I do not own Glee unfortunate though it is. If I did well we'd have Puckleberry and Fabrevans back.

AN: First Glee fanfic but I've become inspired with the last couple weeks of new Glee episodes and I might be a bit delusional but I keep seeing things that would be perfect to end the end Finchel and then begin Puckleberry. There will be Pezberry and Faberry Friendships. And maybe even the return of Fabrevans.

After the meeting with Ms. Pillsbury about Finn's future Rachel feels as if Finn really isn't into this whole college thing and he'd already made it 200% clear that he wasn't going to come to New York and NYADA with her so she felt exasperated about what they should do. How could they continue seeing each other when she refused to give up New York and he refused to come with her OR even consider a college near New York? She loved him and had almost given up New York for him, when they were gonna be married after their Invitational at McKinley. Giving up New York for Finn would've been her biggest mistake like ever, thank god Noah talked her out of giving up her dreams and that things worked out how the way they did. Weird as it may sound, given how hard she was taken Quinn's injuries, thank goodness God intervened and Quinn had her wreck because NOTHING else could've stopped them; although Finn HATED the idea of putting off the wedding in favor of Quinn actually being able to attend, but whatever, Rachel refuses to get married without Quinn there which just leads to fight after fight with Finn until eventually their relationship becomes toxic and begins to change her. Finn was constantly trying to change her and thought he knew her and what was best for her like the fact that he wanted her to stop being friends with Noah and give up her dreams of New York and Broadway, like those things were actually going to happen for real. If things didn't happen the way they did then Noah would've eventually stepped up and gotten her dreams back on track. These days with all her fights with Finn Noah is the only thing in my life that provided any sanity. Noah was her rock in the hurricane blasted sea that was her relationship with Finn and for that she was more than grateful because he was her only friend what with Kurt still distant after the whole class president thing and Kurt spending so much time with Blaine.

The weekend following the meeting with Mrs. Pillsbury, the meeting being on Monday, followed by Rachel and Finn fighting the entire time, well, that weekend was spent with Noah watching romantic comedies and gorging on ice cream with the occasional bit of alcohol, though there wasn't enough for either of us to even get a slight buzz which I was later grateful for. Noah really knows me too well because he knew I needed the distraction but wouldn't have been happy if I ended up drunk. That weekend was actually pretty good as far as a weekend full of heartbreak can be but it helped me to figure out that I was better off without Finn and the best way to let him know that would be to sing out my feelings to Finn in glee because really the only time I am 100% honest and clear about my feelings is when I am singing them. So I settled on the perfect song and practiced it with Noah in between watching the movies and gorging myself on ice cream and the slight drinking.

Monday for school I skyped with Quinn so she could help me pick out an outfit that would break Finn's heart and I had already informed her of what song I would be singing when she came over Friday and since she knew it by heart she offered to back me up on the chorus to which I gladly accepted and Noah had already said he'd play his guitar and provide moral support for me. Yes I know Quinn and I aren't exactly friends, to people who don't know us, but hell with the way Finn's been going between both me and her for the past two years I knew there was no one better to help me from the female standpoint of it because she had experienced it to some degree as well. I mean when her and Finn first started dating EVERYONE knew she planned to attend Yale or some other big name school and get a law degree and then move somewhere like LA or New York and become this big name lawyer but after they'd dated awhile, before the whole Noah/Quinn pregnancy scandal, her plans had started to change to just going to Ohio State University and becoming a real estate agent and then moving back to Lima with Finn after she graduated. So you see Quinn did know what I was going through to some extent, but she was also someone who knew the real me and supports me unconditionally, because Finn was the one to tell her that she could never make it into any of the well known schools, like Yale or Harvard, and that she wouldn't make it as a lawyer, although those exact words never came out. See Finn's more about the planting seeds of doubt in your mind and making you feel worthless and then he swoops in and "saves the day". After a while those games along with the back and forth ones begin to wear on a girl; Quinn's last straw was after he convinced her to cheat on Sam with him and then got back together with me at Nationals a few weeks after prom and my last straw was the whole future thing and our constant fights and then on top of that I found out from Quinn herself, over this past weekend, that he'd been trying yet again to get back together with her. See she would've told me earlier except for the fact that I'd asked Noah to not let anyone near me except for himself and teachers so she had no way of letting me know until she came over Friday after school while my dads were at work and Noah was out getting ice cream, movies and alcohol. In fact she stayed for a few hours with Noah and I until my dads got home and she had to leave to be home to eat dinner with her mom. Anyway she helped me pick out the perfect outfit that would no doubt leave Finn drooling and well a little bit flustered if all went right; I wasn't going to change into it until glee in case I was slushyed today but I did wear a kickass outfit to school as well. I wore a blue and white stripped halter top dress ( product/I.N.-San-Francisco-MiteredStripe-Halter-Dress_301_-1_301_503061365?rr=true) with a white cardigan and white strappy open toed platform heels. I even curled my hair and put it into a low messy side bun and put on a bit more make up than usual; all with Quinn's help of course. I honestly couldn't wait for glee. I got Noah to pick me up and we met Quinn for quick coffee before heading to school and I walked in with Noah one side and Quinn on the other and let's just say we were a force to be reckoned with; one wrong look from any guy and Noah would send a menacing glare and one bitchy comment from a girl and Quinn would instantly turn in to the queen bitch only it was directed at whoever made the comment. Then when Finn walked up to me things were NOT pretty first Quinn laid into him over trying to get back with her yet again when he and I weren't even officially over yet and then I laid into him twice as heavy as Quinn, I know hard to believe right but it happened, I guess that sort of does when you spend so much time around people like Noah and I've even been spending more time with Quinn recently too. I even added in some punches and slaps during my tirade as well as cuss words in both English and Hebrew; really Noah wasn't even needed to deal with Finn but it's a good thing he was there because Quinn had a bit of trouble dragging me away from him when she realized that I wasn't letting up anytime soon. After the confrontation with Finn it was time to head to class and thankfully this was one I shared with Noah and Quinn but not Finn. Once we got there we were joined by Santana and Brittany; they'd apparently heard the whole exchange between us and Finn while Kurt and Mercedes had filled them in on the situation of last week that had lead to this morning, and well they were on my side which was interesting to me because while Britt's always been inclined to like me she's always followed Santana's lead and Santana has NEVER liked me. If me, Noah and Quinn were a force to be reckoned with then with the addition of Santana and Brittany we were unstoppable because it was a lethal combination of Lima's resident badass, and the two biggest bitches in school, the secretly smart girl, and me who is probably the biggest diva/bitch in school. When I say no one approached us at all for the rest of the day I may be exaggerating a bit because fellow glee club members, except Finn, did but other than that no one even dared to talk to or about me which was a definite first that I enjoyed.

At lunch while sitting with Santana, Brittany, Artie, Mercedes, Quinn, Sam, Tina, Mike, Noah, Kurt, Blaine, Rory and even Sugar we found out that none other than Matt Rutherford would be returning in about a week's time. Mike was the one to tell us, they were best friends after all and talked occasionally over the past year and half or so. To say that Mercedes was happy and the news brightened my day was again an understatement but hey that's life and right now even with my whole Finn situation I was enjoying life. That lasted until just before glee when I came across Finn hanging all over and making out with none other than bitchy little wanna be cheerio Carla. Seeing that broke me even more so it's a good thing I'd already planned my song out over the weekend and had asked Quinn to come with me to help me get ready and told Noah to let Mr. Schue know that Quinn and I may be about 5 to 10 minutes late. Quinn, Noah and I all had a free period last so we spent it in the auditorium practicing and a few minutes before the bell Quinn and I headed to our lockers after a very satisfying practice which we'd nailed and I knew it would for sure make Finn squirm seeing his two exes and "play things" singing such a song together. During practice we'd changed our plan of singing it a bit given recent events and new found knowledge. It was when Quinn and I were on our way to change and redo my make up and hair that we discovered Finn and Carla; we didn't confront them because we were on a schedule and had to make sure we weren't too late to practice so we could perform and still actually practice for sectionals, which was coming up. So we just hurried past without either of the two aforementioned people noticing, although there were tears welling up in my eyes as we swept past so Quinn put her arm around my shoulders and guided us to the nearest bathroom that she quickly emptied out being a bitch to the few girls who were in there. She helped me calm down and wash my face before sending me to change into this black sheath like dress that had tank top straps( product/B.-Darlin-Pintucked-Tank-Dress_301_-1_301_503011978?splashlink=dd_jr_tc1_Dresses_062311), a red jean jacket ( /CROPPED%20HIGHLOW%20DENIM%20JKT?color=BLACK), and red peep toe pumps. For my hair she left it down and tousled while for makeup she gave me a smokey eye using shades of gray with pink lips and light makeup elsewhere. Then she wore a simple black dress similar to mine, the same red jean jacket and red heels similar to mine with similar hair and makeup; we looked hot and we both knew it.

After changing we hurried to glee and as we walked in we were actually behind Mr. Schue, who was later than normal, so really we didn't have too much to worry about with having our chance to perform. As soon as things settled down and Mr. Schue did his normal thing, asking if there was anyone who wanted to perform, so me, Quinn, and Noah all stood up and told Mr. Schue that me and Quinn had a duet prepared and that Noah was going to accompany us on his guitar. At the go ahead we got ready and began.

"This song is for a guy who had messed with both mine and Quinn's life for too long and here's what we think about it. Oh and in case he didn't know this is our way of saying goodbye for good, though I think the song can speak for itself" I said in way of introduction before Noah began playing the opening chords.

(Rachel Quinn Both)

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it, ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something 'bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow

Mr. Bring Me Down
Well ya, ya like to bring me down, don't you?
But I ain't laying down, baby, I ain't goin' down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby, you should know that I lead not follow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr. Play Your Games
Only got yourself to blame when you want me back again
But I ain't falling back again
'Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

So what you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see yeah...

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

There was a few seconds pause after we were before the deafening applause from everyone except Finn of course; he looked entirely uncomfortable and ready to leave right that second. "That was amazing girls and Puck. I think we've found a number for sectionals. One thing though what brought this on? I mean we can tell this was for a reason and not some spur of moment I like this song and want to sing it thing, both of you were too emotional for it to be that." We exchanged a look and then both looked to Noah before conceding to tell Mr. Schue the entire story after practice as it was a rather long one. For the rest of practice Finn sulked all by himself and the rest of us discussed other possible song options for sectionals but so far the only thing we had was mine and Quinn's duet with Noah playing his guitar. So other than our performance that practice was sort of a bust meaning that we got out early which was fine with me because I didn't want to be in that choir room with Finn anymore. As everyone else except for Quinn, Noah and me left they were all chattering happily and excitedly about our duet and pending performance of it at sectionals. It took us about 30 minutes to explain what brought on that song to Mr. Schue because we had to go all the way back to before glee started to when Quinn and Finn first started dating back halfway through freshmen year and explain it all up until well just before practice today and the part about before practice today really pissed off Noah, especially since he had no prior knowledge of it from either of us. "Thank you guys you've given me something to consider seeing as how Rachel and Finn have been the leads for most of our songs previously but hearing about this I may have to make some changes." Mr. Schue said once we were done explaining. As we stopped to get our stuff we pulled out our phones and I quickly changed my relationship status on facebook and of course Noah and Quinn immediately liked it. As we were walking out of the choir room I ran straight into someone's rather solid chest and mumbled a rather quick and distracted apology and was prepared to leave until I heard Noah and Quinn gasp " Matt?!"