Another day, another update! So far, I got 40 story views in about 12 hours, so thats good I guess. Whats better, two new review! Thanks guy ^^

And btw, this chapter does contain a serious lemon. Won't spoil it by revealing the two couples, but its rather graphic... Hope you guys like! Review!

September 12, 2011


Tails nearly gasped when he examined the menu. Forty-Dollars for a strip of steak? Fifty-Five for steamed lobster? He didn't even know what the hell was a Cheese Souffle. He looked up from the menu, and into Mina's eyes. She was looking at him too, but in a rather skeptical way.

"You can pay for all this?" Mina asked, sounding unsure. Despite their close relationship, Tails had never mentioned Sonic's line of work to her, since Sonic didn't exactly have the career a role model should have.

"Don't worry about it." Tails reasurred, "I've saved up for this, Mina. Just for me and you." Mina smiled at this and began to gently squeeze Tails's hand.

"Still, I can't believe we're here at the fanciest restruant in the city!" She exclaimed, drawing attention from a couple of other customers. "Like, look at this place!" She stretched her arms out, as if to suggest that the restraunt was insanely huge (which it was). Tails smiled back.

"Yea, I thought it would be a step-up from our dates at the movie theaters and arcades, since we go there so often." Tails said, humor in his voice.

"Totally!" Mina replied, agreeing with Tails. Another minute was spent looking at the large selection of fancy food on the menu untill the waiter came to take thier orders. Tails ordered a Fillet Mignon while Mina ordered some of the Alma Da Cuba's finest Lasagna. After the waiter left, Mina reached across the table and adjusted Tails's tie.

"Its a little out of place." Mina stated, as she tighted the knot in the tie. She wasn't aware that she was nearly choking Tails, but he didn't mind. It was nice to have a beatiful girl this close to you fixing your tie. The couple then began to talk about casual things, such as sports, movies, events, etc. The two were so compatible. They could talk about almost anything. After five minutes of a good conversation, Tails decides to dig further into Mina's life.

"So, hows the family?" Tails asked, trying to sound as sinsere as possible.

"If by family, you mean my dad, we're doing okay..." Mina said, a little bit of sadness crept into her voice. Tails noticed this and gripped Mina's hand tight, but not tight enough to hurt her.

"You know you can tell me anything." Tails said in a cool voice. Mina sighed.

"He brought home another girl last night." Mina began, in her calm voice. "And of course, she was too stupid to realise that he would just do her and leave." Tails took in every detail as Mina described her feelings towards her father. "You know, sometimes, I wonder if he even cares about me. I mean, sure he's feeds me, shelters me, bought me this fancy dress. But really, what is he trying to teach me? That emotions are don't even matter, and that the only purpose of women in this world is just to pick up girls, bang em, and toss them back?" Tails took a moment to think, then responded-

"You don't have to live by what your dad teaches you, Mina." Tails said, being completely understanding. "If I were to live by what my father had tried to teach me, I woulda smacked you by now!" They both laughed, even though it was a rather serious subject.

Tails had already told Mina about the whole 'abusive parent situation'. Mina only supported her boyfriend and his desicion to run away from home to make a life for himself. She actually admired him for it. She conspired about running away from her home once, but Tails objected to this. Despite Mina's dad being a complete tool, Mina still had it better than most people. Or atleast that's what Tails told her.

"Yea, I guess your right." Mina said, thinking about what Tails had said. She took another look at her companion and smiled a wide smile. "God, you so good to talk to." Tails smiled back at hearing this.

"Thats what I'm here for."

The waiter had finally arrived with the food the couple had ordered about thirty minutes ago. Once the plates were handed to both of the companions, they found out that the quality of the food was well worth the wait. The two spent more than ten minutes just savoring the flavor of the food, and they weren't even finished before they got full.

Mina got up to use the bathroom, just as the waiter came back and set the bill on the table. Tails gulped, and opened the little black booklet that contained what he owe'd. For the Fillet Mignon and Lasagna, plus tax; it was all added to total 95$ dollars. Tails was freaking out. He wasn't sure if he had enough to meet the bill. The young fox pulled out his Saints wallet, and counted his money. He barely met the cost; only by two dollars. Too bad he couldn't tip the waiter properly. Oh well.

September 12, 2011


Just two men in a bar, drunk, and laughing about stupid shit. Thats how anyone would have described Knuckles and Sonic. The two were sitting next to each other at the bar countertop, trading stories about thier unusual experiences in the city.

"So, then, I was like... I told you so..." Sonic said, in his drunken voice. "And then she was like... 'but Sonic man, thats your baby!' And I was like... nah bitch..." Knuckles was too fucked up to respond to Sonic's story, so instead he unleashed a beastly burp. While Sonic's face lit up with admiration, other paying customers had a disgusted expression on thier face.

"DUDE!" Knuckles shouted, making Sonic jump off his bar stool and causing him to fall on his ass. The blue hedgehog struggled getting back up the bar stool before responding-

"What is it?"

"Yesterday, I got a call from one of my friends..." Knuckles begins, "He lives in Emerald City, three miles away from here. And, he's just shouting random stupid shit, and its hysterical what that dumbass says." This makes Sonic's drunken mind curious.

"What'd he say?" Sonic asked. Knuckles gives Sonic the serious look.

"You really wanna know?" He says.

"Yea." Responded Sonic.

"Well..." Knuckles began, "He was freakin out because apparently zombies have taken over Emerald City and are killing people and shit." Sonic takes a little time to figure out what Knuckles had just said.

"Zombies?" Sonic asks, skeptical. Knuckles nods his head. The two friends lock eyes, getting serious, despite thier drunkness. "We have to go into hiding before they get here." Sonic stated, "And we need guns. Lots of guns."

"And water and food." Knuckles said. "We can make a trip to the super market and then the gun store; then we go to my grandfathers house. He has a undeground bunker we can lay low in before this all blows over."

"Alright." Sonic said, "Lets get on it." The two locked eyes one more time, truely staring into each others souls. It was a rather long stare, and people were starting to get worried. But eventually, a small noise was heard from Sonic. It sounded like snickering. The same noise was now being emitted from Knuckles. And soon, snickering turned to giggling, and giggling turned to laughing, and laughing turn to never ending howling. The two friends were laughing thier throats out.

"Holy fuck, you really had me there!" Sonic exclaimed, making a retarded little laughing face.

"I know!" Knuckles commented, still laughing. "Like hell we're going to some bunker! I'll just go get my shotgun and we'll call it a day!" As the two idiots were laughing, there was but one purple female cat in the bar, sitting all the way in the back booth, wearing a tight purple shirt and comfortable jeans.

She was gripping her shot glass very hard. She could hear little cracks in the glass, but she didn't care. If the glass broke, the fee for a replacement glass would not matter for much longer. She knew what she saw. She talked to multiple people about it. They all claimed that she must have seen it the wrong way. But she was no moron. She knew what murder looked like... what massacre looked like. It was an awful sight to witness. She saw friends turn on friends. Husbands turn on wives. Mothers turn on children. Emerald City was going up in choas, and she knew that soon, Station Square would be no different.

"Hey Knuckles!" The blue hedgehog shouted. He pointed a finger at her, "Its a zombie! Shoot it in the head!" And after that, the two morons continued thier laughing fit. The cat got pissed, and set her shot down on the table and walked over to the two drunks. Sonic had his back turned. She walked up to the blue hedgehog, and poked him in the shoulder. As Sonic was turning to face her, she raised a hand and slapped the hedgehog hard in the face. It left a red mark. Sonic just looked at the cat, confused.

Finally, he said "The fuck was that for?"

The cat got even more annoyed, "For fucking with me, thats why." Sonic grew a very large grin at hearing this.

"I'd love to fuck with you. Make the appointment and we can get it on!" This earned Sonic another slap, this one harder and faster than the first one. The cat crossed her arms,

"Fuck you." She spat, "You don't know what the hell your talking about."

"Excuse me, miss?" Knuckles slurred, getting involved.

"My name's Blaze." The cat said.

"Okay then, Blaze. What do we not know what we're talking about?" Knuckles asked seriously. Blaze rolled her eyes, and turned her back.

"About the zombies," Blaze stated, "Dumbass".

"And how exactly do you know this?" Sonic asked, now getting interested in what this cat chick had to say.

"They're real." Blaze said blankly, "And they're coming for Station Square. I escaped Emerald City to come to the next safe place. Here. But we're not safe here anymore. There's no point in moving away. They've surrounded City, and they're closing in to kill us off." Knuckles and Sonic looked at Blaze, then they looked at each other. Thats when they howled in laughter.

"Lady!" Sonic started, pounding the bar countertop, "You are defiantly more fucked up than us!" The two morons kept laughing, untill a dark hedgehog with red stripes wearing a leatherjacket on top of a white t-shirt and jeans sat on the bar stool next to Sonic.

"Give the lady some respect." The dark figure stated, "Even if she is crazy. And besides, killing everyone off seems like the best idea for this city."

Blaze was taken aback from this strangers comment, especially in the subject they were discussing. "And I'm sorry, but who are you?" Blaze asked.

"People call me Shadow." The dark hedgehog responded.

September 12, 2011


Sonic and Knuckles had ditched the bar and were now roaming the streets of Station Square. While the city doesn't have a reputation for Crime, everyone who lived in Station Square knew that the crime rates were up in the highs.

As Sonic and Knuckles were walking on the sidewalk, there was a group of seven guys wearing orange, beating a guy for most likely, his money. Although sometimes the scum of Station Square beat on people for fun, when they were bored. The victim was screaming bloody murder. It was hard to tell in the darkness, but Sonic swore that he saw blood being splattered where the victim laid. Sonic wondered what the hell could one person do to make them absouletly beat you to a bloody pulp.

The two companions just ignored it, and kept walking; the man's screams for help following them. Its best not to get involved with that kind of stuff, for you could end up dead as well. Everyone who lived in Station Square knew this all too well.

It was when the two passed under a street light when Knuckles said, "You wanna have some fun?" Sonic was interested.

"What kind of fun?" Sonic asked. Despite Sonic's career, he didn't like to hurt people unless its absouletly neccesary. He was rather sensitive, actually.

"I know this girl, who has the best ass in the entire city!" Knuckles exclaimed, "And guess what?"


"She's on sale." Knuckles answered, "What do you think?"

"No man... I kinda have a thing with hookers." Sonic replied. Knuckles looked at him, confused. Knuckles wouldn't understand Sonic's reasoning. You see, before Sonic moved out of his parent's house, his mom worked as a prostitute to support him as a kid. She always came home with bruises and bad memories, but her world always lit up when she saw her son. Sonic was the apple of her life. Since Sonic ran away, he lost all connections with his mom, and forever was left wondering how she was living her life. Of course, Knuckles didn't need to know this.

"Its nothing..." Sonic said, still leaving Knuckles in a confused state. "I gotta go home anyway. Catch ya later, Knuckles." And with that said, Sonic walked in the opposite direction, heading back to his house in the dark. Knuckles just shrugged and walked over to the girl's apartment, craving for some action.

September 12, 2011


"And whats up with the comment on how everyones gotta die?" Blaze asked once more. Shadow paused for a good three seconds, before saying...

"I'm just having a really bad day is all. Forgive me."

"It's fine." Blaze said, accepting Shadow's apology.

"If it's any condolence..." Shadow said, "I've seen shit too."

"Oh?" Blaze said blankly. Shadow reached in his pockets and pulled out two metal tags with small engraved letters and numbers attached to a chain. His dogtags.

"Proof that I was in the Army." Shadow said, "Wanna fiddle with em?" Blaze was alone, and had no one to talked to, so she accepted Shadow's offer. They dogtags felt very light, but a little rustic.

"Oh long were you in for?" Blaze asked, handing the dogtags back to the owner.

"To this day, I've been in for about six years." Shadow answered, "I'm actually suppose to be going back." Blaze then asked why. "Because I got shot, and needed to recover. So, during my recovery time, I just wanted to come back to my home city before I set off to fight again."

"Do you want to go back?"

Shadow sighed, his depression now taking a hold of him. "No." He said, "I still have dreams of getting shot at, just like back in the combat zone. It was so scary. Knowing that you could die, right there." Blaze nodded her head in understanding. She knew the feeling of knowing you could die any second. Expectially when the danger is so close. Blaze had then realised that she had been talking for too long, and hadn't been preparing the the onslaught that was sure to come.

"I'm sorry." Blaze said, "But I have to get going." Before Blaze could get off the bar stool, Shadow gently grabbed her arm. She looked back up at the hedgehog.

"May I come along?" Shadow asked, in a cool, calm voice. Blaze smirked,

"What? You trying to get with me?"

Shadow laughed at this, for he thought it was funny."No, I'm just bored. Come on, I'll walk with you." And before the two could make it out of the bar, a scream of agony rang out in the air. Blaze wasn't one bit surprised.

September 12, 2011

8: 35pm

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The apartment door opened for the eager echidna. In the doorway revealed a bat with a perfect body sporting a red robe and a joint in her hand. Knuckles liked the smell inside her apartment.

"Hey baby." Knuckles said, "I'm looking for a good time. You interested?" The bat just looked at Knuckles blankly, not caring if he was looking for a good time or not. She didn't even care about the money she was about to make off this sucker. What she really cared about, was the herione that she bought with her hard earned money. Money had no value to her, only the needles did.

"What do you want?" Rouge asked, not even making an attempt to arrouse the red echidna.

"Just the usual." The red echidna responded, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two crumpled twenty dollar bills. The bat nodded, took the money; then led Knuckles through her apartment to her bedroom. It smelled of drugs and sex. Knuckles was one of Rouge's regulars, and had always payed a good amount of money for her services. It makes Rouge wonder about men like Knuckles, always coming back to the same girl for some fun. Sure, Rouge was one of the best girls in the city, she knew this, but why? They have the same experience every time. Rouge stripped, followed by foreplay, followed by the main event, followed by Knuckles's leave. It didn't matter though. She was getting paid, and that is what was important right now.

Knuckles sat on the bed, knowing all too well how this works. Rouge began to slowly take off her robe, first barely revealing the first nipple, and then just dropping the entire robe, letting it all hang out for Knuckles to see. Rouge turned her back toward Knuckles and slowly bent over. Her moon ass was Knuckle's favorite feature. After she took her time straightening her back, she got on her knees at the head of the bed, infront of Knuckles's croch. After taking her time to zip down his pants, she stroked the erection that she had created, making sure to give it a gentle "Rouge Touch".

She put the throbbing manhood in her mouth and began to rock her head back and forth; as Knuckles moaned in pleasure and satisfaction. It only took two minutes of sucking for Knuckles to let his seed invade Rouge's mouth. She spat it out and hopped on Knuckles lap, ready for the main event.

Thats when the Knuckles real moaning sounds start to emit from his throat. She rode his cock, bounced up and down, even leaned so the erection could feel the satisfying pain when she did that. Knuckles had moaned her name over and over again. She hated when they did that. Moaned her name while she was just doing business. Rouge thought that suggested that her customer had a real relationship with her. And it annoyed the hell out of her. But hey, if it got her money for her H, she didn't complain.

Finally, after ten minutes, Knuckles let out a final gasp before releasing his seed into the bat. Thats when she hopped off his manhood and began to put her robe back on.

"You know where the door is." She said, the previous activity obviously not affecting her. The red echidna caught his breath, and began to put his pants back on.

"Ever thought of becoming a model?" The echidna said, now pulling his shirt over his head.

"No." Rouge said blankly, not wishing to have a conversation with a client. Knuckles stepped into his shoes and walked to the door. Before Knuckles left the apartment, a gunshot range in the air, followed by a scream. Knuckles darted back into the apartment, and ducked behind a couch. Rouge walked into the small living room, "The fuck are you still here for?" She said harshly.

"Did you not hear that gunshot!" Knuckles exclaimed, "It was followed by a scream that nearly made me go deaf."

"Not my problem." Rouge said blankly, "Get out before I call the cops." Knuckles just looked at her, bewildered.

"Come on, Rouge! I could get killed if I go out there! You know how people are here."

"Look..." Rouge said, "I don't give a fuck if it there was a nuclear holocaust outside my door. Your my customer, and I can kick you out of my house whenever I feel like it. Now get out!" Knuckles looked at Rouge coldly, then stepped out the door silently.

September 12, 2011


Tails and Mina were now on the road, heading back the the girl's house. Tails checked the clock. It was now 10:21pm. Her father wasn't going to be too happy about that. Tails didn't care though. He had an amazing night with an amazing girl. Mina took a pause from texting her dad to turn up the volume on the radio. The very popular song Headlines- Drake was playing.

"Oooh I love this song!" Mina exclaimed, bobbing her head back and fourth to the beats. Tails didn't care for hip-hop music like Mina did, but he was still happy. A perfect night with the perfect gal is what he needed. They were turning onto Elizabeth Street, ten blocks away from Maple Street; the street that Mina's house was on.

Headlines, By Drake

I might be too strung out on compliments,

overdosed on confidence,

starting not to give a fuck,

and stop fearing the consequence,

Tails was taking his sweet time getting the babe back home. Its not like Mina had anywhere else to go but that douche of a father.

"I thought that restruant place was going to be boring at first..." Mina said, always being the one to start a conversation, "But that was actually really fun!" Tails looked at Mina with a smile painted on his face.

"Thanks for doubting me, babe." Tails responded.

"Sorry, the idea of fine dining didn't sound appealing to me." Mina stated, "But I was proved wrong. Thanks again for taking me out." With Tails's left hand still on the sterring wheel, he swung his right arm over Mina's head and comfortable set it there. In response, Mina leaned on Tails's shoulder, in a loving way. The two were truely inseperable. Tails was lost in Mina's beatiful jade eyes. Mina felt the same way. The car made the two very close to each other. Tails leaned in, as Mina did the same. Thier lips in perfect alignment with each other. It would have been a perfect moment the two weren't disturbed if something didn't hit the car with a large BUMP.

"Oh shit!" Tails said out loud, breaking the romantic atmosphere. The yellow fox slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car; engine still running. Before checking out what they hit, Tails turned to Mina, and said "Stay here." Mina just nodded. Upon walking to the front of the car, a bloody mobian dog was found under the right tire; rib cage caved into his chest. The blood from the dog had splattered all over the tire and front bumper.

Tails's breathing had quickend by five times, as Tails bent over the front of the car to get out of Mina's view while he vomited. All that Fillet Mignon Tails had earlier now covered the deceased body of the dog. Tails began to sweat. He could go to prison for this. The scared fox looked around the streets to discover that there had been no witnesses. The fox quickly piled back into the driver's seat, and began to franticly turn off the headlights so Mina wouldn't see the grizzly scene in front of her.

"What was it?" Mina asked. Tails just looked at her, trying to keep a calm face. Judging by how concerned Mina looked, Tails must've failed at that.

"Nothing." Tails said, as he was backing up. "We hit a skunk and it looks pretty grizzly, so I'm just going to make sure you don't get creeped out before you go to bed." Mina was still skeptical, but decided to drop it.

"Well can you atleast turn the lights in the car back on?" Mina asked, "Driving in the complete darkness is creepier than seeing some skunk's guts all over the road." The street they were on was the poorest street in the entire city, Harford Avenue. The houses looked like shit, the sidewalk was always cracked, and not a single street light was working within a stretch of fifty-yards. The only source of light was from a local deli, which was open 24/7.

Tails ignored Mina, and began to back up further. He backed up too far though, for there was another Bump at the rear of the car. "God damnit..." Tails cursed under his breath. He was determined to get off this street without revealing what he had really hit. Even if it meant driving into the complete darkness.

Tails drove forward a little to get away from the obstruction behind them. Not even five feet was driven untill Tails hit something else, with an even louder Bump. Mina started to get aggitated.

"Just turn on the headlights," Mina said, "I'll be fine. I've seen worse things on television." Tails just looked at Mina, scared.

"Are you sure about that?" Tails asked. Mina rolled her eyes.

"Just do it." She commanded.

"Only if you close your eyes while I drive." Tails said. Mina rolled her eyes even further.

"Is that neccesary?"

"Yes." Tails said blankly, "Its gruesome, okay." Mina just put her feet on the passenger compartment, put both hands behind her head, and closed her eyes.

"Go." She said. Tails wasn't too sure about that. If he turned on the lights and she saw the body, she would freak and defiantly break up with him. All those good moments they had would be forever lost due to a spaz attack, as Tails called it. The fox took a deep breath, and took his chances. He flipped the switch which turned on the headlights, as the bloody dog shuffled towards them and gave off an eerie glow from the lights. There was a scream and everything went dark again.

September 12, 2011


All hell was breaking lose on the outskirts of Station Square City. The infected had broken through the mass of regular humans and mobians, infecting people in the millions. A gray infected hedgehog looked up from his kill, a bloody pink chipmunk, and looked up at the sky. There was a mass of tall buildings attracting the undead to it, despite the fact that it was a mile away. It didn't matter to them. They had all the time in the word. They were dead, after all.

And so, all of Station Square Outskirt's infected inhabitats shuffled to the city, where blood and flesh surely awaited for the thirsty horde.

This chapter was kinda slow, in my opinion. But rest assured, the next chapter will be fast, and well worth the wait. Thanks again, and keep on reviewing.