, but he smiled and said, "But don't worry, I'm sure Tigress will gladly accept your proposal. I just expect you to get back to training like you normally do."

"Thanks Master Shifu," Po said as he smiled and bowed to him.

"No problem," Shifu said with a smile, "Now let's go get breakfast started. I want some eggs and pancakes."

"I'm with ya!" Po said with a big smile.

A while later, in the kitchen, everyone has fixed breakfast for themselves, everyone was sitting in their usual spots and Tai Lung sat by Monkey. Shifu then sat down and said, "Well, this meal's done."

"I almost have the plates ready," Po said with a smile.

"Well, let's hurry it up and eat!" Monkey declared as he put his fist high in the air.

Po chuckled at that, and then he said, "Orders up!" He passed all of the plates out, eggs, and pancakes with syrup. It all looked good. Po sat down and said, "All right, everyone, dig in!" Everyone began to eat their breakfast, it was so tasty, everyone told one another how good it was. After a while of eating, Viper decided to start a conversation up.

"So Tigress, how's your mother doing?" Viper asked, hoping to start a conversation.

"Oh, you know," replied Tigress, "She just loves it here in the Valley. I'm going to go visit her later today."

"It was an honor to meet her at the Winter Festival," Crane commented with a smile.

"That indeed," Po said with a smile.

"How've you been doing for the past few months, Tigress?" Tai Lung asked as he smiled.

"I'm not speaking to you…" Tigress said in a stubborn tone.

Po sighed at what Tigress said, he then said, "Tigress, you've gotta get used to Tai Lung."

"I know," Tigress said while looking at her pancakes, "I'm just a little…I don't know."

"Tigress, remember, Tai Lung is your foster brother," said Shifu, "And he gave you a wonderful Christmas present at the Winter Festival."

"I appreciate that," Tigress admitted, "but I still…I can't put it down."

"You'll get used to it one day," said Viper.

"I hope so," replied Tigress, "I don't know what's keeping me from getting used to it. Maybe I'm one of the people that takes time to get used to things."

"That could be it," said Shifu, stroking his beard.

"Enough about me. How's it been going with you, Po?" Tigress asked looking at the panda.

Po froze for a moment, he managed to keep from blushing he then managed to say, "Oh, I've been doing well. My real dad came down a week ago, you know, and he stayed for a week. I hated to see him leave again, but either from that, I'm doing well." Po smiled to prove his point to Tigress.

"I've also noticed you've been a bit distracted in training," Mantis said, raising an eyebrow.

Po froze again and said, "What? I wasn't distracted, why would you say that to the Dragon Warrior?"

"You have been distracted, Po," said Monkey.

"Let's all drop that subject," Shifu told his students, "Po, you've been doing well." He turned to look at the rest, "And for the rest of you, I'm also proud of you."

"Thanks Master Shifu," everyone said in unison.

Shifu smiled and they continued to eat their breakfast. As they ate, Tai Lung decided to break the silence.

"And I'm up with Viper this next time?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Shifu, "While you're all training, I'm going to go meditate."

"Okay Master," Po said with a smile, "I've got an errand to run after lunch anyway."

"What errand?" Crane asked, eating a pancake.

"It's something for my dad. My goose dad," Po explained.

"Po, we know who you're talking about," Tigress said with a smile.

"My panda dad or my goose dad?" Po asked, confused.

Tigress and the others laughed and Tigress said, "You can call him 'dad' when your panda dad's not here."

"Thanks for clearing my mind for me," Po replied with a smile.

"No problem, my dumpling," Tigress said with another sweet smile.

Po blushed and the others chuckled, and then the panda began to eat his breakfast in silence.

A/N: That's it for chapter 1, let me know what you think. Review please! :D Oh, and please be sure to read Nightfall: The Legend is Real. I would love it if you KFP fans would R&R that story! :D