A/N: Warnings: i dont want to give then all away, (and i havent finished writing yet) but there are abused kids in this story, seriously abused and unloved cute little kids.



A brown haired boy peaked out from under his desk to survey the damage. His expression changing from one of horror to one of mild fear, sheepish embarrassment and apology as his peers began to emerge from their various hiding places free of the shimmering orange and purple goop that coated most of the class room.

Just as Neville began to feel the spread of relief a bundle of black flashed past him and a girl's voice shrieked "HARRY!" A bushy haired Hermione raced after the black blur and began pounding on the door to the supply cupboard yelling "Harry! Harry please come out! Please!"

By this time most of his peers had passed Neville who felt frozen in terror with only a sliver of desperate hope, that whatever happened would not be deadly, keeping him from losing his breakfast and consciousness. His peers however only looked excited as they pushed and jostled each other trying to get closest to the cupboard and get the best view.

Hermione was still yelling "Please come out Harry! I promise not to hurt you!" When a pale pointed faced boy finally pushed his way to the front of the crowd and Laughed "Get out now Potter, or I will hurt you!"

Slowly the cupboard door began to swing open.

Harry looked around himself, he was in a dimly lit room, that looked like it was made of stone. There were no windows, most of the light seemed to be coming from an orange and purple shimmering goop. From this light Harry could make out many tall dark clothed people. They were everywhere, surrounding him.

His stomach clenched in fear and with one quick look around the dim room he knew where he was going. He ran and dove as fast as he could, headfirst into the cupboard, slamming the door behind him.

He held the palm of his hand flat against the wood feeling the splintered texture and squeezed his eyes closed, then quickly opened them, closed open, closed open, there was no difference, he could see only darkness closed or open-eyed. His breathing began to slow even though there was an odd strong smell that made his nose sting and his eyes water reminding him that this was not his cupboard. This cupboard was still comforting, there were no tall people in this cupboard.

There was a banging on the door, and Harry startled remembering after a moment that it could not be his Aunt Petunia. He could hear a girl's voice shrieking his name "Please come out Harry! I promise not to hurt you!" it yelled. Harry stomach gave another clench, he had heard that kind of promise before, it was always a lie.

He could hear Laughter making its way through the door, then a boy's voice "Get out now Potter, or I will hurt you!" and he allowed himself to hope a little. He had heard that kind of promise before too, and sometimes they meant it, just sometimes they would not hurt him if he did what they asked right away.

So Harry pushed the door open.