Oneshot. For context, this is after Issac has fought the Hunter and Enhanced Slashers. Black things = justified panic.

Alex Mercer, terrorist, Monster of Manhattan, Blacklight plague incarnate, was having a Bad Day. Normally he wouldn't be caught dead on a ship the size of the Ishimura, much less have signed up as part of the mining crew, but it had proved too tempting for a number of reasons. While Blackwatch had long ago been folded into the Earth Gov (or it was a hostile takeover - he didn't care enough to get close enough to find out), they still were after him. So by the time they'd pinned his location down to a single continent, he grabbed the first shuttle off-world.

He'd quickly decided that space, or at least everything about it, sucked. Cramped quarters, people everywhere, much more hostile environments than he preferred, and those damnable RIGs. Holographic displays were handy, but the life support aspect made acquiring and maintaining a disguise a bitch.

Normally that would just mean he would keep moving, but he'd finally managed to track down a relative. One of the last of his human family's bloodline, some sort of nephew if he had the relations strait. Oddly enough, the man was a medical scientist. Alex still wasn't sure if that was a bad sign, but family was family, and he at least wanted to meet the man before deciding anything. If he was considering anything like the original Dr. Mercer had done, he'd put a stop to it.

Alex had ended up as part of the miner crew simply because the operation had moved fast, and it was easier to pretend to be one rather than get to a high level crew member and take their place. Of course, now that all hell had broken loose, he was regretting his decision to go the easier path.

Before, the plan had simply been to have a little talk with his nephew. Now however, he had to find the man before something killed him and get him off the ship. The Blackwatch in him voted nuking the entire thing, and after a couple encounters with the ghouls lurking about he agreed wholeheartedly, so that was tacked on the end of the list.

And to top it off, everything was breaking. Hell, the ship was old, but it hadn't been that run down! Where the fuck was a repairman when you needed one?

With a growl of annoyance, he shifted biomass into his arms to bolster the muscle mass, and proceeded to just pry the damn door open. He just managed to get through before it malfunctioned further and slammed closed repeatedly, trying to bisect whatever stood in the way.

His dodge easily carried him through safely, and right into yet another pile of dead bodies. One of which promptly decided to pop up and try to gnaw through his neck. Alex simply snarled at the thing and smacked it hard enough to rip it in two. He got maybe a yard down the hallway before it got back up and scuttled after him. This time he grabbed it by the neck and just slammed it into the floor until it was more smear than body.

He seriously hated those things. They were annoying when they were moving; when they were still all his senses could detect was 'dead body' and then the things jumped up and bit him. He might have been in trouble... if any of the bastards could do more than scratch his armor.

The next door opened just as he reached it, and he had just enough time to think 'oh good, there's an engineer,' before the asshole shot him in the leg with a modified cutter. It barely stung - until the bastard emptied the rest of the clip in the same spot, severing said limb. And then said asshole engineer stasised him, pulled out a Line gun and shot off his arms, shot him again with another stasis, and fled. All Alex could do was wait for the time dilation to wear off.

While it certainly wasn't his worst day, it was certainly up there.