The Winchesters Sister – Dark Eyes prologue

This story is basically just like what it would be like if Sam and Dean had a little sister.

so dean is 4 years older than sam well say that dean is 26 in this story and sam is 22 so that's like around season 2 or 3 that doesn't really matter that much its just so you could kind of get an idea. So to let you know what I'm taking from the show even though they r like 5 years older everything that has happened in the show has happened in the story so I'm not even gonna write about it but even if u don't watch the show it will still make sense and I will prob take some things that happened to sam and dean in the show and use it in the story just so you know and so there little sister is 17 years old Alison winchester (ali for short) I know this isn't how it works in the show but I don't want her to be a half-sister so just pretend mary didn't die till she had ali. I know its weird but oh well. Hope you enjoy my Winchester story!