Over the years, Becky has learned a lot from Coach. She's learned how to be a great heckler. How to be a great co-captain of the Cheerios. How to make sure people feared her. How to always keep an eye out for any chances to do evil. Becky tries her best to do all the things Coach teaches her as much as she can, but sometimes, she still gets disappointed.
She can't join glee club, and she isn't the prom queen.
But, Becky knows that life isn't fair. The best thing she's learned from Coach is to not feel sorry about the losses. Just to feel great about the victories.
Coach doesn't ask her to, but Becky does it anyway. When Coach goes to the hospital and has her baby, Becky asks her mom to drive her over.
Part of what Coach taught her is being a good teammate. Supporting her team. And that means, supporting her coach.
No one else is visiting. Coach is alone in the room. Or so Becky thinks, until she hears a cry from the bundle of blankets in Coach's arms.
"Is it like you said?" Becky asks. "Is she just like me?"
"Yep, kiddo, she is just like you," Coach confirms, looking like she might start crying.
Becky leans in for a closer look, and can finally see the baby's face. She gasps and smiles. "Oh my gosh, Coach. She's perfect."
"Thanks, Becky. I think so, too." Coach says, with a smile.
The End.