A/N: FINALLY! Here is the next chapter! I have most of the next chapter written so it shouldn't be so long for the next update! Please tell me what you think! Feedback is always great! Enjoy!

"I'm glad we did this." Mitchie smiled, looking up at Shane. The two were returning to campus after having a nice early dinner.

"I am too." He smiled back.

"Shane?" Mitchie asked, stopping. He stopped as well and waited. "If you hadn't moved away, do you think we would have stayed together?" She asked seriously. "Were we good for each other?"

Shane smiled softy, rubbing small circles into their now intertwined hands. "I know that I wouldn't have let you go. I was happy. It may sound stupid, but I was hoping that we would have gotten married some day." His face flushed as he spoke.

Mitchie giggled. "You always were a hopeless romantic at heart."

"Only with you."

Shane pressed their foreheads together and started into Mitchie's eyes. "I always thought I loved you more than you loved me." He confessed.

Mitchie slowly pressed her lips against Shane's, bringing her arms up and wrapping them around his neck. He didn't hesitate to kiss Mitchie back with the same amount of force, needing this kiss as much as she did. When air became necessary, Mitchie was the first to pull back. "Are you going to run away from me again?"She whispered hesitantly.

He pecked her lips. "Never." He said truthfully.

"Good." She grinned.

"Does this mean I get another chance?" He asked, hopeful.

"Let's just see how it goes, okay? There's no rush."

"Whatever you want."

They continued walking back toward the dorms, hand in hand and goofy grins spread across their faces.

They said their goodnights and Mitchie went up to her own room. Caitlyn was already asleep when she got in and tried to be as quiet as possible. As Mitchie lied in her bed, she thought back to the beginning of her and Shane's relationship. She remembered how eager he was to make her officially his.


"We've been on three dates now, Mitch. When can I call you my girlfriend?" Shane asked, walking Mitchie up to her door.

"Shane, we have all the time in the world. Why rush?" She asked.

"Because I want to show you off, let other guys know that you chose me over them, be more than friends who have gone on a few dates."

Mitchie smiled softly. "I don't want to mess this up, Shane. You were my best friend first and if we rush it, we might fall apart." She said honestly. "We are more than friends but not yet an official couple. I'm not going anywhere, Shane. I promise."

Shane sighed, understanding what she was saying. "Yeah, okay."

"Hey," She said grabbing his hand, stopping him from walking off. "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?"

Shane couldn't help but crack a smile. He gently pressed their lips together, unable to stop himself from smiling through the kiss.

"Goodnight." She smiled, pecking him again and quickly going inside.

End of Flashback

It ended up being only two dates later that Mitchie and Shane had become official. Mitchie couldn't help but smile to herself, remembering that night and how happy they both were. She was slowly becoming convinced that they could be happy again.

Caitlyn and Nate were more than thrilled when they learned that the date had been a success. Nate, of course, took the credit for being the one who successfully put the two back on track for being together again.

"Have you told your parents about Shane yet?" Caitlyn asked a few weeks later.

Mitchie and Shane have officially been on four dates, but have seen each other almost daily since their first date.

"Not yet," Mitchie sighed, closing her textbook. "I'm waiting to tell them after we become official."

"So, never?" Caitlyn teased.

"Shut up." Mitchie laughed, playfully hitting her.

"But seriously, when do you think that will happen?"

"I'm going to ask him after our fifth date." Mitchie smiled.

"Why the fifth date?"

"Because," She started. "It was on our fifth date, when we had first started seeing each other, that we became official. I thought it would be sweet to become official on our fifth date again."

"Aw! That is so cute! So, you're going to ask him?"

Mitchie nodded. "You don't think he'll mind, do you? I mean, he asked me last time, but that was because I told him I was ready. I just want it to be special this time, you know?"

Caitlyn nodded, understanding. "I don't think he'll mind at all! He'll just be happy to call you his again. Do you know when you're going out again?"

"Tonight!" She grinned.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Caitlyn squealed, throwing her arms around Mitchie. "I just know that things are going to work out this time!"

"I think you're right." Mitchie agreed.

Shane was taking Mitchie bowling. It was something that the two had done a lot back in Texas and loved, though they were both terrible at it.

"Strike!" Mitchie shouted excitedly. "I got a strike!"

"How did you do that?!" Shane asked, shocked.

"No idea!" She grinned. "I'm just lucky I guess."

Shane rolled his eyes and got up to take his turn.

At the end of the game, Mitchie had somehow won. "When did you get good at bowling?" Shane asked as they drove back to campus.

"I was still terrible, I just finally beat you." She teased.

"It was only because of that random strike you got." He mumbled.

"Don't be a sore loser!"

Shane poked his tongue out at her and focused back on driving.

"Shane?" Mitchie asked, a little nervous, as they walked toward the dorm buildings.
"Hmm?" He hummed.

"You care about me, right?"

This caught Shane's full attention, making him stop and hold Mitchie's hand. "Of course I do, why do you ask?"

"We've been on a few dates now, right?"

"This will have been our fifth." He smiled.

"Shane," She started.

"Yes." He grinned.

"Yes what? You don't even know what I was going to say!" She protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You were going to ask me to be your boyfriend." He teased, poking her sides, causing her to giggle.

"Did Caitlyn tell you?"

"She didn't have to. I just know you, Mitch." He said, snaking his arms around her waist. "And I know that it was on our fifth date, the first time, that you let me ask you to officially be my girlfriend."

Mitchie rested her forehead against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm surprised you know and remember that."

"How could I forget the best day of my life?"

"That was so cheesy, but sweet."

He quickly pecked Mitchie's lips.

"So is that a yes?" Mitchie asked.

"Yes." He grinned.