Danny calmly looked his twin in the eyes. Hers were confident, void of fear and full of determination, just as he hoped his to be. Now was not the time for fear. It would be useless, and would only get in the way. They were afraid, yes., but they couldn't afford to dwell on that. Not now. Now was to important to fling around humane emotions. They'd come here to complete a quest, and the world be damned if they didn't get it done.

Turning, they both surveyed the scene. Their friends, their family, were locked in a battle to the death. The sky was storming; lightning lashed out randomly at the abandoned skyscrapers, rain falling harshly to the bloodied concrete beneath their feet, soaking both allies and enemies to the bone. In the distance, a large, foreboding monster screamed triumphantly, the sound sending reluctant shivers down the sibling's backs, and the battleground was lit up with the red haze of fire, like an explosive, lighting the darkened sky.

The brother looked at the sister, and the sister gazed back at him with determination etched roughly into her expression. Now was the moment. Their moment. The moment that would decide if the world would fall, would perish; if the world would prosper, or if it would raze.

They would do this. No matter what power it took.

The brother held out a black-gloved fist to her. "For Rome?"

Dani smirked, grabbing his extended arm and raising their joined fists into the air. "For Rome!"

And together, brother and sister, the siblings—the worlds only and final hope—charged into the carnage to victory, or to their own destruction.

Of course, you're probably wondering how the famous halfa's got into this 's sort of a long story, but that's what you're here for, right?

So we should most likely start from the beginning then.

It all began with a slice of pizza...