Klaine FTW!

Chapter 1.

A bit AUish after Last Friday Night number on Glee "Pot of Gold". Sorry to Finchel fans, but this story is not exactly Finn-Friendly.

Copyright: None that seems familiar to you is mine. They belong to whoever it was that created Glee.

"I just wanted to acknowledge that we have all had a really rough week, what with Mercedes leaving..." Blaine said while walking to face his new glee club members. Contrary to her friends' belief, Rachel was actually really happy and glad that Blaine had transferred to McKinley. It had to take an intense glare from both Finn and Kurt to stop her from releasing the big bear hug that only Blaine (and sometimes, Noah) could give her when he walked into McKinley the first time as a student.

She noticed Finn's face when Blaine stood up and speaks. As if he was repulsed at seeing Blaine daring to speak in front of all of them. It bugs her because ever since Blaine came to McKinley, Finn has become... well, rather disgruntled (or, as what Noah usually says, a bit of a douche) about everything Blaine does. She does not understand why. Only the day before when Mr. Schue announced how West Side Story funding got cut (She nearly had a heart attack!) and Blaine, ever the dapper and gentlemen, piped up after Finn and consoled them all with encouraging words. If her head wasn't wrapped up around the fact the funding gotten cut, she would have been appalled at how Finn was talking to Blaine. Honestly, Blaine was just trying to get the team spirits up and not to mention he was Finn's stepbrother's boyfriend. You would think he would have at least considered Kurt feelings at his outbursts!

"... So, I've prepared a little something to show what Mr. Schue just said. That the magic is still here. So, this is to remind us what Glee is all about which is just… fun." Blaine finished and signaled the musicians. Rachel smiles and sees that the others were too (well, except for Finn and Santana) as Blaine stars to move his body to the music. Last Friday Night was the perfect song choice. The effects were immense as Rachel and the others get up and danced all over the room. She and Quinn race and climb up to the desk, dancing their way. She acknowledges that Finn, Noah and Santana are still sitting down in their sits, only Noah actually looks like he was enjoying the song, but the other two did not.

When Blaine picked her up and dropped her down, she went to Finn, singing happily around him. Trying to get him to enjoy the performance and dance along. Finn managed to smile at her and nodded but that was all. His eyes were staring and glaring. Before she could ask what's wrong, Brittany pulled her over to the center and once again she is dancing around with the others. Blaine grabbed her hand and spun her around while singing. He spun her toward Puck and they all went back to their seats as Blaine sings out the final note perfectly. Rachel looks around at her glee club members and noticed the change from their morose faces to the happy ones that she was sure they all needed that. "You guys, that song was amazing. I think we should do it for Sectionals." She said excitedly. Everyone seems to agree and she saw how Blaine practically beams at her words. But of course, that didn't last long.

"So, no concerns about showcasing any other voices this year at the competition?" Santana said as she walks up to the front.

"Oh, come on Santana. You were featured last year at Sectionals."

"Yeah, I know and we won." Actually, they tied with The Warblers and Rachel was still peeved about that. She is sure that if she had gotten the lead, there's no way they would have tied! "Oh, no. You know what? I get it." Santana reply turning around facing the others, "Since Mercedes is gone this year, It's going to be the Blaine and Rachel show."

Rachel fumed. It was okay for people wanting to jab at her for her trying to get all solos. She was and still is (sometimes…okay, maybe most of the times) that annoying kid, once upon a time. But that was before. Now, with it being her senior year and wanting to get into NYADA, she knows that she needs to be a team player to win Nationals. Also, didn't she just recommend the song that Blaine just sang for Sectionals? Did it not prove that she was a team player and Glee is not only, what Santana called 'the Blaine and Rachel show'.

"Ya'll know it's true." No. No. Nononono. Rachel thought as she watched Quinn, Artie, and even Finn start to believe Santana. "Noted. Good to know." Santana struts out of the room.

"Thank you, Santana." Mr. Schue said sighing. The joyous atmosphere was once again crushed into an awkward environment. "I think we should call it a day. You have 15 minutes left till your next class. Use it wisely and try to come up with any songs for our set lists." Everybody got up and started to go. Rachel was still fuming in her seat when a shadow looms over her.

"Thanks Rachel. For suggesting the song for Sectionals." Blaine said smiling.

"You're welcome. I think I should apologize on Santana's behalf. It's not exactly a 'good example' that you want to show to a new member of the club." Rachel replied.

Blaine shrugged, "Yeah, kind of a bummer. She was quite entertaining and friendly." Rachel resists snorting at Blaine's failed attempt of trying to be discreet of Santana's ever charming personalities. She gave a look over at Blaine that says yeah right and of course, Blaine rolled his eyes and said that okay, he was pushing it. But he could not imagine Santana be that vicious of him.

"Well, from my experience, this only happens when people are just too insecure about their being and are jealous of the things that we can accomplish. They lash out when threatened by other people. I would know since I am usually the victims of this so called atrocious behavior." Rachel explains to him. "This entire school simply behave as such ever since I step foot in this school. So, expect a lot of that behavior, Blaine." Seeing his face suddenly paled at his words, Rachel felt guilt for saying that " Of course, I could be throwing it all out of proportion and it was simply the time of the month for Santana." Rachel released a breath of relief as Blaine chuckled at her words.

"Blaine." Both of them turn to see Kurt waiting at the door. Blaine turns back to her and smiles apologetically before running off to Kurt. Rachel sighs. It had been a long time since she talked to Kurt and truth be told, she was missing him terribly and no amount of spending time with Blaine could ever replace that.

"Hey, wanna go now?" Rachel shook her head from the thought and nodded at Finn. He was still wearing that steely hard gaze in his eyes as they both walk out of the glee club. "Are you alright?"

Finn seems to snap out of his trance and turn to her, "Yeah, I'm alright. What's up?"

"Nothing, it's just that you seem... preoccupied. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Just thinking," Finn said.

Now, it would seem like she was a terrible girlfriend, but please understand her surprise at hearing Finn say he was thinking. Not that he wasn't capable; she's not calling him stupid or anything. It's just whenever Finn says he starts to think; bad outcome will surely be result.

But that was Last year. This year she would like to think that everyone has changed for the better. Even Santana despite her little outburst just now. Whatever it is, all she knows that by the end of this year, she will be the happiest girl in the world, on her way to NYADA with her best friend, living the dream.

Now, if only she is still buddies with her best friend.

"Rachel!" She turned to see Blaine running up to her. She had just finished her Phsy. Ed class and exited the girl's shower room making her way to Glee. Blaine arrived and they walked together side by side. "Hey, I just wanted to hand you your script. Artie said he might be running in late for Glee because Rick decided to stick around the hallway. He didn't want his wheels to be broken again."

"Ugh, I truly despised that guy! One would have thought that with Karofsky gone, there would be less bullying. But of course there is always a replacement for that!" Rachel snapped. It is ridiculous how they were still being bullied when they had went to New York and make a name out of this high school, when the Jocks can't even score a goal to save themselves.

"I know. Hey," Blaine stops her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "How are you holding up? You know, with Glee and Kurt and all." Blaine asks. He was surprised when Rachel suddenly hugs him and nearly threw his balance off. He reluctantly hugs her back, "Umm, Rachel. Why are you..."

Rachel tilts her head to look at him. Blaine sees that her eyes were brimming with tears. Oh God, for someone who is gay, He really does not do well with girls in tears. This was usually Kurt expertise; consoling crying girls.

"Nothing. It's just that I'm relieved and surprised that someone actually asks of me. Of how I am… because lately with Santana and Brittany and Mercedes leaving. And not to mention Finn being his grouchy and sullen self and also with Kurt's absence, I just feel so lost and angry and alone in this." Rachel sniffed. Blaine nodded. He actually can relate. Only, he has Kurt by his side. And well Rachel, she has Finn.

It wasn't like he hated the guy. He... he was a bit annoyed at how Finn constantly shot him down whenever he try to say or do something. As for Rachel, he resents how sometimes in his time, Finn could forget Rachel and her feelings and carry on doing what he thinks he knows is best for whoever or whatever. He was doing the same with Kurt, but thankfully Kurt does not notice, or pretends to not notice it. Anyway, Blaine always makes sure that he forgets it whenever he was around.

"It's okay, Rach. You know, I'm sorry for not asking earlier. You could use some friend right now."

"Yes, but it's okay. I know it's hard for you since Kurt and I have stopped talking. I wouldn't want to have any problem between the two of you." Rachel said.

"Yeah, cause Klaine is the greatest ship to ever set sail, huh?" Blaine teased. Rachel once said over their weekly movie night out that Blaine and Kurt (I declare thee ship, KLAINE!) that they were the cutest, most adorable couple to ever grace the planet and that they will end up forever happily ever after and actually screamed "the ship has sailed!" when they announced that they were together.

Rachel laughed along, "It's just that, I need to do this, you know? Being Maria and running for Student Council. It will help me a lot for my NYADA application." Blaine could sense the 'but' that is coming.


"But, I don't know if it is worth it. I mean, I miss him so much. He was my best friend."

Blaine sighs. He wanted to tell Rachel that Kurt misses her too. Sometimes when they were together, Kurt would point out something and tell him that Rachel likes this or that or do this and that. But he swore to never tell anyone that he did.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you too quit running for SC or something, but just to do what you think what is best for you and everyone. Like you said, it's your senior year. It should be memorable enough to share it with the people you loved." Blaine said leveling his eyes with Rachel. Rachel nodded and smiled as they both walked to Glee.

Upon entering, Rachel saw that most of the members (well, what's left of them) were present except for Finn and Mr. Schue. Kurt was sitting poised in his seat at the highest steps. He looked curiously at his boyfriend and once-best friend. Rachel looks down and promptly went to the other side of the room when Blaine stopped her and dragged the surprised Diva to his boyfriend and sat her next to Kurt with him on the other side. Both former best friends were looking at him surprise by his action but nevertheless did not comment. Blaine just hoped that the two of them would patch things up. He didn't know if he could take flinging from one friend to another.

Glee that day was eventful as Finn's friend decided to join Glee. Blaine had to admit, the Irish cutie had some serious pipes. His voice was that of an old soul that just makes the girls (and some guys) go "awww." Definitely "magical" as Rachel whispered to him. He smiles nodding at her but noticed the uneasy way Kurt was eyeing the boy. But with a playful nudge by Rachel, Kurt was smiling a bit and that is all that matters.

Sebastian Smythe does not feel like smiling. Not at all.

Hearing the constant wheezing of his roommate is… aggravating. For the last three hours since he arrived at Dalton, all he hears is the continuous, coarse, whistling sound echoing inside the room. Nelson, his wheezing roommate is a lanky, thin, pale guy with a too overly large rimmed glasses settled on his crooked nose (he had broken it when he fall down the stairs for tripping the air. Seriously) and hair that is slick with two-inch gel, you could actually see it dripping from his hair.

Okay, maybe he is over reacting. But it is without a doubt; Sebastian is one unlucky guy when it comes to his roommate.

Gritting his teeth, because damn it! How is he going to live for the next six month with the constant wheezing? He grabs his jacket, muttering to his roommate about needing some air and was on the verge of opening his door when there is a knock on the door and comes the voice off his R.A , Alex from behind it.

Alex. Exactly the entertainment he needs. He opens the door and greets the attractive blonde, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey." He said with enough confidence and smirks. Alex only raised a single brow up and inquired if he is settling okay in his new room.

Sebastian shrugged. "It's okay, for now. Though, I can't really complain. One could only hope I could have a better company. But I guess I'm not that lucky." He said, turning on the charm. Seeing the amusement and of course, the intrigued look on Alex's face was enough for Sebastian to know it was working.

But Alex is his R.A, so it will be a bit complicated to work things out but he has just about enough confidence in him to know that if he played his cards well, Alex would be just another face that he has fuck and lives on to live a happily satisfied life with no quarries on them together behind him.

"Well, I guess it's time to take you to tour the school, then. Any request which to venture first?" Alex asks.

"Your room?" He heard the squeak and a rough cough from his roommate and resists to roll his eyes, keeping his straight at the blonde in front of him.

Alex seems to assess him, up and down, still void off emotion accept from the amusement that was there before. Sebastian was really bored now, because he just wanted to get out and fuck but Alex is really taking too much of his time.

Before Sebastian could shut the door on Alex's face though, he surprise him by stepping back and said that his roommate is out and he needed to change the sheets anyway. "Think you could help me with that?"

And that is when Sebastian Smythe really smile.

Hey guys. It has been a long time, right? I know and I'm sorry. But here it is. Finally it's back! Haha. So, review please and I really hope that you could also include some criticism on anything so I could see any mistake in this. Also, it would help if you guys tell me if I got the whole character right.

Now you know what to do...

REVIEW! It gives me butterflies. :)
