Basically, each chapter is a different flock member answering "fan" questions. Some are perverted, some are ridiculous, and some are revealing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride (sadly).

Ages: Max / Fang / Iggy: 18 Nudge: 15 Gazzy: 12 Angel: 10



Nudge, do you have a boyfriend? How far have you gone? Who do you like?


No, I do not have a boyfriend. Hello, wings! And, uh... I've kissed... someone. And I totally DON'T like Iggy.


Nudge, are Max and Fang together?


Yes, and they rub it in everybody's faces every single day.


Does Angel ever read your mind? Has she read anything embarrassing?


All the time! Max outlawed it, but apparently she 'can't help it'. And not from me, but she eavesdropped on a wet dream of Iggy's. AWKWARD!


1) Is Fang emo?

2) Would you rather date Iggy or Gazzy?

3) What is your favorite color?


1) he denies it, but its true. The guyliner totally gives it away.

2) Iggy

3) purple, duh.


Have you ever flown through a cloud? What's it like?


It's wet and cold, not all fluffy like people think.


Does Fang jerk off? Who watches the most porn out of all of the Flock?

Fang only jerks off when he is thinking about Max, so yeah, a LOT. And Iggy can't really see... but he listens to it a lot. Angel and I went through his internet history. Still scarred.


What ever happened to Dylan?


He never really got over Max, is no longer attracted to girls (except for her), spends his days sulking in a dark corner, and spends his nights in gay strip clubs.


Who has the biggest boobs in the Flock? Any interesting news?


I think I do... but Angel hasn't really developed yet. And Total and Akila had puppies. Six of them, actually. And yes, they all talk, unfortunately. Angel begged Max for one, but that didn't go over too big.


Did Max and Fang ever give you 'the talk'? How awkward was it? Have you gotten your period yet?


Very personal, aren't you? And no, Max isn't good at the whole 'sincere educational lecture', but Dr. Martinez did. It was pretty awkward. I mean not as awkward as the time she caught Max and Fang... nevermind. I got my period once like six months ago, so I don't really know... but Max has and once a month she grows three heads and breathes fire. It's REALLY SCARY! (Jk about the heads and fire thing, but she screams a lot, mostly at Iggy.)


Kick any evil ass lately?


Only Angel's ass out of bed. You decide.


Nudge, do you think Fang will ever leave again?


No, because if he tries Max will cut off his dick and sell it on eBay. I'm not making that up, she actually threatened to.


Do you want to be normal?


I used to, but normal is overrated.


Nudge, will you fuck me? I think you are sexy as shit.


Gross! Max would kill both of us... slowly and painfully. And was that a compliment or an insult, unless you find shit sexy.


a. What's you favorite food?

b. Would you ever dye your hair? What color?


a. Anything but desert rat!

b. I would maybe get like a pink streak, if Max would let me.


What was your most embarrassing moment?


Once the Flock had a dive-bomb competition into a lake in Colorado, and when it was my turn my bikini top flew off... and hit Gazzy in the face. It was horrible.


What is the meaning behind all of your names? Like why are you called Nudge and stuff.


Well, Max's is obvious. So is Gazzy's. Iggy is short for Igneous, like the volcanic rock, he is into that kind of stuff. Fang is called Fang because he wanted a 'hardcore scary name'. He was three when he chose it. Angel is called Angel because... well... she is a blonde-hair, blue-eyed, white-winged little girl. She looks like an Angel. I'm called Nudge because I 'used to nudge everybody day in and day out'.


Nudge, what is your biggest fear?


Max's fashion sense.


Why doesn't Max allow guns?


Something about it being too tempting to her to use it on us when we... misbehave.

That's all guys! Gazzy will answer all of your questions next time!

Feel free to leave your own questions in the review box. Just leave the question and who it's for and I will have it answered! Make sure to review!