Len awoke to the beeping of his alarm clock as he normally did. He dropped down from his bed and looked to see that Oliver must have already left. He was quiet happy about that he didn't feel like waking up to see that cheerful little brat. Ok maybe brat was a harsh word but he felt that that was the best word to describe him.

He got dressed in his school uniform and walked down the large empty halls to breakfeast as normal but something stopped him. The music...it was buetiful.

The song sounded so...sad. Even though Len couldn't decipher the english he could here the dissapointement yet hope. It made the young blonde frown. Was that oliver? He peeked his head in to see the young sailor boy playing and singing. His voice was buetiful, so ...right. Len could feel the raw emotion. He took a step into the room.

"In a town thats cold and gr- LEN-SAN!" The young blonde jumped spinning around. He seemed slightly scared of the older blonde. Len stood there for a moment before forcing a scowl onto his face.

"What do you think your doing?"

"S-singing" the younger spluttered grabbing his bag and heading to the door. Len grabbed the youngers arm throwing him into the wall and caging him between his arms. Silence filled the air. What the hell am i doing!? Len thought frantically.

"L-len-san?" Oliver asked cheeks red and face confussed. The older of the two thought. How was he going to explain himself? What was he going to say?

Len took a breath, "I hate you..." he said bluntly grabbing Oliver by the shoulder roughly and pinning him against the wall, glaring angerly. "I hate you more then i thought i could ever hate a person." he growled. Oliver winced from the pain of being pressed so harshly against the wall. "I wish you'd dissapear. Because of you everyone is comparing us and my friends and sister hate me..." Oliver gasped sharply as Len's nails dug into the tender skin of his shoulder. "You've made my life a living hell!" Oliver was trying to wriggle out of the olders grasp, but Len was much stronger.

"LEN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Rin demanded. Len snapped his head to hers. Her eyes where filled with an anger he wasn't used to seeing. Len let go of Oliver who grabbed his bag and ran out of the room quickly. Len looked at his hand. Blood. He had dug his nails into Olivers skin and had made him bleed. He felt sick to his stomach. So sick with himself.

((Sorry this chapter is short so i'll update soon. Also i need pasta. And the song Oliver song is called Raindrops Falling On My head by Oliver Engloid. This chapter is really short D: next one will be 1k+ i promise.))