A/N- So, I'm reposting this since it was deleted! I will be posting everyday because I have to change things about it, so don't get all upity about it, just be glad I'm reposting. Secondly, if I get enough reviews about it, I might add extra chapters. Emphasis on might. Anyways, please re-enjoy this story, and leave a review!
I own nothing except the reactions and some made up stories.
"Caleb!" I shout when I see my brother. Today's my first visiting day as an official Dauntless member, and my brother an Erudite member.
"Beatrice! It's so nice t see you!" Caleb says when he reaches me.
"You're staying all day, right?" I ask him with a grin on my face.
"Yeah, why?" He asks. That's my brother, always curious. Well at least now that he's not pretending to be Abnegation.
"I'll show you." I tell him mischievously dragging him to dragging where Christina and I agreed that everybody will meet for our little... game.
When we get there, Christina had managed to drag Uriah, Zeke, Tobias, Will, Al and... Peter here. "Tris, you took forever!" Christina says before looking Caleb over. "Who's this?"
"This is my brother, Caleb." I tell everybody.
"Whoopdeedoo." Peter says sarcastically.
I glare at him. "Why are you even here? You hate all of us."
He shrugs "There's nothing better for me to be doing."
I look at Christina who also shrugs.
"That's Christina, Uriah, Will, Al, Peter, Zeke, Four and Peter." I say pointing to everybody in turn.
"Okay! Let's play!" Christina says excitedly.
"What exactly are we playing?" Caleb says sitting down as far away from my friends as possible.
"Truth or dare." Tobias tells him wrapping his arm around me and earning a glare from my brother.
Caleb looks really uncomfortable and then Will sits down next to him telling him something quietly. Whatever it was, it calmed him down a lot. "Okay, so what happens if we don't want to do a truth or dare?" Will asks.
"Uhh..." Christina says thinking about it.
"How about they have to take off a piece of clothing." Peter says with an evil grin.
"Sure." Zeke says with a shrug. "But it has to be a piece of clothing, not just a sock or shoe."
"Okay!" Wow, Christina is really excited to play this. I think I should be scared. "Who wants to go first?"
"I will!" Uriah shouted. He looked at everyone for a second. "Caleb. Truth or dare?"
"Uhh... truth." Caleb says. He still doesn't really trust anyone here and, well, we're Dauntless.
"Awww, you're no fun." Uriah says pouting. He thinks for a second. "What's the worst thing you did in Abnegation?"
"One time I needed to finish a project for school so I..." Caleb looks down at his feet before mumbling something too quiet to hear.
"Excuse me?" Uriah asks. "I didn't quiet catch that."
Caleb sighs. "I 'borrowed' a laptop from the school." He stole a laptop?
Christina raises an eyebrow at him. "You stole a laptop from the school?"
He nods. "I brought it back though!" Everyone just stares at him for a second. "Okay! Four, what's your real name?" He asks taking the attention from him.
Tobias removes his arm from me and takes his shirt off. "I'm not answering that." He states when everyone just looks at him. "Peter, truth or"
"Dare." Peter states before Tobias even finishes asking.
Four smirks. "I dare you to go up to the first girl that passes by and sing 'What Makes You Beautiful' to them."
Peter glare at him but moves to the doorway.
Just then Lauren walks past and Peter starts belting out:
"You're insecure,
don't know what for,
you're turning heads when you walk through the doo-OW!"
That's how far he got before Lauren punched him in the jaw and walked off. We all burst out laughing.
Peter glares at all of us and then he grins. "Tris. Truth or Dare?"
A/N- So, there's chapter one again. For the record, I put the reason for the previous deletion of this story on my profile if you want to know why. Next chapter will be up tomorrow.