Opposites Attract

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Draco's jaw dropped the minute Hermione's bedroom door opened. Words couldn't even describe how incredibly beautiful he thought she looked, and he stood there staring at her with his mouth hanging open, looking like a fool. But, he couldn't help it. He watched as her face flushed in embarrassment as his very obvious staring.

"You alright there mate?" Blaise asked slapping a hand on his back.

Draco snapped back to reality and found that he was finally able to speak.

"Hermione, you look absolutely breathtaking."

Hermione's face flushed further and she looked down at the ground, trying to hide the obvious blush that had risen to her cheeks.

Ginny walked out from behind Hermione, and he heard Blaise hitch in a breath behind him. Draco had to admit, even for a Weasley, she looked good.

"You look nice Weaselette" Draco said nodding his approval.

"Nice?" Blaise asked appalled. "You look absolutely stunning. Now come over here so I can give my gorgeous girlfriend a kiss."

Ginny blushed and made her way over to Blaise, who immediately crashed his lips onto hers.

"Ugh, get a room already" Draco said jokingly, as he brought his attention back to Hermione.

He walked up to her and placed his hand on the side of her face, making her look him directly in the eyes.

"Words can't even describe how amazing you look right now."

Hermione smiled and finally took in Draco's appearance. He was in all black suit, with a emerald green tie. A few strands of hair had fallen into his face, and Hermione thought he looked absolutely sexy.

Draco pulled something out from his back pocket. "I got you something."

"What? You didn't have to get me anything" Hermione stated.

"I know, but I wanted to. And I'm glad I did, it actually suits the colour of your dress perfectly."

He walked behind her and placed a beautiful silver necklace with a emerald green pendant around her neck. When he had stepped back around in front of her, Hermione took it in her hands and stared at it in awe.

"Draco, this looks expensive.." Hermione said slowly.

"Don't worry about the price, it's something I wanted you to have. And I must say, silver and green look very nice on you" Draco said with a seductive wink.

"Don't get any ideas, I am still a Gryffindor" Hermione said proudly.

"And I wouldn't ask you to change" Draco said as he placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Would you like us to give you two some privacy?" Blaise asked, a smirk edged on his features.

"Well, if you wouldn't mind.." Draco said slowly.

Hermione smacked him playfully and said "We're fine. Pretty sure Dumbledore wouldn't be happy if the Head Boy and Girl skipped out on the dance now would he?"

"We could just apologize for being late, tell him we were.. busy" Draco said seductively.

Hermione laughed and said "Sorry, but I did not do my hair and makeup, and dress up this way for it all to get ruined."

"That's my girl" Ginny said smiling. "You tell em!"

Draco shot Ginny a glare, but burst out laughing when Ginny flipped him off.

"Alright, alright. Are you ladies ready to go and show this school dance what we are made of?" Blaise asked.

"Damn right we are" Ginny said confidently.

Blaise put his arm around Ginny's shoulders, started for the door, and said "Anyone even looks at you the wrong way tonight, and I'll hex them so fast they won't even see where it came from."

"Someone a little bit jealous?" Ginny asked playfully.

Hermione smiled as her and Draco followed behind Blaise and Ginny. She couldn't believe that her and Ginny were going to a school dance with two Slytherins. It was amazing how fast things had changed, and that both her and Ginny were also now dating the two Slytherins that they were heading to the dance with.

Hermione was met with an unexpected sight as her and Draco exited their dorm room door.

Harry and Ron were both standing there, dressed in suits.

"Harry? Ron?" Hermione asked confused.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind, but me and Blaise invited them along with us to the dance" Draco stated from beside her.

Hermione felt tears spring to her eyes, and she threw herself into Draco's arms.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me."

Draco wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

Hermione re-composed herself, and then threw herself at Harry and Ron, engulfing them in a huge bear hug.

"Oi! Hermione, you're squishing me!" Ron complained half-heartedly.

"Hello to you too" Harry said laughing.

Hermione pulled back, a huge smile on her face. "I am so happy that you guys are coming with us."

"We're glad too" Harry stated. "You look really nice by the way."

"So do both of you!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Alright, alright" Ron said embarrassed. "Let's go to this dance already shall we?"

So the six of them made their way to the Great Hall, which had been transfixed into a ballroom. When they opened the doors, all of them took in the scene in front of them. There were white Christmas trees evenly placed throughout the perimeter of the room. Fake snow covered the ground, and there was even fake snow falling from the ceiling, which would disappear right before it would hit the people beneath it. Christmas lights lined the seating tables and snack/refreshment tables. The stage where the band was playing was on the far side of the room. The room was lit with normal lights, and Hermione could see the collection of students who were already present, some standing around socializing, and some already on the dance floor dancing to the music.

"Is that Hermione Granger?"

"Who knew the Head Girl looked like that underneath all those clothes."

"Hermione and Ginny definitely take the cake for being the hottest girls at the ball tonight."

Hermione could hear students whispering about her as she walked past. Normally, she would have been embarrassed by their talk because she wasn't used to being the centre of attention when it came to her looks, but she held her head high and proud, and continued walking by like she hadn't heard their comments.

Draco on the other hand, smirked at the people who were making the comments, making sure that they knew they were being overheard. He also wanted to show off that he was the one with the girl that they were all whispering about, he was a Malfoy after all..

"Glad you two were able to make it."

Hermione turned around.

"Of course we were Professor Dumbledore, we are the Head Boy and Girl after all" Hermione stated.

"Well, I do hope that is not the only reason you decided to attend. I hope a part of you both also wanted to come, and not only came as a duty to me. However, regardless of why you are here, I do hope the two of you have a good time."

"Thank you" Hermione said.

"One last thing, I am glad to see that the two of you have put your differences aside after all of these years. I know how hard that can be, considering the circumstances and the opinions of others. Could you also give Miss Weasley and Mr. Zabini my best also? I do think they too make a very cute couple. I hope others will now not be afraid to follow in your footsteps, and they will come to realize that relationships between other houses are possible."

With that, Dumbledore walked away, leaving Hermione and Draco standing there watching his retreating figure.

"He must love that we fell into all that house unity crap that he's been spewing about since we all came to Hogwarts" Draco stated.

"He does seem rather happy about us, doesn't he?" Hermione said smiling.

"Yeah, yeah."

Hermione looked around the Great Hall, a huge smile on her face.

Draco took in her appearance, and couldn't help but see how beautiful the girl in front of him was. He wanted to smack himself for not realizing sooner. She was everything he admired in a girl, she was smart, witty, beautiful, and she didn't let people walk all over her.

He felt a smile sneak onto his face.

Hermione turned her attention back to Draco.

"Why are you smiling?" Hermione asked.

"Because you're the most beautiful girl in this room, and you're mine" Draco stated.

Hermione flushed crimson.

"And you're cute when you get all flustered."

"I am not flustered" Hermione argued.

"Whatever you say" Draco said smirking.

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him, and he burst out laughing.

"Very mature Granger."

"Whatever Malfoy" Hermione said, a big smile on her face.

Draco turned to Hermione as a slow song started playing.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, extending his hand towards her as an invitation.

Hermione smiled at him, and placed her hand in his. "You may."

Draco dragged her out to the dance floor, and placed his hands on her waist. Once Hermione placed her hands around the back of his neck, Draco pulled her into his body, bringing her as close to him as possible.

"You sure you want to be seen this close to me?" Hermione asked jokingly.

"Be seen dancing with the best looking girl in this room? Of course I do."

"Oh stop" Hermione said blushing once again.

"Or did you mean, me wanting to make sure that every guy in this room knows that you're with me, and that you are off limits to everyone but me, then yes I want to be this close to you."

Hermione felt her heart swell at his words.

She pulled back a bit from Draco, and looked up at him. His face slowly inched closer to hers, until she felt his lips collide softly with her own.

He pulled back slowly, and looked down at her.

He lifted his hand, and traced the lines of her face softly, the dancing forgotten.

He trailed his hand from her temple, down her cheeks, and then softly ran his thumb over her lips, which were slightly swollen from the kiss that he had just given her. She looked so innocent, staring up at him with her eyes shining, and a smile gracing her features.

He leaned down and kissed her again, this time with more force.

When she pulled back, her cheeks were red, and he was breathing heavily.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know."

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked, concern showing on her face.

"No, I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm an idiot." Draco stated.

"What?" Hermione asked confused.

"I'm an idiot" Draco repeated.

"Draco? I'm confused, what's going on?"

"I can't believe it has taken me all of these years to realize what a catch you are. I was stupid and naïve as a child, and believed in the bullshit that my father was drilling into my head. I was made to believe that you were beneath me because of your blood status. But yet, you were, and still are the smartest girl at this school. I couldn't understand how someone who was supposed to be underneath me was beating me in school. No matter how hard I tried, you always ended up getting better grades than me. And something that bugged me more than anything? You weren't afraid of me. I would threaten you, and be-little you all of the time, and you always had a comeback, something to say that would have me scrambling to think of something so I didn't embarrass myself in front of everyone. Sadly, that didn't work, when you hit me with that right hook. You have a strong swing, by the way. I think the reason I hated you so much was because you were better than me. My father made me believe that because I was a Malfoy, I was the best that there was, the best that would come to this school, and that everyone else was beneath me. Having the father I did, I knew more about magic than any of the kids when we came to school, and I was already a few years ahead of everyone, and you, a muggle, who had no idea magic even existed beat me every single time, no matter how hard I tried."


"I'm an idiot, because it took me way too long to realize that everything I was brought up to believe is a load of bullshit, blood status doesn't matter. Being a Pureblood or a Muggleborn doesn't make a person who they are. I'm an idiot, because I wasted all those years hating you, when I could have been spending more time with you. I'm an idiot, because it has taken me all this time to realize that I don't hate you, but that I love you."

Hermione's eyes were shining with unshed tears.


"Hermione Granger, I love you. I love everything about you. From your bushy hair, to your know it all attitude, your fiery temper, the way you blush when I compliment you, and that you're a muggleborn."

"I don't know what to say" Hermione said slowly.

"You don't have to say anything. I don't expect you to."

"That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me" Hermione said, tears running down her face.

Draco reached up and wiped her tears.

"Every word of it was true."

Hermione smiled through her tears, feeling the happiest she had ever felt in a long time. Although she didn't return his feelings of love yet, she knew that he was the man that she wanted to be with, and that the day she said those three words back to him were in the near future.

Funny how the one guy she thought she hated all these years, was the one man who picked up all of her broken pieces and put her back together again.

Draco leaned down and pecked her softly on the lips.

"Here's to our future, and to me making up my idiocy to you."


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story! I was going to try and make it longer, but I didn't want to just keep drawling on and on and boring you all, so I decided to end my story here with a nice gushy ending. I have already started writing another story, the first chapter is already completed, and I have started the second. I do hope you all go and check it out, it will be another Draco/Hermione love story. I'm really excited about this new story, and hope that you all go and check it out, and make sure to let me know what you think!

Thank you to all of my devoted readers who have stuck with me through this entire journey, I love you all! Since you have all been lovely, here is a sneak peak preview of my next story, which is called Suppressed Emotions:

"In what world would you be able to hex me? I'd have you laying on the floor immobilized begging for your life to be spared before a spell even passed through that pathetic mouth of yours" Draco hissed menacingly, his eyes glinting dangerously.

"Honestly Malfoy, get over yourself" Hermione stated as she interfered between the two boys who were staring at each other in pure hatred.


Ron's jaw dropped.

"You're Head Boy?" Hermione asked shocked.

"Of course I am Granger" Draco replied cockily. "I am second to you in grades after all."

There you have it! There's two little parts from my story that I have written so far, and if you wish to see more, then go and read my new story! And REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!