A/N: For Tokka Week. Originally I was going to do all the prompts, all on time. Well that went straight to hell. I'll be doing all the prompts, except super late. So here's a tiny drabble for the Day 1 prompt: Bending the Rules.
Toph Beifong walked in like she owned the place. Everyone at city hall cleared an enormous path for the chief of police, more a force of nature than a short, thin woman.
Sokka's door opened with a huge whoosh.
"Oh. It's time for the weekly check in, isn't it. You can just place the-" he stopped short when he realized how angry she was. She immediately started talking after he trailed off.
"Life is difficult enough for me, what with Lin and all, but all this gang activity just puts it over the top." She slammed a huge stack of paperwork down on Sokka's desk (and onto his hand, but he didn't dare point that out to her), but rather than leaving, she continued pacing around his office.
"Those lily-livered cowards think they can just break the rules-"
Sokka looked up from eyeing the pages disdainfully to smile stupidly at her.
"-of my city, and get away with it? Fools, all of them. The whole city has been on my case lately and-"
"Toph," he snickered.
"-it's like I can't keep up with their goddamn expectations. Do you know how much money it's costing me to mobilize all these-"
"-task forces that we don't need? But I have to keep doing it to keep everyone satisfied. Still! No results-"
"The Triads don't break the rules..." He paused and Toph's milky eyes narrowed. "They bend them!"
He grinned expectantly at her.
The bruise on his arm still hurt a week afterwards.