
When she had first been properly introduced to Sesshomaru, she had responded and very promptly began to threaten him. He had readily accepted this and responded in kind. It had been, if anything, a very colorful introduction. It had began the first spark of attraction on both their parts, and it had made it very clear to the other that if anything, the other was a very strong ally to have on their side. A worthy ally who would both defend their beloved ones to the very end, wait for five hundred years for the other, and defy time itself to meet. It was the start of a dance between the two, and it was the start of a beautiful thing.

And it had been the beginning of a relationship that was, if anything, interesting.

"I love you."she said one day, after years of marriage.

He had simply smiled, a smile full of so many emotions and so many secrets that she only knew, and told her;

"I love you as well." easily and truthfully. She had smiled in turn, the same emotions and the same secrets dancing within the shape of her smile.

Interesting, indeed.

AN: I do not own Inuyasha, it belongs to its various publishers, animation company, and its wonderful Mangakai. This is me simply playing around with their awesome characters.

Wow. A year later and this is where it ends. Its a little bitter-sweet for me, finishing this story(first long fan-fiction to finish, even if it was a drabble series!), and I have to say that its been both an honor and a privileged to have you all come along with me with this. It's been great my dear readers, and thank you very much for coming along.


Moon Witch

P.S. Any questions, complaints, comments, written tongue lashings, please feel free to PM or review.