Authors Note: Hello everyone! This is obviously, without a doubt, a crack fic. I thought of this while watching the CM bloopers on YouTube. After seeing the actors and actresses do/say hilarious things, I couldn't help but think of the team in a different perspective. Just to let you all know, this is a two-shot. Unless you want more, that is *wink-wink*. Anyways, enough of my annoying rambling, enjoy!

Story Title: It's Sleepover Time!

Written By: ButterflyCryx

Chapter One: Emily fights with Morgan

As the day came to an end, SSA Emily Prentiss sat back in her chair while making small talk with her colleague and close friend, Media Liaison, Jennifer Jareau (but she prefers J.J, thank you very much). While the two females chatted about their upcoming weekend plans, SSA Derek Morgan interrupted.

"Hey ladies, what are you two still doing here?" he questioned, showing off his attire. He was wearing black dress pants with a red button down and shiny black shoes. His goatee was freshly shaved and he was looking more handsome then ever. Emily looked at J.J who rolled her eyes at the sight.

"We can ask you the samething, Mr. Flashy." The brunette said, sipping at her freshly brewed coffee. Morgan did a half-turn then asked for their opinions.

"Not bad, huh? I think my date will fall in love."

Emily yawned and J.J blinked.

"C'mon, you both know I look good."

"Yeah, just as good as what I stepped on this morning, by accident." Emily whispered the last part into his ear as she walked past him with a sarcastic smile, intending on pouring herself some more coffee. J.J tried hard to suppress her laughter by putting a hand over her mouth. Offended, Morgan fired a comment back.

"You know, they say too much coffee turns your teeth yellow. I'd lay off the caffeine for a while if I were you, Em."

Emily paused for a moment then began to laugh.

"They also say too much steriods can shrink a mans' size. I'd lay off the needles for a while if I were you, Morgan." She retorted, giving him a pat on the back as she proceeded to her seat. J.J looked down at her shoes, still trying hard to muffle her laughter. Unfortunately, she failed and burst into a fit of giggles.

Morgan frowned while Emily smirked.

Emily: two. Morgan: negative zero.

Just then, Dr. Spencer Reid walked in, obviously unaware of what was going on. He stopped once he noticed the intense staring that went on between Emily and Morgan. Giving J.J a questioning look, the blonde shrugged.

"Do I want to know what's currently transpiring or…"

"If I were you, I'd save my own ass and walk away." SSA Dave Rossi advised, exiting Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner's office. The man himself followed close behind, sensing the tension between his two agents.

"What happened?" Hotch questioned, knowing he was probably going to regret it seconds later.

"I was just telling Emily about some good dentist offices she should attend."

Emily smiled brightly while giving the chief an answer as well (and in case you haven't caught on, Hotch definitely regretted ever asking).

"And I was just telling Morgan here about a condom size that can properly fit his small penis." As J.J and Reid laughed into their hands, Rossi sprung into action.

"I think we should all go now, it's getting pretty late and we all have weekends to enjoy." Rossi offered, shooting a glance at Hotch. The younger man complied then ushered Morgan away.

"Hey!" Morgan shouted as he burned holes into Emily's face with his dark brown pupils. Emily stood there with the same smile as Morgan said something he was painfully going to pay for later.

"Just because you're lonely and miserable, doesn't mean you can take it out on me!"

There goes her smile.

Emily Elizabeth Prentiss was angry and things were about to get ugly. She was pretty much going to turn the place into the chambers of hell. Shooting daggers at Morgan with her eyes, she sprinted towards him like an untamed squirrel monkey. Rossi immediately grabbed her by her waist and picked her up from the ground. Attempting to escape, Emily yelled at Morgan while doing so.

"Listen to me you prick! You will take that back and you will take it back now! You overly-concieted ape!" Emily screamed as Rossi kept her in the air. As she shouted every insult known to man towards the dark-skinned agent, Technical Analysis Penelope Garcia, who was having a very nice nap in her office by the way, awoken to the sounds and decided to see what was going on. She entered the bullpen and shook her head at the sight before her. Reid turned to see his favorite computer nerd dressed in pink and black zibra-stripped pajamas. He cocked his head to the side at the sight as everyone else did the same.

Except for two agents who were too busy trying to kill each other at the moment.


"What? A girl can get comfortable, can't she?"

No one said anything. They just stared. Garcia rolled her eyes then asked another question.

"What's up with scrumptious and fiesty?"

Reid sighed as they looked back at the scene. Hotch and Rossi were still holding the two agents back. Hotch gently pushed Morgan away, unlike Rossi who had to endure a couple of hits and scratches. Thinking this was ridiculous, Garcia whistled very loudly to get their attention. The two stopped and looked at her.

"You need to relax, both of you! Hotch, Rossi, take them into the conference room. I'm keeping them hostage until they remember that they're not five anymore!"

Soon enough, Rossi began to carry Emily to the conference room (who hit his back really hard in protest) and Hotch did the same. Without carrying Morgan, that is.

Garcia and the others followed, curious as to how this was going to turn out.

"I bet you thirty bucks that she'll punch him in his groin." J.J said to the genius who walked beside her. Reid smiled.

"Deal." he agreed as Garcia locked the door behind her. The lock on the wooden door was reversed so she had to lock it from the outside. Everyone stood in respective positions then waited for something to happen. Garcia spoke.

"Okay, what's the problem?"

"Emily can't admit to the fact that I'm an extremely attractive man!"

Emily scoffed from the other side of the table, already fed up with his commentary.

"Morgan can't admit to the fact that he's an arrogant bastard!"

"Okay, that's enough! We're all family here. Just chill out and take a deep breath." She suggested as Emily rolled her eyes and sat in one of the chairs. Morgan stood standing, folding his arms across his built chest.

"I prefer a good-looking bastard, thank you very much!" he shouted back as Emily immediately stood up and bolted towards the door.

"That's IT! I've had it with this-" Emily stopped mid-sentence as she realized something; she couldn't open the door. She twisted and turned and pulled but… nothing.

It was completely locked. They were all locked in.

"Whats the matter?" J.J asked, her eyes suddenly wide. Reid watched as the two girls struggled to get the door to open. Garcia realized the mistake she made and quietly sunk into one of the chairs.

"It's locked. We're locked in here." Emily said the obvious, mentally panicking in her head. She was not looking forward to spending a whole night here.

She was NOT at all.

"Can't you call anyone-"

"The building is empty. It's 11:43pm. Everyone's gone home already." Hotch quickly informed them. Everyone turned to the one person who was at fault for this and said her name in unison.


The temporary red-head chuckled nervously, sinking deeper into her chair, wishing it would magically swallow her whole.


A/N: Don't worry, the next chapter contains a VERY amusing "food war" between all of our starving agents (and yes, that includes Hotch) I had mentioned in the summary. Don't forget to review! :-)