

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or The Sound of Music.

Ginny shocked face turned into pure happiness. She squealed and got off the stage thanking Snape and taking the script and schedule. Waving at Harry, she skipped out the door, completely giddy.

Chapter 2:

The next day, almost everyone was heading to the potions or transfiguration classroom after classes.

Everyone, that is, except Hermione. She felt like she wasn't good enough for a musical, let alone the main role. Even if Hermione did try, she felt she would fail and Hermione Granger doesn't do well with failure. Plus, she'd be Harry's love interest and her heart wasn't so sure if it could take that. So, instead of going to the meeting, she was going to hide in library. Anyways, what point would it be to get extra marks, she already had top scores in her class and- and-

"Oh for the love of Merlin!" Hermione cried out, frustrated earning a "Shhh" from Madame Pince. She wanted to try out but at the same time she didn't. Now she was feeding herself pathetic excuses.

In the potions classroom, Professor Snape was frustrated as well. Not only were most of theses children were completely incompetent but he felt that something was missing. Snape's been directing since his days at Hogwarts and he always, always, new which people would best suit the part even if they were complete gits and were impulsive, pompous Gryffindors.

His senses were, perhaps, what possessed him to have Potter play the male lead. Snape just couldn't figure out who to play the female lead. He contemplated Parkinson, the youngest Wesley, Lovegood, Bones, Greengrass, one of the Patil's, Abbott, and more yet he none of them were right. Some of them had potential for other parts but not the lead.

He shook his head and braced himself for the auditions next week. How exciting.

Anyone notice the sarcasm right there?

The next week, that Saturday, Harry winced as yet another girl was turned away after her attempted to sing the duet with him. He'd lost count of how many girls Snape had turned down for the part of Maria. "Awful voice." he'd said "Terrible acting" he's complain "Doesn't complement his voice" he'd grumble. That was basically all Harry had heard all day.

Finally, Ginny had came in and waved at him. Harry waved back, relieved to see a friendly face. Maybe she's auditioning for Maria. he thought.

Ginny placed the sheet she filled in on Snape's desk then went to stand up on stage.

Snape raised an eyebrow and looked at her calculatingly. "Go on," he snapped when she didn't do anything. "And get off the stage Potter."

"But aren't I supposed to-"


Harry rolled his eyes and went off the stage, reluctantly sitting beside Snape.

Ginny cleared her throat, waved her wand, and muttered a spell. Suddenly, the music turned on. It was the song "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" without the female part.

To say Harry was thoroughly confused was an understatement. He turned to Professor Snape and asked him quietly, "Isn't she supposed to be singing "Something Good" with me for Maria's part?"

"I've had quite enough!" Snape snapped but he wasn't talking to Harry. Actually, he hadn't heard what Harry was saying. Ginny froze in the middle of her dance step.

"Miss Weasley," Snape stated coolly, "Come and take a script and schedule. You got the part of Liesel von Trapp."

Ginny shocked face turned into pure happiness. She squealed and got off the stage thanking Snape and taking the script and schedule. Waving at Harry, she skipped out the door, completely giddy.

"But- but-" Harry stuttered "What happened to the Maria auditions. What about the other girls auditioning for Liesel's part. And-"

Snape scowled and cut him off, "Who, between the both of us, Mr. Potter, have more experience with these things?"


"You, sir."

Harry gritted his teeth and said all too sweetly, "You, sir."

Snape nodded sharply then turned back to his papers, "Anyways, Mr. Potter, there are no more candidates for the part of Maria."

Harry stared at at him incredulity and shouted,"What?!"

"Next!" Snape shouted ignoring Harry.

Just as Ginny got out the door, she rushed to go find Hermione. Where could I find her? She thought for a moment.


"The library!" she cried as she rushed down the hallway, earning herself odd looks from the group of second year Hufflepuffs.

To be continued..


1. Did you expect Snape's part in the musical? Ginny's role? Hermione not auditioning?

2. How do you think Hermione gets the part? When? Where?

3. Other thoughts on what's going to happen?

Thanks for reading!