
Chapter 1: Blue and Yellow.

The alarm of the clock started ringing like always. At the same hour.

Kise listened in his dreams, he open his eyes and move his arms slowly over his head.

Some of the rays of the sun slipped meeting with Kise's face among the green curtains.

The alarm was still ringing. 7 o'clock.

"It's time" Kise yawn with eyes half-lidded. He could hear the sounds of his mother from the kitchen making sure some coffee. Today was the day when he had to go to the cemetery. Black and white were the special colors for this day.

"Dad, dad!, wait for me!. Dad!"

Kise shake his head. Memories. Memories sometimes were exhausting. .

contradictions in his life.


It was his voice always calm, beautifully slow, like a butterfly flying gracefully from one flower to another.

"I know mom! I know!, I'm coming!" Kise answered raising his voice.

After half an hour, Kise and his mom were ready. The cemetery was not far but not close. The sun was up. People were walking to their jobs. Kise saw a flower shop in the corner across the street. His mother saw it too but didn't said nothing. The fact was…Kise's mother didn't talk much, to anyone.

"Mom" Kise said lovingly. "I will buy some, will you wait?" he asked hopeful. His mom looked up to Kise's eyes and make a nod. Kise smile and made a step to cross the street, when he felt a squeeze on his arm. "Mom?" Kise asked and frowned.

"I will go alone Kise. I'm sorry" Kise sighs and nod with understanding . "I know, I will see you later then". His mother turned to the left street down to the cemetery. Kise took a deep breath and go to buy the flowers.

Tulips, Roses, Daisies, Orchids, Sunflowers, Carnations, Jasmine, Lisianthus, Violets. They all seemed too colorful and radiant for this day, Kise end up thinking that everything had been a waste of time.

The old woman from the shop was looking Kise's face for a while now. His troubled face. She knew the boy from the time he was a child. 'Time past fast' she thought.

"Dear boy I think you have troubles to find the right flowers, don't you? " She asked low.

The grandma's voice took Kise by surprise. He had to bow his head to hear the complete sentence.

"You are right Grandma, I don't find what I'm looking for" Kise replied disappointed.

"Grandma?" The old woman ask impressed.

Kise blushed. "Sorry! I didn't…I just -" Kise look into the grandma's eyes and felt a little embarrassed "Well… just came out of my mouth…Sorry" Kise low his head and stood there trying to focus on red roses while waiting for a scolding from Grandma. Grandma, and there it was again. How the heck he was still calling the old woman that way?!.

The sound of a laughter interrupted Kise's thoughts. He looked to the grandma. She was Still smiling. "Dear boy, but I'm not upset!"

"Are not you Grandma?"S-sorry!" Kise blushed again now hesitating what to say.

"Please, don't apologize more. It's been a long time since anyone called me that way" she answered. "You can call me 'grandma' if you want"

Kise narrowed his eyes calculating the response of Grandma. He admire her mature face exposed by a high bun that held her gray hair at bay. Kise somehow felt that he could accept that answer "I will call you grandma then" he said with a smile.

The grandma wait, Kise talk again "My problem is that I don't find the right flowers. They are for…well….they are for my dad".

Grandma looked the insecure hands of the Boy. "Your dad liked the flowers?"

Kise low hiz gaze "I don't Know".

Grandma try again "Is there something that you know your dad liked?" Kise didn't answer. He had his lips pressed against each other. Grandma notice and pressed a little more. "Don't you remember?"

"Kise" the sudden voice called as a daily routine "don't disturb your dad while he's painting"

Kise turn his face defiant. His mom don't pay attention on purpose as she picked up some paintings from the ground and took two of the hands of Kise.

"But mom! I want to paint too! It's not fair!" Kise yelled not wanting to go.

The brown eyes of Kise's mother searched for Kise's eyes. Kise had that determined look of not wanting to lose. His mother kneeled in front of him and looked to those eyes. "Your dad will play with you later Kise".

Kise folded his arms and looked seriously to her mom. "But I want to pain! Don't want to go"

His mom sighs and look down to her hands, to those two paints Kise had grasped before. "Blue and Yellow. You always choose these two"

Kise shrugged "Cause I like it"

Kise's mom sigh again and apart a few blocks of blond hair from the forehead of her son. "Kise…" She whisper.

Kise's dad interrupted "Let the kid stay Kioko, I'm almost done with this one".

Kioko turned back to see for a few seconds Senchirou's back. She stood up. She stroke Kise's hair slightly one more time and went off leaving the paints in Kise's hands.

Kise stood waiting and then walk to his Dad's side to finally see closely the picture. The eyes of his dad were focused on finishing the last details of the wings of swans and various shades of blue in the lake.

A beautiful and calm lake surrounded by white swans with their necks stretched gracefully navigating and playing… gliding around junks and pure white lilies on the water.

Kise had his eyes open wide. He was stunned.

"So" His dad interrupted the silent "I hear that you like Blue and Yellow Kise, Is that true?" His dad asked kindly looking at him.

"Yeah" Kise answer shy.

"Huh. I need some Blue and Yellow right now, will you help me?"

"Boy? Dear?!"

Kise blinked a few times and shake his head before remember when he was.

"Dear? You hear me there?" The Grandma asked again worried.

"I-I kinda lost myself" Kise frowned stammering.

"Oh Dear, are you okay? You remember?" The grandma asked more concerned about the boy and his pale face.

"Yeah" Kise answered "Thanks, I remember. I want white lilies please".

The Grandma followed Kise's back until his eyes couldn't see him more "Oh God! I'm turning old!" She exclaim "I hope this day past fast" She muttered "Fast and more fast".

At the time Kise arrived to the grave of his father, his mother was gone. Still after all, these things were hard for her. Kise read the name in the dark granite. Kise didn't said nothing. He stood there staring at that name for a long time. Thinking in nothing special. Accompanying his father. He bent down and notice the salty drops in various parts of the gravestone from before. Kise deposit white lilies to the side and closed his eyes resting.

"Of course Dad! I will help you!" Kise exclaim radiantly.

Kise's Dad took the Blue from Kise's hands and put some in a small container. He did the same with the yellow. Kise couldn't see much that was what his father was doing with the colors but in the end Kise could see the different shades of Blue and Yellow. Kise had his mouth open in surprise.

His Dad smiled when he saw the face of Kise, he took the brush and started painting the last part of the picture. Sun, sky, clouds. Sunset.

"Blue and Yellow Kise. The colors of heaven, the ocean, and the sun. You choose to like two beautiful colors. I'm happy." His dad said proud.

"Are you happy Dad? Really?" Kise questioned his dad's words.

"Of course I am! Why?"

"Cause….It's just blue and Yellow" Kise said.

His dad laughs "Yeah, you're right, it's just Blue and Yellow, but, still….I'm happy"

Kise frowned not understanding the words of his Dad.

When the picture was finished, both, Kise and his Dad looked at the whole picture.

'This is what is really beautiful!" Kise thought amazed.

"You like birds, don't you dad?" Kise asked feeling the hand of his Dad in his shoulder.

"That's right Kise. Birds and Lilies" Kise's Dad let out a romantic sigh "They are my favorite".

Kise opened his eyes to the sun above him. That bright circle of light that struck his vision every second. And even if there was not the time to see a sunset, he could see it clearly.

The sun hiding in the sky.

Kise couldn't help but let go a tear.

A/N: This is my first fic about then and in english! so, yeah, this is not my native lenguaje...please let me know what you think!