Heads up: This AU and does not tie into my other IZ stories.


What if...?


"You have a mother?"

"Tak, it's hard to explain..."

"You have a mother?"

"It never occurred to me that I should have probably told you-"

"You have a MOTHER?"


When Tak's piercing glare caught his eye, he chuckled nervously. "Heh, my bad... Old habit..."

"Its a daily habit, if I remember correctly," Tak retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

Zim rolled his eyes. "Anyway... To answer your question: Yes. I have a mother."

"We've been together for how long and you decided to tell me I have a mother-in-law now?"

"I didn't think much of it..."

"That explains it."

"Point is: She's been on her way here for a while, so she should be arriving on Earth tomorrow-"

Tak's eyes nearly bulged out of her eye sockets. "She's coming TOMORROW?"

"Of course-"


"I didn't think-"


Instead of shouting 'silence' again for the sake of keeping himself safe from Tak's rage, he only gave her a blank stare. "Hmm... I wonder who you're starting to sound like." He gave a suggestive wink to prove his point.

Tak felt her cheeks grow warm. She glared at Zim once more, but not as harshly or threateningly as before. "Shut up, Zim." Crap, he's right... We've been spending way to much time together. "What are we going to do?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Your mom is coming here TOMORROW and doesn't know her son has a mate and a smeet on the way?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course she knows about you!"

"What about our smeet?" She placed her hand on her slowly rounding belly to prove a point.

Zim chuckled nervously, "I didn't think she'd have to know... Not now, anyway..."

Tak could have sworn she felt a vein in her forehead burst from the fury and rage she immediately felt at Zim's words, but for the sake of her unborn smeet kicking inside her at that moment, Tak held the anger back, simply darkening her glare at him. "You. Are. An. Idiot." With that she got up and left, leaving a slightly insulted Zim alone on the living room couch as he watched her go.

"You know it's a turn on!" Zim called out after her, scratching the back of his head in shame when he realized she was right: He was an idiot.

A/N: (another) little side project story based on a picture I saw on deviantArt where Zim had a mom. It was a comedic picture where his mom was kinda a bitch. XD It's an AU little fun side story. AU. Meaning: yes Tak is pregnant in this (like around the time Parenthood takes place, but this is not part of Parenthood at all because we know Zim had a cold, unfeeling robot arm. Yes, I KNOW THAT. This is just for FUN because this is FANFICTION.

Anyway, review if you can. :) Small ideas would be appreciated it!