Author's Note: Hi. This is my first Mentalist fanfiction. I just got a random inspiration and ran with it, so I hope you all enjoy. Please read and review! =3

Teresa Lisbon sat at her desk looking at all the paperwork she had to do, but was too distracted to be able to actually work on it. Today was the day her second niece was going to be dropped off. Melody Lisbon. Teresa had met her only once when she had managed to make it back home for Christmas last year. James was quite proud of his daughter, the woman that was the little girl's mother was not so receiving to her new role in life so did everything she could to avoid it. At least, that's what James had said. James needed to leave for work for the month. Tommy couldn't watch both Melody and Annie, though Annie had been very enthusiastic to spend the month helping to babysit-especially since it would have looked good to her dad and would have earned her some favours. Teresa didn't have the heart to refuse watching her youngest niece for the month, especially when James was working so hard, so she had agreed to it. The phone on her desk rang and Lisbon jumped slightly before picking it up.

"Lisbon." She answered in her usual, serious tone and then listened to the voice on the other end of the line. "Alright. Thank you. Send them up." Lisbon sighed after she hung up. She had already informed the team about their guest, now it was time for them to finally meet her. Lisbon filed away some of the papers and packed some others in her briefcase to complete later, then got up and went to the elevator to greet James and Melody. The elevator pinged and the doors opened just as Lisbon was approaching. Her brother and her niece stepped out.

"Teresa." James greeted cheerfully as he stood the roll-along suitcase he was dragging off to the side so he could give his sister a hug.

"Hello." Teresa smiled and returned his hug before pulling away and looking down at the little girl that was standing beside her father. She smiled down at Melody. Last time Teresa had seen her, Melody had been three. Now she was four, almost five.

"Hi, Teresa." Melody said with a beaming, innocent smile. Her dark hair was pulled back into two pigtails and her eyes were just as big and bright piercing turquoise as they had been before. She wore a furry, teddy bear shaped back pack, tie-dyed t-shirt, black soccer shorts and sparkly purple gladiator sandals.

"Hi, Melody. You've grown."

The four year old nodded enthusiastically, still smiling. "And I can read big kid novel books."

"Congratulations." Lisbon leaned down and gave the girl a hug.

"She's really excited." James said quietly, with a thankful smile when Teresa stood back up. "Thank you. Again."

"It's no problem. Don't worry about it." Lisbon smiled.

"Do you want me to help get her stuff in your car or-"

"No, it's alright. You have a plane to catch. Just put it in my office. That'll be fine for now."

"Is it a big office?" Melody asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty big, for an office at least." Lisbon smiled.

"And do I get to meet your team like Daddy said?" Melody asked.

"Yes." Lisbon answered as James grabbed the rolling suitcase and they made their way to her office. Melody walked excitedly with them. When they passed the bullpen, she glanced through the door, trying to get a sneak peek.

Lisbon opened her office door for them and James walked in and rested the rolling suitcase on the side of the white couch. Melody followed, lagging a bit behind as she observed the new setting.

"She has her Nintendo DS and her favourite video games in her teddy bear bag." James started to explain.

"His name is Sir Stitch-a-Lot." Melody corrected her father and both the adults turned to look at her where she was standing just inside the doorway.

Lisbon gave a small smile of amusement.

"Right." James said, then corrected himself. "Sir Stitch-a-Lot is also holding her new book that she's reading and her yo-yo."

"Where did he get that name?" Lisbon asked as the smile grew a bit.

James sighed. "She found at some kind of rummage sale thing while we were on a trip for her fourth birthday and so I bought him for her. After we washed him, we found some rips so I helped her stitch him back together...but she insisted on using the yellow and neon green thread. When you actually look at him, you'll see it."

"Aw. That's actually really cute." Lisbon chuckled.

Melody got bored waiting by the door so she silently slipped out as her father was explaining about the colouring books and other things he had packed to entertain her. She wandered just across the hallway and cautiously peeked around one of the entrances to the bullpen. To her left she saw a young red haired woman, typing away at her computer and looking very focused. To her right and on the far wall a muscular looking man with dark hair who was also working at a desk and at the desk behind him was an also muscular looking and hard at work Asian man. What peaked her curiosity was the blond, curly haired man asleep on the couch that rested against the far wall across from the red haired agent. Police weren't allowed to sleep on the job...were they? No one else was sleeping. She stepped quietly into the bullpen and then took a few more steps, observing the other agents who were all working. Further to her right she saw a small kitchen. Maybe Teresa could get her something to eat. She had convinced her dad that she hadn't been hungry on the plane because their food was gross, but she was quite hungry now. Some of the agents glanced over at her so she smiled and waved. The muscular man in the first desk to her right returned her gesture and so did the red haired agent. Melody turned to go back and see how her father and aunt were doing but ran right into her aunt on her way out.

"There you are." Her father sighed as he bent down and scooped her up. "No running off on Teresa like that, you understand?" He said, placing his daughter on his hip and looked her in the eyes.

"Yes." Melody nodded.

"Okay. I have to leave now, and Teresa is going to take care of you while I'm gone. What should you remember?"

"Don't touch Teresa's gun." Melody recited.


"And don't touch anyone else's gun or files."


"Don't be really noisy when I'm in the work building."


"Don't distract everyone."


Melody furrowed her brow, not thinking there was anything else he had told her that she had to remember.

"What's the most important thing that you always have to remember, no matter what?"

Realisation crossed Melody's face. "You love me and are proud of me." Melody smiled, knowing that she had the right answer.

James smile. "Atta girl!" He kissed her on the forehead and she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Daddy." Melody kissed him on the cheek.

James passed Melody over to his sister and gave them both one final hug. "I'll see you in a month, Melody Teresa Lisbon. Be good." He smiled and waved at everyone and then left. Teresa stood there, holding Melody and they waved until the elevator doors shut behind James.

By this time most of the team had put aside their work and gathered around Teresa and Melody. Jane seemed to be especially interested in the recent happenings. He had gotten a heads up just like everyone else, sure, but now he was actually seeing it unfold.

"So he named his daughter after his older sister." Jane said, amused.

"Well I think it's really cute." Grace shot Jane a small glare, warning him not to make fun.

"Yeah. I like my name." Melody piped up from where she rested on Lisbon's hip. She was smiling as she had been from the moment she walked in with her dad. She looked at Lisbon. "Is this your team?"

"Yes. This is my team."

Van Pelt stepped forward first with a smile on her face and held out her hands to take Melody. "I'm Grace Van Pelt." she introduced herself when Lisbon passed the little girl over.

Melody gave her a hug and said hello. "I like your hair." She took a handful and ran her fingers through it. "It's a pretty colour."

"Thank you." Grace smiled and then gave her to Rigsby.

"Who are you?" Melody asked him.

"I'm Wayne Rigsby."

Melody's eyes grew wide and her mouth made an O shape. "Like Batman Wayne?"

Everyone bit back giggles and Rigsby smiled.

"Yeah. Like Batman." He nodded. Being compared to a super hero. Not bad.

Melody was then given to Cho.

"Hello. I'm Kimball Cho." He said in his usual deadpan expression.

Melody just looked at him for a moment. "Are you angry?" She finally asked.




"Then why aren't you smiling?"

Cho just shrugged.

"Do you know how to smile?" Melody asked.


"Show me."


"So I know you can for sure."

Cho did nothing.

Melody's brows furrowed slightly then took her pointy fingers and placed one on each end of Cho's mouth, pushing the corners upward into a forced smile. "See? It's really easy."

Cho turned his head slightly to move his mouth away from her fingers.

"Melody. That's not nice." Lisbon chastised lightly and stepped forward, taking Melody from Cho's arms. "You can't force people to smile if they don't want to."

Melody looked at her aunt and sighed. "Okay."

Regardless of whether it was nice or not, everyone had to bite back more laughter. Jane was more entertained by Melody then he thought he would be.

"Aren't you all forgetting someone?" He asked, referring to the fact no one had given him Melody so he could introduce himself.

Lisbon gave him a sceptical look. "I think she's had enough introductions for one day. I don't need you corrupting Melody too."

Melody looked up at Lisbon and then over to Jane. She gave him a wave and a smile.

"Aw, come on, Lisbon. I'm not going to hurt her. Annie's fine." Jane playfully whined.

Lisbon raised a brow.

"Don't worry, Teresa." Melody patted her aunt's shoulder. "If he tries to hurt me or give me the core-up-ting, you can stop him."

Lisbon looked over at her niece and sighed. Jane was going to introduce himself by force if she didn't let him now.

Jane stepped forward and held out his arms, taking Melody from Lisbon. "I'm Patrick Jane."

"Why do you have a girl name?"

"It's my last name." Jane told her.

"But why is it a girl name?" Melody's brows furrowed again.

"Because that's what the universe wanted my name to be." Jane replied.

"Okay." Melody said. There was a low grumble that came from her stomach and she slapped a hand over it and turned to look at Lisbon. "Teresa? Can I have some food? I'm hungry."

"Didn't you eat super on the plane?" Lisbon asked. The last time she checked the clock, it was eight PM, and that was when she'd gotten the call to let her know they were here.

Melody wrinkled her nose. "Their food is gross. I told Daddy that I wasn't hungry. I had a sandwich while we were waiting for the air plane."

Lisbon was about to say that they could go get some food when a voice from behind her beat her to talking.

"Lisbon? Do you have a minute?"

Everyone turned to see Wainwright standing in the nearest entrance to the bullpen.

"Hello." Melody called to him, smiling and waving. Clearly she wasn't much of a shy girl.

Wainwright gave her a small smile and waved back, not wanting to ignore her.

Lisbon was stuck in a moment of conflict, looking between her niece and her boss. Which should she pick first?

"Maybe I can get some food myself..." Melody offered.

"I'll take her, boss." Rigsby said as Jane put Melody down.

"Yes, send her to get some food with the food master." Jane joked and sent Rigsby a toothy smile.

Rigsby just rolled his eyes and took Melody's hand.

"Thank you." Lisbon said to Rigsby. Then she looked at Melody. "I'll see you in a few minutes. Go find something tasty with Rigsby."

"Okay." Melody nodded, happily, then looked up at Rigsby. "Come on, Batman. Let's go get some food."