This is my first story although I've read tons of fanfics from this site. Constructive criticism is appreciated and please be kind :)

Purity of an untainted soul, voice as soft as a butterfly's wing. Clear green eyes that holds a warmth, inquisitive, filled with only childish curiosity. A soft smile graces her young face. Soft pink tresses that falls to the small of her back. The very aura she radiates is that of something so pure, so clean that it almost hurt for me to look at her.

All in all she was the very essence of innocence. A clean white canvas completely untainted. It made me itch to slowly paint her my colour, to taint her to the point that white canvas would never hold such purity. At the same time I wanted to preserve it, preserve that innocence only for my eyes and no other.

I am a cruel selfish man.

She stepped away from her hiding spot behind the pillar. Now I could see her fully, not just her head peering out. She wore a soft white dress that reaches her knees. Embroidered by laces and it looked as soft as satin, flowing over her petite body.

An angel, a pure, innocent, oblivious angel. The very embodiment of everything I'm not.

She cocked her head to the side in confusion as she looked right at me. Her gaze unfaltering against my usual blank stare. Her soft pink lips made a small round 'o' as she silently held my eyes. Her viridian eyes gleaming with curiosity.

It was then I decided that I don't care anymore, for once I will be selfish. For once I will act spoilt, for once I won't obey.

I'll have her, and no one can stop me.