Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke

a sequel to "Captain Underpants"

Bursting through the doors, Kagami panted, mentally preparing himself for the 50 sprints he'd have to run for being late. He paused, however, when the coach, better yet, the team was nowhere to be seen. He scrunched his eyebrows. Were they watching a video in the other classroom? Standing straight he let out a "Coach?" before the soft sound of giggles echoed throughout the gym. Turning his head to the left, his eye caught the team huddled in a circle, a few of them laughing while others smiled, joking to the person next to them. Exactly what they were crowding around, Kagami had no clue.

Walking up to the group of players, he rested his hand on Koga's shoulder.

"What's going on?" he asked, trying to crane his neck to see what was going on. A flash of blue hair and brown fur was all he could see.

"Hehe…dress up" the forward chuckled, flashing an amused smile.

What the hell?

Shoving aside a couple of his teammates, he pushed his way to the center, where the coach was currently squealing and snapping photos on her phone.

Once the redhead caught sight of the problem, he jumped back 3 feet, screeching as his face paled.

In the middle of the huddle was #2 and Kuroko, but not just that. It was #2 and Kuroko in a dog suit.

Maybe he was over-reacting but the blue-haired boy seriously looked like a dog. Sure, his face wasn't even covered and the flappy ears and costume were obviously fake, but shit, he could really pass for a giant dog if he squinted.

Everyone laughed at his reaction, inching closer until Kagami's back hit the wall. Kuroko and the huskie squatted in front of the Ace, paws to their chests. Kagami shifted his eyes between the two, bringing his hands to claw at his scalp. The two began to bark until Kagami let out an undignified cry, pushing off the wall and through the small crowd, trying to escape the two animals. They merely chased after him, barking all the way. No one seemed to notice the small sadistic smirk on Kuroko's lips as he followed after the other player.