I am here today to tell you about a common but serious disease called "Invaderitus." It affects a lot of Americans and a lot of people from English-speaking countries (and some of other languages, too). Do not be alarmed if you have Invaderitus, for your not alone. I, myself, have a rather serious case.
The symptoms of Invaderitus are the following:
•Obsessing over Invader Zim
•Being in love with an Invader Zim character
•Talking about Invader Zim 24/7
•Having a phobia of meat and/or water
•Your laugh is turning into an evil laugh
•You think it's a good thing you exist then you shoot lasers out of your hand
•You dream of having a robot minion
•You claim to be from another planet
•You develop a strong craving for either waffles or toast (mostly Super Toast)
•You start laughing at pointless things
•You have made yourself an Invader Zim plush of some sort
•You want to go out with your father to a pizza place
•You dream of conquering a planet
•You are starting to hate humans
•You love the paranormal or real science
•You have Invader Zim dreams
•You dream of meeting Zim or any other Invader Zim character(s).
If you or a loved one has experienced any of the symptoms, I have bad news: it cannot be cured. Don't worry, if you do have this common disease, just remember, you are not alone.