James Potter was running for his life? No.
Correction: James Potter was running for his love life.
"James? James!" Tiffany yelled after the boy, completely clueless about him not fancying her, at all. "I'm coming James!"
James swerved between the other students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, trying to lose her and ignore the freezing winter air at the same time. He knew nothing about this girl, just that she was completely mental and in her fifth year. Oh, and that his best friend Sirius Black had just dumped her sorry butt. He didn't even know which house she wa—"Alright James! I'll just meet you in the common room!" Okay, so now he knew her house…
"Bloody hell!" He wailed. He always has been awful at turning girls down, especially when they cried. He was only in his 6th year, after all. What to do, what to do?
He paused, an idea forming in his head. Yes, yes. This was a keeper! He felt a grin spread across his face, much like in the muggle movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".
He clapped his hands together and began walking towards the common room again.
"James?!" Tiffany yelped.
Scratch that, he was sprinting. He almost fell off the revolving stair case twice.
He burst through the painting, checking over his shoulder for Tiffany. No sign of her—yet. He let out a deep breath, searching around the common room for a certain someone he had been looking for.
There she was! She was a vision in a sweatshirt, leggings, boots and a knit hat. (It was the weekend, after all.) She always amazed him with the incredibly muggle clothes she tended to wear, telling him they wear hand-me-downs from her older sister, Petunia. James ran over to Lily Evans desperately.
"Evans! I need your help!" He yelled. Making the other two people in the common room look at him curiously, but they soon went back to their business.
Lily turned around abruptly at the sound of the panic in James's voice, making the shoulder of her over-sized muggle sweatshirt fall over. "Potter?" She took in the sight of him, her heart skipping a beat.
His hair was ruffled, and he was wearing khakis and a black coat, making his black rectangular glasses stand out. "Potter, what's wrong?" She asked.
His eyes slipped over the sight of her bare shoulder before returning back to her bright green eyes. "I need you to kiss me." He said, very seriously.
Lily snorted, sitting down in a fluffy red chair and throwing her feet over the side. "Please, Potter. You're starting to sound pathetic." She opened her favorite book— Hogwarts, A History.
"No, no! C'mon! There's a girl chasing after me and if she sees that I'm currently unavailable, she'll leave me be! C'mon Evans! Besides," James added with a smirk, waggling his eyebrows in her face, "You know you want to!"
Lily threw her head back, laughing so hard. "Oh Potter, you and your petty little girl problems." She looked at him again. "And that last statement really just made me not want to kiss you." She stated, without realizing that she just admitted that she did, in fact, want to kiss him.
Upon noticing her mistake, she turned scarlet and slapped her hand to her forehead. "Oh bloody hell…"
James grinned from ear to ear, and stuck his finger in her face. "Aha! I knew it!" He exclaimed, dancing around in a circle, then returned to facing Lily.
"Pucker up Evans!" He grinned down at the blushing red head. He surveyed her standing up slowly. He couldn't believe she was actually doing this!
Lily felt like she was going to explode. Her first kiss! Okay, calm down Lily, you don't want to scare him.
"You owe me one Potter…" She mumbled as she leaned in. James grinned, put his hands on her face and pulled her in. He could even feel her face heat up under his fingers. He didn't, however, notice Tiffany standing at the Portrait hole, jealousy evident on her bright red face.
Lily did notice, none the less. She pulled away and grabbed James's hand, lacing her fingers through his. She couldn't help but notice how perfect this felt, even if it was an act. She blushed and looked up at him with a small smile on her face.
James had a goofy grin on his face, until he heard a huff come from the portrait hole. He looked just in time to see Tiffany turn on her heel and stomp out of the common room, slamming the portrait hole shut.
Lily smiled smugly. She slowly let go of his hand before plopping back down in the chair and resuming her original position, opening her book, and pretending to read. In reality, her head was spinning from the kiss and the expression on his face before he saw Tiffany.
She wasn't surprised it was Tiffany, she had just broken up with Sirius. Usually when girls go out with Sirius, they move on to James, or vice versa. Her smile widened.
James pulled up a chair close to Lily's directly across from her. So close, his leg was touching her hip. "So. How was it?" He cooed.
Lily giggled, "You still owe me Potter." She tapped her chin sarcastically, "Now, what should I make you do?"
James chuckled, but leaned closer. "It's not like you didn't like it, Evans." He wanted to get up and dance again when he saw how he had made her breathe hitch by just getting nearer to her.
"You really must work on your arrogance, Potter." She replied, patting his head. She got up to leave and grabbed her book smiling sweetly and saying, "See you around."
He watched her leave out through the portrait of the Fat Lady, and stayed in the chair for about twenty minutes before Sirius came in. He couldn't stop thinking about her, the kiss, her smell, her hair (oh Merlin, her hair) her smile, the way he made her blush and OH MERLIN HE WAS GOING TO GO INSANE.
"Prongsy boo," Sirius said excitedly, "I heard you got some from Evans!" Sirius nudged James in the ribs playfully.
James shot up out of his chair. Whoa, not the response Sirius expected. "What?! Who told you that?!" He yelled furiously. "It happened, like, a half an hour ago!" He gestured towards his watch frustratedly.
Sirius took a step back, shock evident on his face. "Tiffany's going around telling everyone that you and Evans were getting it on in the common room…"
James rolled his eyes and grabbed his hair with both his hands. "No, no, no! We just kissed! That's it, an innocent little kiss. Yeah, should've known Tiffany would do that. Wait, why are you talking to Tiffany again? You two broke up yesterday!"
Sirius turned a light shade of pink. "She came to see me and apologized for being too clingy… She was pretty persuasive, mate." He gave James a half smile, "But right after we got back together she told me about you and Evans, and told me to go ask you since I didn't believe her."
James ran both his hands through his hair. "Sirius! Lily's going to be so pissed! The whole school's going to think we shagged or something, and…"
James paused. "Did I just call her Lily?"
Sirius chuckled and nodded. "You did." He smiled wider and began patting his back as he left leaving James to think.
"Oh and don't worry." Sirius added before leaving, "I'm on my way to dump Tiffany. A cute Hufflepuff was giving me the look anyway." He swaggered away.
James rolled his eyes. "What would the world do without Sirius Black?"
He shuffled around the common room, realizing how much he loved to say the word Lily. But eventually felt he need some air, so he stepped through the portrait hole and jogged outside, disappearing in the white blanket of snow.
Meanwhile, Lily was in the Library. She usually spent her weekends here, sometimes with Remus Lupin. They had a spot somewhat near the back, and not many people knew about it. There were two chairs and piles of books that Lily and Remus have torn though in one sitting. He was the only person she actually enjoyed being around that loved books as much as her.
But alas, today she was alone. Completely engrossed in a book, she didn't notice that two hours had passed. Upon realizing this, she gathered her things and got up to leave.
When she found her way out of Library, she returned the book to the clerk and stepped outside. At first, she hadn't even noticed the smirks and stares, before a Slytherin approached her. "So, Evans, is it free or did he have to pay?" He reached his arm around her. Lily was dumbfounded, she had no idea what he was talking about. So she just stared, feeling her eyebrows crawl higher and higher up her face.
"You know exactly what I mean, so don't look at me like that." His finger began tracing her collar bone. "I'd be willing…"
"Avery, stop." Severus Snape spat harshly. Lily sent Severus a thank-you look, but he wasn't looking at her. He was glaring at Avery with such intensity that it gave Lily goosebumps.
"Thank you, Sev…" Lily breathed, still nervous about having Avery (of all people!) touch her that way. He looked over at her fiercely. "How-How could you?" Lily looked shocked, but he just shook his head. "Go- just go."
Lily was so confused, but she left before she started crying in front of everyone. Because really, the whole court yard was watching.
She got many glares from girls she didn't even know in the hallway and sniggers from boys she's never even seen before. She even got whistled at a few times. When she finally reached the portrait whole she wanted to cry with relief. "What in the Wizarding World is going on?" She yelled, frustrated. She slammed the painting shut.
She almost wanted to leave again.
Tiffany was standing in the middle of a bunch of fifth years, pointing and laughing, directly at Lily. At this point, Lily was really rather sick of this funny business. "Something funny, girls?" Lily spat out, emphasizing the last word. She realized most of the Gryffindor house was in the common room at the moment.
Tiffany smirked. "Oh nothing, we were all just wondering how big James is. I'm guess it was his first time too?"
Ah, Lily thought. So that's why everyone was acting so strange. Lily just laughed, even though she was trying to hide tears, but they weren't evident. "How does it feel, Tiffany? Having to make up lies about other people to make you feel better for being turned down by James? Oh, and dumped by Sirius."
Tiffany stood up a bit straighter. "Sirius and I got back together, thank you very much." Lily's left eyebrow raised, staring at Tiffany.
They stayed like this for a moment before everyone in the Gryffindor common room heard Sirius yell, "Oh bloody hell, I forgot!" He scrambled out of his seat by the fireplace.
"Go! Go, c'mon. Just do it!" Peter Pettigrew and Remus were urging Sirius forward.
Sirius and Tiffany had a quiet conversation, while everyone in the common room exchanged glances, knowing full well what was going on. When they were finished talking, Sirius walked away, a small smile evident on his face.
Lily rolled her eyes. She seriously felt sorry for Tiffany, but she took it too far. Tiffany glared at Lily, waiting for her to say something.
Lily just shook her head and pushed past her and the rest of the Gryffindors so she could get up to her dorm room. Out of the blue, everyone in the room turned dead silent, and Lily heard the painting swing shut.
Please don't be James…
There he was. All of the problems in her life. The only problem in her life. But then again, the only good thing in her life. His glasses were askew, his hair going in every direction. There was even mud splashed on his pants.
"James…" Lily said quietly. She shook her head and made her way up to her dorm, without looking back, despite hearing the calls from Sirius and James.
Review? Love it? Hate it? Should I stop? Lemme know!
~Kat xx