OKAY! Hi guys, this is my first story! I do not own modern family. warning for sexual scenes, violence, language, abuse, self harm all that stuff! reviews and criticism are welcome, PM me with suggestions or requests, i will do my best to fill a story request.


Alex's POV

He hasn't called me back. I wasn't good. I knew it. He took it, kept it and ran away with it. My virginity. He was the wrong one to 'give' it to. I feel now like he took it, like I lost it. No, he stole it. I'd said no at first, told him I didn't want to, but he assured me that everything was going to be ok. I said no throughout all of it, but went through the motions, knowing that if I didn't, things would end up worse. I let him do it. My virginity is gone, I won't ever get it back, and it's with the wrong person.

He tore through me when it happened. Not only did he break the seal, but I could tell that he left tears in me, everywhere. There are bruises; he was really, really rough. My inner thighs hurt, my side hurts, my wrists and ankles hurt. My heart hurts. One word swirls around in my head; one word that terrifies the living snot out of any girl who hears it: Rape.

I ran into the bathroom, shoving the door closed, I ended up dangling over the toilet, losing dry- heaving before emptying the contents of my stomach. I crumbled to the floor when I was done, managed to flush the toilet. I looked up at the door, half expecting to see someone standing there, looking at me. I lunged at it, locking it. I rinsed out my mouth with mouthwash before finding myself on the floor again. I opened the cabinet under the sink, and grabbed a razor blade. I looked at it, leaning against the wall, brought it to my wrist and did the unthinkable.


Claire's POV

Alex had been acting really strange lately. She seemed withdrawn. She's never really been like this, I was worried. What if something had happened to her? My thoughts swirled around in my head. She didn't talk much, didn't eat much, slept a lot, I hope her grades are okay. I began to wonder if they were slipping too. I noticed after a few days of medium heat, that Alex was wearing long sleeved shirts, wore a minimum of capri-lengthed pants. When I asked her about it, she just said that it was comfy for her, and she didn't feel hot. I'm beginning to worry about her. But I can't help her if she doesn't talk to me… or anyone for that matter.


Main POV

"Luke! Girls! Dinner!" Claire yelled. She placed the mashed potatoes and peas on the table, along with the brisket she'd bought from the market. Luke and Hayley rushed down the stairs, leaving Alex to clomp down them like she'd been doing since she'd withdrawn. They all sat down to eat, heaping piles of food onto their plates. Alex didn't get much, a few forkfuls of potatoes, a couple small spoons of peas, and barely enough brisket to feed a Chihuahua. "Is that all you want sweetheart?" Claire asked, looked meaningfully at Alex. "Yeah mom, I'm really not that hungry tonight." They ate in silence.

Alex still had most of her food on her plate when she asked to be excused. When she cleaned her plate and went upstairs, Claire looked at Phil, concern filling in her eyes. "What's wrong with Alex?" Claire looked at Hayley, who'd posed the question, then at Phil, "She just hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days, that's all." The room fell back into an awkward silence as they rest of the family finished their food.

When dinner was over, and the dishes had all been cleared and cleaned, Phil and Claire went upstairs to the girls' room. "Hayley," Claire said, "would you mind letting us talk to your sister?" Hayley gave a slight nod and quietly left. Phil and Clair sat down on Alex's bed, who drew her knees to her chest, and scooted into the corner. "Alex, is something bothering you?" Claire asked, "You really haven't seemed yourself for the past couple of days." "I'm fine mom, I just don't feel well." "We can't help you, Alex, if you don't talk to us or someone else" Phil stated. "I'm fine." Alex got up and grabbed the towel at the end of the bed. "I'm going to shower."

Alex's POV

"I'm going to shower," I told them, retreating to the bathroom, leaving them sitting there feeling defeated. I stripped my clothes and turned the hot water on, steaming and fogging the bathroom within minutes. I washed it all away, the blood, the tears, the sin. When I was done, I stepped out, turned the switch for the fan and just waited. When the bathroom cleared from the steam, I looked at myself in the mirror. The cuts hadn't healed, the bruises were nasty, and my body looked disgusting. Dressing, I retreated to the warmth of my bed, and shoved myself far beneath the covers.

In the middle of the night, my phone rang. A text.

I'm at the window. Let me in. –Dylan

Why are you here?-Alex

I'm not done with you. Open the window or you get it bad.-Dylan

Fear coursed through my veins, slowly, so I didn't wake Hayley, I slipped out of bed, and opened the window, letting in her boyfriend. He pinned me quietly but roughly against the wall, smashing his lips against mine. Pushing me onto my bed, I gave a soft whimper. I didn't want to wake Hayley, she couldn't know about this. "If she wakes up" he growled into my ear, "you both die." I cringed. His hands greased over my body like slime. He pulled off my shirt, staring at my breasts. He slid his hands over my breast, and then around my back to undo the bra clasp, I fought for a moment, but he pinned me harder. When it was gone, he slammed his mouth on my breast. When he was done there, he slipped his hand into my bottoms, and proceeded to violently rape me.

He finished and left. Hayley never even stirred. I jumped up, and ran to the bathroom, naked, but clothes in arms. I grabbed a washcloth and held it under the sink. I ran it over my bloodied body. Dry heaving over the toilet, I wiped my mouth with the 'clean' side of the cloth. I proceeded to dress, and then found my solace. In the bottom drawer, in my make-up bag, there was the razor blade. It sliced through my flesh like it was butter, leaving more blood, and a wash of release, as I calmed slightly. I went back to mybed, crawled on top of the bloody sheets, and under the unscathed comforter, and finished out my sleep with nightmares to take the place of my dreams. I awoke and covered the blood stains. I looked up, Hayley stood at the door of the bathroom, leaning against the frame, dangling a bloody rag from one finger. I stared at it in horror. It was mine, from last night that I neglected to dispose.



review, pm me, do anything, criticize, all is welcome.


1. did you like it?

2. should i continue?

3. what should happen next? what should her bloody towel excuse be?

4. should she be preggo?

5. who should she confide in?