
got kinda bored one night &suddenly found an inspiration to write this.

enjoy, (:

The Story of Us.

"Mommy," The pinkette looked down at her child with magneta hair and eyes mirroring her fathers'. The little girl tugged on the edge of her green Jounin vest eagerly before Sakura crouched down at eye level and smiled at her 5-year old daughter. "Tell me how you and daddy met."

"Not again." Her older brother groaned, running a hand through his black hair. Sakura smiled and sat next to her eldest son who held her youngest son in his arms. "Hanako, mom's told you a hundred times." Hanako pouted and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"I don't care, I want to hear it a hunderd more, Kazuhiko!" She sneered and Sakura laughed.

"Alright, alright, once more it is then, i don't want you two to make Naozumi fussy now." The pinkette chided. "Now where did it begin..." She tapped her chin before she smiled, and the words flowed freely, the story of them...



They met when she was six.

She's bumped into him walking past the stands down road, his sibling kept walking by without noticing her but he helped her up. Patted her head and gave her a faint smile that made him look gentle.

"Sorry." He muttered before following after his younger sibling.

The pinkette blushed, watching them leave before turning and going on her way. Remembering the way he smiled faintly at her, like it was the rarest thing in the world.



They met again when she was 12.

The girl was happy that she got placed on the love-of-her-life's team, but her other teammate annoyed her to no end. He was always so hyper, bouncing off the walls and causing pranks that made villagers in Konohagakure look at him with disdain.

It was the end of Kakashi-sensi's bell-test and after he declared that they passed the day ended in joy. She stared at her crush with hearts in her eyes, but they faltered when she saw him walking over. It'd been nearly seven years since she'd bumped into him at the market and she doubted he'd remember her.

"Bye Sasuke-kun!" She cried out eagerly as his older sibling began to walk with him home. He stared at her briefly before turning and walking off with a fuming Sasuke in tow.

"Stupid Itachi." She heard him mutter and thats when she learned his name.

Uchiha Itachi.



She saw him again when she was 13.

She sat on the porch of his home, kicking her feet back and forward while Tsunade-sama was inside explaining to the elder Uchiha's what became of their youngest son.

The screen door opened silently and she didnt bother to look up. She only stared down at the folded picture in her hands of her beloved Team 7. Itachi sat next to her, staring at the sky impassively before sighing.

"You're otouto's teammate correct?" Her smile was stretched and fake.

"Of course, Itachi-senpai." He looked over at her startled, before her smile cracked and tears brimmed. He put a hand on her shoulder and she broke then, falling into his chest, crying the elder Uchiha's shirt. "It's all my fault!" She cried. "I wasnt strong enough to stop him!" The pinkette lost a brother, a teammate, a friend. Her heart was breaking apart slowly and she couldn't even begin to imagine Naruto's expression when he would find all this out.

"It wasn't." She stilled looking up at him as a deep frown etched onto his features.

Haruno Sakura pulled away from him when she heard the screen door slide open again. Weakly she told him goodbye and he stared at her without giving away any sorrow to the loss of his brother.



Four years later...

Sakura was 17; top-medic, apprentince of the Legendary Sannin Tsunade, killer of Aksuna no Sasori, and an ANBU member on top of that. It'd been four years since her teammate left Konoha and since then her and Itachi saw each other on the days they didn't have missions'. And even though it was rare, Sakura still found herself yearning for those days when she would hear a knock on her door and it would be him.

Most days it would be Naruto, Rokudaime in training, asking her to go get ramen with him and the Hyuuga heiress. But on those rare days, when she would be back from a long solo mission, she couldn't help but be overwhemeld with joy.

"Itachi," She chided one day as they walked down the moonlit streets. "If you eat too many sweets' you'll rot your teeth." He merely smirked before taking a bite out of the dango once more.

"Hn," Sakura rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I hate it when you do that." He merely smiled faintly and looked at her knowingly. She smiled back, and fiddle with her long ponytail that bobbed with everystep she took. Glancing at the dango in his hand she smiled wider before taking a grab at it. He stumbled back, holding up the sweet, and she stumbled forward before crashing into his chest.

"Aa, sorry." Sakura apologized meekly as she looked up at Itachi. His hand was on her shoulder, steading her as they stood close. A pink blush dusted across her face as his hand traveled up to the crook of her neck and pulled her forward carefully- before he kissed her.

Closing her eyes she kissed him back, her hands wove behind his own neck and she stood on her tip-toes to reach him better. Pulling away she noticed the faint pink on his own cheeks and laughed as she boldly intertwined her fingers in his.

"IT'S ABOUT TIME!" The two jumped as they saw Naruto with team 8 behind them. "You two took forever to realize that-" Itachi tossed the sweet at him, effectively thumping him in the head making him stumble back on Akamaru.

"Go away," He muttered before faintly smiling at his pinkette and dragging her off.

With her laughing the whole way.



Two years later...

They brought Sasuke back, but she'd almost lost Itachi.

He'd been fatally injured and she used the last bit of her chakara stitching him up before passing out herself. Naruto carried Itachi back the whole way while Sasuke helped his pink haired teammate walk from chakara exhaustion.

"I almost lost you." Sakura whispered days later when he woke up in his room of the Uchiha compound. She cried, curled up at his side, making him realize how close he was to never see her again. Which some how brought him to his next question...

"Marry me." Sakura stared at him with wide green eyes, before he smiled at her and she smiled while nodding and crying all at once.

"Of course you idiot." She slapped his chest and he wheezed making her scream and scramble back. "I'm so sorry!" He laughed either way though and she glared. "You'll be the death of me Uchiha Itachi."

"As long as i'm by your side Haruno Sakura." The pinkette stayed quiet for a few seconds before sighing and curling up back next to him.

"That has to be the cheeset thing you've ever said."



Three years later...

"I'm... pregnant?" Tsunade nodded excitedly as Sakura stared blankly at her former mentor. Pregnant at 21 years old, and a month and a half along... Ino squealed next to her while the Rokudaime, Naruto, looked like he was about to faint.

"I'll kill that Uchiha.." Sakura narrowed her eyes at her teammate before staring down at her stomach and placing her hands over it.

"I'm pregnant." A smile broke out wide on her face and she began to cry.

"Oh great." They all looked up at the male in the doorway. "Now we're gunna have pink-haired brats running around all over the place." Sasuke stated as he slouched in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

Sakura glared before throwing the footstool at him and effectively hitting him square in the face.

"Sasuke what happened to your face?" Mikoto asked innocently as he pouted, and Sakura walked in with an dazed look on her face. Itachi rose a brow at the two whilist standing next to his mother eating dango.

"I made fun of Sakura's kid." He snorted as he saunteered off into the living room.

"..kid?" Itachi spoke with wide eyes at his pink haired wife.

"I'm pregnant." Uchiha Sakura spoke, still starry eyed at her husband before smiling wide.

That was the first time she'd ever seen her husband almost-faint.




"...And ah, then you came along Hanako and shortly after Naozumi did too." Hanako giggled wildly as she cradled her little brother in her arms. Naozumi cooed and giggled while Kazuhiko looked at his feet blushing.

"You almost made dad faint!" Hanako taunted at her elder brother, making him turn a deeper shade of red. Sakura smiled at her kids, and looked up as she heard the screen door slide open.

"Welcome home," Sakura smiled wider as Itachi sat down next to her and kissed her lightly.

"Ewww!" The two elderest chimed and Sakura laughed before resting her head on his shoulder.

"What were you three talking about?" He asked as he took Naozumi in his arms.

"The story of you and mom." Hanako chirped and Kazuhiko scowled at her younger sister. He rose a brow and looked at his wife.

"She always wants to hear it." The pinkette shrugged and the onyx-eyed man gave her that familiar faint smile that she'd seen since she was a child. Back then, she didnt expect them to become close, to fall for each other, to get married, or to have children.

Haruno Sakura, now Uchiha Sakura, never expected any of this to happen.

But she never regretted it.

It was simply their story, "The story of us."

A/N: it'scute ^.^ btw. i wrote this at 3 in the morning when i had work the next day at 9. please forgive any grammar errors or mis-spellins or diddy-daps.