Naruto was having a hard time keeping up with the movement down below. Moreover, he was worried about Hinata and the strange stabs of pain she would have at random times. When he turned his attention back to the floor, he saw Neji pushing Hinata's sleeve back to reveal angry red bruises, blocking her chakra flow to her arm. Naruto had just enough time to catch Hinata's horrified gaze before Neji sent a chakra filled blow to her chest.

She flew backwards, losing a violet and silver pendant on a black obsidian chain at the same time, smashing into the cold, hard, merciless wall. Her spine made impact, letting loose an audible crack before she painfully slid down the wall, landing face down on the floor.

Neji chuckled hollowly, "I warned you, Hinata-sama."He spit the title out as a curse. "You are destined to fall to my feet, just as I would have done if I was not your better."

Naruto could only watch in slowly building rage as Hinata got up on her knees, seemingly unharmed, with her head still bowed and arm up against the wall. Slowly raising her head, it shocked all attendees of the battle that her eyes were glowing a bright, bloody red.

Neji took a step back, with the barest hint of confusion in his eyes, then returned emotionless as he once again charged at her with the intent to kill. Palms open, Byakugan activated, Neji was throw back by a psychic pulse that swept everyone off their feet.

Up in the rafters, Orochimaru's mumble of, "such power! I must have it!", went unnoticed as Kurenai screamed Hinata's name in worry.

Naruto gave a small chuckle at the situation. Neji had practically ran away and clung to Tenten in fear. He shook his head, then appeared next to Hinata and slipped her necklace back on. She then fainted from sheer exhaustion into his arms. He smiled down at her sleeping face then turned around and sweat dropped at the look his fellow genins and jounins were giving him.

"Naruto, can you please explain what just happened and what you did before we wake Hinata to tell us and go commando on your ass?" Kakashi asked/commanded as Naruto looked around nervously.

"Gotta jet!" Naruto screamed as he disappeared in a yellow and orange flash.

This is a line

A/N Well, I redid the chapter because I know I can do better than, what, 5 lines? Anyway, I'll try to update on Saturdays from now on, kay? Oh, and the "u" key is being a bitch on the laptop, so don't blame me if I miss a "U" in any word.

XOX, Violet Namikaze