Hello everyone! I'm back again! With another How To Rock story! Personally, I really like this one. Not exactly sure why, but I just do. For those who are reading this and are also reading any of my other stories, forgive me for not update recently. I've just had so much inspiration for HTR fanfics that the others have been slipping out of my mind. But, I will get to them. Eventually.
Hope you all enjoy this story as much as I did writing it!
*Monday afternoon*
"And this, is the band room where we practice our music and just hang out when we get bored," I look up from my spot on the couch where I had been sitting, scribbling down some new lyrics for a song I was working on in my notebook, to see Stevie standing in the middle of the band room, holding hands with her boyfriend, Justin Cole. The nerve of that guy. To take MY best friend away from me. I haven't been able to hang out with Stevie at all like we usually do outside of practice, because she's always hanging out with Justin. I mean, I get that he's her boyfriend and everything, but I'm her best friend. When did I just get shoved out of the way?
"Wow. This place is sick," Justin says, "Did you guys put in all of this stuff yourselves?"
"Yep," Nelson says smiling while Kevin stands behind him and nods, smiling as well. They are both standing on the stairs that lead outside of the band room, with their handhelds in their hands, most likely playing Furious Pigeons.
"Well, you guys did an awesome job. I can't believe that I never even knew that this place was here."
"Yeah, well, you are one of the more popular kids at this school, so it does make sense." Kevin pipes in.
Justin nods his head and is about to speak when Kacey walks in the door, "Okay everybody. I just got-," she pauses and stops walking when she notices Stevie and Justin standing in the middle of the room, "Oh! Hi Justin! What are you doing here?" She says to him with a huge smile on her face.
"Stevie was just showing me some stuff involving the band and herself. This was the last stop on the tour." He smiles down at Stevie who smiles back at him.
"Aww, well, as much as I LOVE to see you guys together. We really have to rehearse for that gig we have at the dance this Saturday night." We all nod and begin to head to our instruments.
"Oh, Stevie!" we all turn around to see Justin looking at Stevie while she looks back at him.
"You're still going with me to the dance right?" he asks her sounding a little worried. Justin Cole? Worried? Whatever.
Stevie walks up to him and takes his hands in hers. "Justin, I'm your girlfriend now. Of course I'm still going to the dance with you. And you get to have me all night, for every song. Until I have to perform. Then I have to go with the band. But after that, I'm all yours for the remainder of the night." She stands up on her tiptoes and kisses him on the lips. Yuck. Why did she have to do that in front of all of us. "Now go. You have football practice, and I have to rehearse for the dance. I'll meet you by your truck afterwards though and you can take me home. Okay?"
Justin smiles at that. "Alright. Bye Steves! Bye guys!" he waves and then turns around walking out of the band room. Thank goodness.
Stevie turns back around to face us with a huge grin on her face, "Alright guys. Let's get rehearsing. We got a gig to get ready for!"
"I just hope we rock it," Kevin pipes up from his spot sitting behind his drums.
"Oh trust me," Stevie says as she picks up her bass and puts the strap on, "we will."
"That's what I like to hear," Kacey exclaims, "now let's play. Starting with Last One Standing." I stand up from where I had been sitting on my amp and stand next to her, while Nelson positions himself behind his keyboard, and Stevie goes to stand on the other side of Kacey with her bass.
"We're Gravity 5, and WE know how to rock!" She announces just like she would if we were actually performing. Then we start playing the music, and Kacey begins to sing. But honestly, I couldn't concentrate. My mind was elsewhere.
Well, I hope you all liked this chapter. I know it was kind of short. I tried to make it long but I didn't really succeed in that. I have the rest of the story typed up already, so the following chapters should be up pretty soon.
Thanks for reading, and please review and let me know what you thought!