Chapter 2- Faith

'Why is it everywhere we go, we always attract unwanted attention..' Bren stuttered as he faced the crowd of angry people

'Don't move! Anyone of you' Came a voice within the crowd.

The crowd parted to let a man through, he was a big built man with receding hair and a rather funny looking moustache.

'Why are you after us, Moustache man' Chase asked

The leader of the people, clearly their mayor of some kind snorted in disgust

'Just one of you is enough to take back our town from S.T.O.R.M, but handing both you wanted criminals in can bring years of happiness for our town' he replied

'Take back from S.T.O.R.M? what do you mean?' Beyal asked

'No more questions, you can either come quietly or by force' The mayor cried clicking his fingers.

Men of the crowd swarmed around the five teenagers

'We can get out of here' Chase smiled going to grab a core

'Wait Chase' Jinja said putting her own hand over Chases core

'These people are agents of Klipse or S.T.O.R.M… they wont have Monsuno to fight with, they're innocent people, drawing out Lock with probably injure them'

Chase sighed, she was right… lately she seem'd to be right about everything

'So what do we do?' Chase asked

'How about simply fighting and running?' Dax imputed

Almost as if on cue, a man charged at Dax, Dax simply side stepped and tripped the man up 'These guys don't know how to fight'

With the one man down, there was a small opening in the crowd

'Me and princess will cover you guys, go through that gap and get away' Dax commanded to Chase as the Mayor shouted something to his rabble.

Chase grabbed Bren and Beyal and shot straight towards the gap in the crowd. The mayor saw what the intention was an orded more men to close the gap.

'We wont get through' Bren panicked as the gap was closed by two big men.

From no where, a man was hurtled foreward over Chase's head and smacked right into the two men blocking the way out of the ring.

Chase looked back, Jinja was angrily looking over at the man 'That's for trying to grab me from behind!'

Dax looked at her with a shocked face, she was strong.. he knew never to anger her again.. well..not this much anyway.

It took awhile but the remaining men of the crowd began to thin and retreat, clearly they didn't picture the prey fighting back and winning

'Easy' Dax smirked as he tripped another man

Chase, Beyal and Bren had successfully retreated away from the group and now waited a few metres away for Jinja and Dax

'Don't let them escape!' The Mayor orded to the rest of the huddle behind him.

Some of the men left in the gang took aim with the S.T.O.R.M guns

'look out' Dax cried pouncing on Jinja as a bolt of electricity narrowly missed them both

'Thanks for that' Jinja blushed as Dax sat up

'No problem, Princess, think it's about time we got outt'a here' Dax replied

Jinja nodded and both scrambled up and away as the crowd began charging foreward

There must have been around 50 or so people making up this crowd

'Run!' Bren cried as the crowd approached his position with Chase and Beyal.

As a team they ran through the town, hoping to make it to the entrance of the village and back into the woods, but it seem'd a long way aways.

The angry rabble behind them began to fall back, some not meant for running, team Core-Tech were very much in front

'We cant stop now B' Chase said as Bren gasped for air and began to stop running

'Cant breath' Bren gasped

'This isn't good' Jinja said stopping alongside Bren and catching her breath

'HEY!' cried a voice to the left of them

They turned expecting to see more townsfolk, but instead from the shadows they saw a girl, the same girl on the wanted poster- behind her, were glowing blue and red eyes.

'This way!' she cried pointing to the dark shadows behind the building

'What do we have to lose?' Chase said dragging Bren towards and into the shadows.

The team huddle behind a house, covered by intense dark shadows. The girl who helped them crouched nearby in the house adjacent to theirs, only the smallest of alleyways connected them.

'Who are-' Jinja began but was stopped when the crowd of angry people reached the area they had just stood in.

'Where are they?' Came voices

'They were just here!'

'They must've gone into the woods! You guys go into the woods, we'll standby here!'

Some men vacated into the woods surrounding the village, the majority stayed near the Teams hiding place

'Thanks for the help, but who are you?' Chase whispered not getting a good look at the girl

'Name's Kana' the girl replied

Dax frowned, another strange girl, great..

'Whats happening here?' Jinja whispered behind Chase

'This town is owned by S.T.O.R.M, and uses it regualry as a training ground for Monsuno battles' the girl replied nonchalantly.