Readers: This is the final chapter, but there will be a sequel =) Leave your thoughts about what part 2 of this story will be like in your reviews =) Hope you enjoyed this =)

Chapter 15

"Aria…oh Aria…wake up precious."

Pain throbbed in my head as I opened up my eyes. A dim glow was all I could see at first before I realized I was looking at a burning candle. I squinted my eyes to get them into focus before pushing myself onto my back. I groaned and reached for my forehead, feeling the terrible pain from the blow I got from Kane.

"You should lay still Aria, your skull has taken a good knock."

I glanced in the direction of the voice and saw my uncle standing in front of a full body mirror. I was slightly confused by how he was dressed, standing there fixing his black tuxedo. I wanted to push myself up, but the pain in my head was much too great to do so.

He smirked at me from the mirror after fixing his tie. "You look beautiful you know…just the way I imagined you would on our wedding day."

My eyes widened when he said those words. I hadn't even realized that I was dressed in a strapless ivory colored wedding gown that was made to look like a ball gown. I reached for the top of my head and felt a small tiara with a veil connected to it. My hair was all in curls and a small necklace was around my neck.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Where is Mark?"

He chuckled and turned around to face me, "So it's true then…you have been sleeping with him which means that child is his too right?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, "Dave I can explain…"

"There's no need to my dear." He said as he approached me. "I forgive you."

I looked at him like he was crazy, "What are you talking about?"

He smirked and came over to me until he was right next to the bed. "Aria, I understand that I haven't treated you like the best niece in the world, and so you ran to another man who treated you like a princess."

I trembled as he slowly sat down next to me. "It wasn't like that Dave. I love Mark and he loves me, that's all."

He chuckled, "He might have loved you, but only I can give you the life you need and deserve. Besides, your mother handed you over to me so that I could marry you one day, and that day has come my dear."

I shook my head and tried to sit up but he gently pressed me back down.

"I know you're scared Aria, but believe me things are going to be much better from here on out."

"No! I want to be with Mark, he's the father of my child!" I screamed while tears filled my eyes. "I love him damn it!"

"Shh, shh, shh," he said as he gently ran his fingers on my face. "You can't be with Mark anymore sweetie. I had my little buddy Kane take care of him once he knocked you unconscious."

I felt my heart shatter at hearing him say that. "What do you mean you had him take care of him? Where is he Dave?"

He sighed and pressed his finger to my lips. "No more talk about him. You and I are getting married tonight…and once you say I do we're going to disappear forever…"

I started crying unable to contain my pain any longer, "I won't marry you…I refuse!"

"Oh? Well I've got news for you toots. If you don't say yes, I'll make sure that baby of yours either ends up in an orphanage…or dies. It's your choice."

I couldn't believe how evil this man was. For him to actually threaten my unborn child just so I would marry him took it to a whole new level for me. All I wanted to do was be in the arms of the man who deeply and truly loved me, but at that point I wasn't sure if I could even feel his spirit anymore.

"So what's it going to be? Marry me, or lose your baby…"

I cried harder and then forced myself into a sitting position. I had to wipe my eyes and get myself under control before I had a miscarriage or something. "F-fine…I'll marry you."

He smirked and then kissed my forehead, "Good girl…now that you've said yes, we can get this show on the road."

I groaned in pain as he scooped me up into his arms and carried me from the room. I tried really hard to stop crying but my hormones were completely out of control. During the entire ceremony, I kept my head down not wanting to look at my uncle who was gloating about marrying me. I didn't know what life would be like after this, but I sure hoped that it wasn't the end of Mark being in my life.