Midnight: Yay its AkuRoku day! It's three chapters long though and my first lemon, please be gentle. I haven't written a lemon at all, I hope you all will enjoy it. I claim the pairing of Neku x Olette, I like it. This one time I was drawing Olette in Ciel's dress from Black Butler, I think it was in episode 4? Not sure, but yeah, I drew Neku with her and fell in love with this new paring! xD Again my first LEMON will be somewhere! I own nothing.

Psychotic and Wolf: Enjoy! Parings - AkuRoku, Neklette, hints/side Soriku, Kairi x Naminé and Demyx!

Jurney to the Stars

Roxas walked down the street seeing a bunch of mother's and their children walking, all having bright smiles and laughing whole-heartedly. He wanted that, someone to take care of. He kept watching as the kids all chased after each other with happy giggles. Roxas loved hearing those giggles, that's why he is walking towards the park, his favorite place in the world. He saw it up ahead and speed walked to his favorite bench where he could see the kids play freely and it's under the shade! He sat down seeing a brunette woman, who seems younger than he is. He just turned twenty years old and his older twin brother decided to go to the gay strip club, he did go and was blushing the whole time hot strippers were lap dancing on his lap.

Yes. Roxas is gay.

The brunette woman turned to look at him, she smiled very sweetly, her emerald smiled with warmed. Roxas noticed a small bump on the woman's stomach. It was small, but noticable, she smiled really wide when she caught him staring at her small bump. She was wearing a light yellow maternity shirt with jeans. He kept staring at the woman's stomach for a bit longer not realizing that the woman was smiling really bright.

"Hi my name's Olette," she said with that still warm smile.

"Huh-On! I'm Roxas, sorry for staring at your stomach..." he blushed looking away with embarrassment.

"No don't look away silly, I don't mind getting the attention," Olette smiled.

"I was just wondering how far are you?" Roxas asked looking back at Olette's small bump.

"Almost four months, my big best friend- he's like my brother makes fun of me saying that I'm not pregnant but getting fat." Olette pouted.

"What'd you do?" he asked.

"I kicked his ass," she smiled.

"You must be happy." Roxas said with a warm smile wanting to touch the woman's stomach.

"Yes, even tought I just turned eighteen, Neku and I are extremely happy. Axel was about to kick his ass for getting me pregnant, but now I'm an adult. He couldn't do anything." Olette said closing her eyes letting the wind blow some brown strands. "You can touch it if you want, it won't bite," she giggled a bit.

Roxas nodded and started to rub the young woman's stomach. It felt hard-yet soft. He was scared that if he touched it any harder he might pop it. Olette pushed his hand down harder making Roxas flinch. He stared at her in shock, she smiled and made him rub her stomach hard. Her phone started to ring making them jump at the same time. He watched as she picked it up with a huge smile.

"I'm at the park babe what's up?" she said in an excitedt voice.

Roxas stared as she almost sounded like a little girl, sweet and delicate like his best friend Naminé, yet she could be fierce and a bit rough like his brother's best friend Kairi. Roxas smiled when the two girls met and began to date after two months of knowing each other. He watched as she rubbed her stomach and pouting.

"Fine, but it's going to be a surprise? I don't want any fireworks, I remember last time when we surprised him on his twenty-first birthday he quickly got out his lighter and his Axe and began to burn everything." Olette huffed making some of her bangs fly up.

"Yes, make sure to tell Demyx to confiscate them before they leave the house. I'm making Zexion go with them just in case, I have more faith in him then Demy." Olette said.

Roxas decided to watch the kids play for a bit longer. In a far away distance where almost no one hangs out, stood a little blonde boy. He wore a light-blue shirt with grey jeans shorts. He wondered what was he doing over there in the outer park where it looked like drug dealers and gangs hang out. The boy had a sad face looking down there where a dark stain was decorating the broken bathroom. The bathroom looked like a boulder hit it and left it like that. The blonde boy just stood there looking blank.

"Okay, I'll be home in bit. I love you too Neku." Olette hung the phone up. "Sorry,"

"No it's okay, so a surprise party for your best friend?" he asked trying to ignore the little boy.

"Yup, are you coming tomorrow? I'll give you an invitation, I know we just met and all, but I feel like we are best friends or something like that. So you coming tomorrow?" she asked looking up at him. He was just a tad bit taller than her, just a little bit.

"Sure, same time," he looked at his watch. "3:30 sound good?"

"Sure, then you can meet Neku, and we can have lunch together while we plan. Sorry, Axel's birthday is this sunday and we are making it on saturday so he wont know. So we'll see you tomorrow," Olette said while getting up and dusting her bottom.

"Yeah," he nodded while he stared at her stomach, it looked small, she looked so adorable while she wore the maternity shirt.

"See ya later Roxas, okay." smiling she left out of the park holding her purse.

Roxas was about to call it a day when the little boy. He was sitting down on his bottom, back to wall and looking up in the clouds. Roxas walked up to him with a warm smile, until he stood in front of him. Then he noticed a poster with a bunch of toy cars, teddy bears and old balloons. Someone that the boy knew must have died in this place. The picture looked so faded, he could make a pair of sapphire blue eyes, but that's about it. Everything was all blurry, his shadow cascaded to the small bow.

The boy turned around with wide sapphire eyes, Roxas smiled a bit kneeling down to see the small boys scared face.

"Hi, I'm Roxas," he said.

"You can see me," the boy gasped.

"Of course I can, silly." Roxas said with a smile.

"No one else can see me, why can you only?" the small boy asked. He looked about eight years old.

"What are you talking about?" Roxas asked looking confused.

"That's me on the picture, I was murdered here," the boy said looking at the floor.

Roxas paled and followed the boy's gaze. Right there where the dark smug was, was a dark red, it was blood. Roxas gasped wide-eyed, he looked at the boy as everything was hitting him hard. He grabbed the small poster with a picture of the boy, the name was very clear.

Cloud Strife.

"Your name is Cloud?" Roxas asked looking even more paler.

He saw the boy nodding. His huge eyes looked up to see the toys all neatly piled up and walked to where his favorite stuffed wolf was sitting. It looked worn out with all the years of him playing with it. He smiled a bit, hugging it real tight. Only to have the stuff animal fall down quickly on his see-through arms. Roxas noticed this and wanted to cry.

"Cloud, oh little one where are you?" a feminine voice asked looking around.

Roxas saw a brunette woman with a white dress on. A pink bow tied her hair in a long braid, bangs graced her pale face, emerald eyes looking everywhere. She smile once she found the little boy. Walking up to them, Roxas noticed more and more that the woman was beautiful, she smiled up to him.

"I see you can see Cloud," she said in a smile. "I'm Aerith, it's a pleasure to meet you, Roxas."

"How did-"

She put a hand up to silence him. "I'm a Cuidani, I take care of the kids when they are born and see that they have the best, fun life before their time comes. unfortunately, Cloud's time wasn't up yet. I was busy watching a child born, it was going to be born with a mental problem, but I made it happen that tha child was born healthy. I was too late to save Cloud and before I knew it his small heart had stopped beating." Aerith smiled sadly hugging Cloud.

"What happened to him?" Roxas asked feeling sad.

"Cloud, why don't you go find Rinoa, she will read you a bedtime story." Aerith smile watching the boy nod and disappeared into thin air. Roxas stood there shock as white smoke appeared out of nowhere.

"Alright since you're the first human to ever see us, I will tell you. Cloud used to be a care-free boy, he was such a great example on how to be a gentlemen. I was accompanying him to school one day when I was summoned to take care of that sickly baby, I did my job, but it cost me Cloud's life. Tifa and Zack were busy saving their victims from a car crash, while Rinoa had a small mission looking for new parents for one of the kids spirit. I quickly appeared after Cloud's last breath, I saw the murderer, but couldn't do anything. His legs were caked with blood, clothes torn off his pale body, his private was ripped open. I cried as I watched his spirit coming out of the now lifeless body. He was raped and killed Roxas, I had never had that happen to me before. This was the first time, and hopefully the last time I ever see this," Aerith cried remembering what happened six months ago.

"You said that Rinoa was looking for future parents for the child, how?" Roxas asked.

"Well the kids that are not meant to die yet, Yen Sid gives them a second chance to find parents. It's our job to find the perfect parents for the children, right now I'm still looking for the perfect parents for Cloud. He doesn't want to, but he must so he wont be here stuck wandering around the world for eternity." Aerith said walking down to see the poster.

"Does the couple have to be male and female?" Roxas asked. He didn't like the idea of making love to a female.

"Well, I guess there can be some gay couples. But they are rare, I've only heard that two had kids about fifty years ago." Aerith said thinking hard.

"Is it okay if I can... you know... become Cloud's dad-or mom?" Roxas asked with a blush.

"I'll have to talk to the great Yen Sid. I will return. I know where you live don't worry, bye." Aerith disappeared with a smile.

"Thanks," with that Roxas left the park.

Roxas walked back to the park earlier. He was suppose to meet Olette and her man here at 3:30, and he came at 3:00. He went back to that spot to see that Aerith was there with three new people and Cloud sitting on the floor looking at his wolf. A man and two women stood there with happy smiles. He had raven-hair spiked back, deep violet eyes. Both women had long raven-hair, one of them had light brown hair in a spot on her bangs while the other was just black. Both brown eyes.

"So I hear you want to adopt Spike," the mad said with a smile. "I'm Zack, that's Tifa and Rinoa the twins."

"Hey," both waved one with a wide smile and the other in a smirk.

"If it's possible to be a man and give birth, then yes." Roxas said in a brave voice. He was shaking in fright inside.

"Alright, Cloud do you want Roxas to be your new mom?" asked Rinoa kneeling down to Cloud's level.

"Do I get to have a stuff wolf?" Cloud asked looking at Roxas with his innocent eyes.

"All the stuff wolves in the world if you become my son," Roxas smiled also kneeling down.

"Okay, I want you to be my mommy!" Cloud ran up to hug his future mother. Although he ran right through him landing on the floor.

"Take good care of him. There will be some effects," Tifa announced with a hard frown.

"Like what?" asked Roxas.

"First, he will not remember anything from his past life." Rinoa explained.

"Second, he will see us until he turns nine. Once he's nine he will not be able to see us." Tifa said.

"Third, he will be conceived when you meet your human mate. Once you meet him, you'll understand, you'll get all hot. Like an animal in heat and then once your his seed is inside of you, you'll know that Cloud is inside of you." Zack said as if he said this a billion times already.

"Lastly, Cloud will later be able to have kids. And so will you." Aerith smiled sheepishly.

"What!" Roxas choked on his own saliva.

"Well it's obvious. If you're going to be having Cloud, then if he is gay; he will be able to have kids. And so his kids and so on." Aerith said with a smile.

"Never seen that coming," Roxas swallowed.

"Well if you want to have Cloud as soon as possible, you might want to drink this," Aerith smiled holding up a small bottle filled with lavender liquid.

Roxas gently took it. He watched as Cloud began to disappear once he opened the small bottle. He slowly drank it feeling something go inside of him. Cloud closed his eyes as he dissolved into millions of tiny stars, he made a circle around Roxas. Just as Roxas was about to finish drinking it, all the stars disappeared inside of Roxas. Roxas opened his eyes to see Aerith smiling at him.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Like I was just born," Roxas explained.

"That means it worked!" Rinoa squealed while she hugged Tifa real tight.

"Better get going or you'll miss your meeting," Zack said with a smirk.

"I don't know how to thank you," Roxas felt so happy.

"You can thank us by giving Cloud the happiest life ever," Aerith said gently pushing Raxas towards where the couple were sitting.

"I promise. Will I see you guys again?" Roxas asked looking at all four heads nod.

"Later," then they disappeared into thin air.

Roxas smiled and left. He spotted Olette and an orange-haired man sitting close to her. He watched as she talked to him and he just listened giving her a warm smile. He approached the couple, a huge smile plastered on his face. Olette waved at him while she held an invitation on her hands. It was a red envelope with a flame in the middle. He smiled as he took the paper out. His faced flushed a bright red when he saw Axel, he had red-haired spiked, piercing green eyes, and a cat-like grin. He had a smirk on his lips making Roxas almost drool. Is this what Zack and the others were talking about?

"Alright, let's go to this cute little café. While we were walking over here I saw a delicious blueberry cheesecake. Neku, I want it." Olette said with her pout.

"Sure. My name's Neku." he held his hand out looking at Roxas dead in the eyes.

"Roxas," he shook the man's hand.

"Look that lemon cake looks good!" Olette cheered in happiness once they were giving their orders.

"I want the caramel cappuccino with the blueberry cheesecake, that strawberry muffin, and the lemon cake, and that banana cake and-"

"Just buy everything," Neku placed a small kiss on her cheek making her blush.

"That's all I'm taking," Olette pouted acting like a little girl.

"What do you want Roxas?" Neku asked taking out his wallet.

"I'll just have the sandwich, turkey." he said about to take his wallet out.

He saw as Neku gave him a look saying that he'll buy the lunch and he will take no for an answer. Roxas nodded and stood behind the couple looking around the small café. He couldn't stop smiling knowing that he will almost have a living being inside of him. All he needs is to look for the man who will father his son. So his hormones will go crazy when he meets the man of his dreams. Easy. Right?

Midnight: Well I will make it three chapters long. ^_^ I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks for reading and please review! I will finish this for AkuRoku Day!